My Star Wars CCG Dream Cards

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This Is My Darkside Deck!!!

These are my dream cards that I've created for the Star Wars Customizable Card Game. At you can post your dream cards on a message board. I am known as Admiral Pellaeon there.

Destiny:2 Name:Chazrach Type:Alien (Darkside) Lore:Short, reptillian people enslaved by the Yuuzhan Vong through use of biotechnology. Have trouble using normal amphistaffs and thus must use stiff amphistaffs. Because of their expendability, they are often used as SCOUTs before a mission. Power:1 Ability:1 Game Text:Deploys -1 and power +1 at same site as a Yuuzhan Vong. Amphistaff may be deployed on Chazrach but subtract one from weapon destiny draws of it. Deploy:2 Forfeit:3

Destiny:5 Name:*Legacy of Torment Type: Capital Starship:Grand Cruiser (darkside) Lore:The flagship of Shedao Shai, this Yuuzhan Vong Grand Cruiser is one of the strongest (and largest) ships in the Vong fleet. Power:15 Armor:10 Hyperspeed:4 Deploy:11 Forfeit:10 Permanent Pilot/ Nav computer Game Text:When Shedao Shai aboard, add 1 to Power and Forfeit. May add unlimited pilots or passengers, vehicles, and starfighters. Coralskippers deploy -1 to same site. Has ship docking capability. Permanent pilot aboard provides ability of two.

Destiny:5 Name:*Yomin Carr Type:Alien (darkside) Lore:Yuuzhan Vong who worked as a SPY in the ExGal facility on Belkadan. Almost disabled R2-D2. Power:3 Ability:3 Game Text:Deploys only to Belkadan, a site with another Yuuzhan Vong, or any Yuuzhan Vong starship. Power +1 at same site as any droid, but droid is power -1. If deployed on Belkadan, and is the only Yuuzhan Vong on the planet, may not be attacked until he has attacked. Deploy:3 Forfeit:4

System Lightside Name:MZX33291 Lightside Text:Force:2 If you control, opponent's gametext is cancelled. Darkside:Force:1 Your starships move to here for free.

Site Darkside Name:MZX33291:Slashrat Killing Grounds Lightside:Force:0 Add one to each of your weapon destiny draws here. Darkside:Force:1 Your Slashrats are power +1 and deploy -1 here.

Destiny:4 Lightside Name:Killball Type:Lost Interrupt Pic:a bunch of slashrats all moving in a blur around some poor animal. Lore:Slashrats secrete a smell on their prey which makes other slashrats attack the prey and the surrounding slashrats. Smells really bad. Game Text:If one of your characters or droids at a planet site,was attacked by a more than one creature in this same turn, character is lost and so are all opponent's creatures and creature vehicles at related planet sites.

Destiny:2 Name:Slashrat Type:Creature Darkside Selective creature Lore:Natives of MZX33291. Use tail blade and sharp teeth to attack victims. Cover them in "killsent" to attract other slashrats. If another slashrat is injured, they will attack it. Avoid the smell of decaying slashrats. Hide and swim in sand. Ferocity:4 Swiftness:4 Game text:Ferocity +1 for every other Slashrat at related sites. Deploys only to MZX33291 or any desert. Landspeed=3 unless not at a desert site, where landspeed=2. If any Slashrat was "hit" by opponent's weapon and is within range, may move to same site for free.

Destiny:3 Symbol:Starship (Private) Name:TIE Wing Type:Starfighter (lightside) Lore:Common "Ugly" used by criminal fleets and private armies. Built using a TIE Fighter cockpit and Y-Wing engines for an overall cheap, efficient fighter. Smaller cockpit provides stronger hyperspeed. Permanent Pilot/Nav computer Power:2 Manuever:3 Hyperspeed:4 Game text:Immune to attrition <3 while at same system as any private starship. Proton torpedoes may deploy aboard. permanent pilot provides ability of 1. Deploy:2 Forfeit:1

Destiny:4 Symbol:Starship (private) Name:X-Ceptor Type:Starfighter (lightside) Lore:Common "Ugly" used by criminal fleets and private armies. Built using an X-Wing cockpit and TIE Interceptor wings. Somewhat stronger and more manueverable than other Uglies. Use firing mechanism very similar to that of an X-Wing. Power:3 Manuever:4 Hyperspeed:3 Permanent Pilot/Nav Computer Game Text:Proton torpedoes and X-Wing laser cannon may deploy aboard. Permanent pilot provides ability of 1. Deploy:2 Forfeit:2

Destiny:2 Symbol:Starship Name:Bothan Assault Cruiser Type:Capital Starship (lightside) Lore:Built by the New Republic shortly before the Yuuzhan Vong invasion to supplement the Republic's aging fleet. Power:7 Armor:5 Game Text:If a ship damaged by a Plasma Cannon flees to same location, may use 1 force to repair it back to full power. Permanent pilot provides ability of 1. May add 8 pilots or passengers. May carry 4 starfighters, one vehicle, and has ship-docking capability. Permanent Pilot/Navcomputer/scomp Deploy:5 Forfeit:5

Destiny:4 Symbol:Alien Name:*Urias Xhaxin Type:Character (lightside Lore:Pirate, ship THIEF, SMUGGLER, and occasional GANGSTER. Commands the Free Lance...or at least he did until the Vong showed up. Power:3 Ability:4 Force Attuned Pilot/Warrior Game Text: Adds 1 to power of anything he pilots. While aboard Free Lance, adds one battle destiny if not able to otherwise and adds an additional 1 to power. X-Ceptors and TIE wings deploy -1 while on table. Deploy:4 Forfeit:6

Symbol:Starship (private) Name:*Free Lance Type:Capital Starship (lightside) Lore:A old, heavily modified Nebulon-B frigate, the Free Lance is the main ship in Urias Xhaxin's fleet. Was brutally attacked by Yuuzhan Vong Coral skippers and forced to make a blind hyperjump and seek refuge in an asteroid field. Destiny:2 Power:6 Armor:5 Hyperspeed:4 Game Text: May add 4 pilots or passengers. May carry 5 starfighters and 2 vehicles. Has Ship-docking capability. Armor -1 and Hyperspeed +1 at same system as any Coral Skipper. Add two to asteroid destiny draws. Permanent pilot provides ability of 2. Deploy:5 Forfeit:5

Destiny:2 Symbol:Alien Name:*Nom Anor Type:Character (darkside) Lore:Yuuzhan Vong Executor. Acted as a SPY and stirred up disputes in the New Republic to distract efforts away from the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. The people of Peace Brigade are a group of his agents. Game Text:Peace Brigade starships and characters are deploy -1 while Nom Anor on table. If at same site as any of opponent's characters, any of your starships, vehicles, and characters may deploy from your hand to same site as a 'react'. Power +1 at same site as any droid, though the droid is power -1. Warrior Deploy:7 Forfeit:7 Power:6 Ability:3

Destiny:5 Symbol:effect Name:***Baffor Pollen Type:effect Lightside Lore:New Republic forces discovered that Gametext:Deploy at any location for 2 force.All of opponents characters at related planet sites wearing Vonduun Crab Armor are placed in lost pile.

Destiny:3 Symbol:Starship Name:*Ralroost Type:Capital Starship Lightside Lore:A Bothan Assault Cruiser under the command of Admiral Kre'fey, it discovered the remains of Urias Xhaxin's "Free Lance". It also led a large portion of the defense team in an effort to protect and evacuate Ithor. Power:7 Armor:5 Hyperspeed:4 GameText:Power +1 when Admiral Kre'fey is aboard. Modified Ithorian Herdships are Hyperspeed +1 when traveling FROM same location. If a ship damaged by a Plasma Cannon flees to same location, may use 1 force to repair it back to full power. Permanent pilot provides ability of 1. May add 8 pilots or passengers. May carry 4 starfighters, one vehicle, and has ship-docking capability. Permanent Pilot/Navcomputer/scomp Deploy:6 Forfeit:5

Destiny:2 Symbol:Vehicle Name:Modified Ithorian Herdship Type:Shuttle Vehicle lightside Lore:When a Yuuzhan Vong attack on Ithor was immenent, the New Republic modified the floating Ithorian Herdships with light sheilds and subspace engines to evacuate the Ithorian population before things got messy. Power:0 Armor:2 No Hyperspeed Game Text:May move, deploy, and be targetted like a starfighter. Power +2 when not attacking. Ithorians are deploy -1 aboard. Baffor tree pollen deploys for free at same system. May add 10 passengers or pilots and up to 3 creatures. Permanent pilot provides ability of 1. May be towed by a starship with hyperspeed to another system for an added one force. May be present in system (not just on planet sites and sectors). Permanent pilot/Scomp Deploy:4 forfeit:5

Name:Claw fighter (lightside) Type:STARFIGHTER Lore:Attack ships of the Imperial Remnant. Built and piloted by Chiss, an alien species from the Unknown regions. Picture:TIE fighter with four wings pointing forward and no solar pannels Power:3 Manuever:5 Hyperspeed:2 Deploy:4 Forfeit:5 PERMANENT PILOT/NAV COMPUTER May add one pilot, who must be a Chiss. Deploy -1 if "Chiss Domain" is on Table.

Name:Chiss Domain lightside Type:Location Parsec:9 Lightside text:Force 1 Clawfighters and Chiss are power +1 and deploy -1 here. None of your ships other than your Chiss vessels may be present here. Darkside text:Force 1 You may not deploy or transfer Imperial cards here. Yuuzhan Vong starships are power -2 here.

Name:Chiss Type:Character (Alien) lightside Lore:The species of Grand Admiral Thrawn, this species from the Unknown Regions forms the better half of the Imperial Remnant's pilots. Power:1 Ability:3 Force Attuned PILOT Adds 1 to power of anything it pilots, 2 to any starship, and 3 to any Clawfighter Deploy:2 Forfeit:3

Name:*Narht Tendo Type:Character lightside imperial Lore:A Chiss LEADER who leads the 58th squadron of Clawfighters protecting the Chiss Domain. Power:2 Ability:4 Force Attuned PILOT/WARRIOR Adds 2 to power of anyhting he pilots, 3 to any Clawfighter. Deploy:3 Forfeit:4

Symbol:Imperial Name:*Jagged Fel Type:Character Lightside Lore:One of the few Human clawfighter pilots, he's the LEADER of the Chiss squadron. Son of the leader of the 181st Imperial fighter group. Nephew of Wedge Antilles. Despises politicians. Power:2 Ability:4 Force Attuned PILOT/WARRIOR Adds 4 to power and manuever of anything he pilots. May pilot clawfighters. When flying a clawfighter in battle, all darkside starfighters are manuever -1 and deploy +1 at same location. Deploy:5 Forfeit:4

Symbol:Weapon Name:Dovin Basal Type:Starship Weapon Darkside Lore:Living creature used to produce gravity wells and provide propulsion in Yuuzhan Vong ships, though not at the same time. Gametext:Use 3 force to deploy on any Yuuzhan Vong or Peace Brigade starship. Adds 2 to power when defending a battle. Adds 2 to manuever of a starfighter or hyperspeed of a capital starship when not defending a battle.Subtract 2 from opponents weapon destiny draws against this ship. Destiny:3

Symbol:Alien Name:Yuuzhan Vong Type:Character Darkside Lore:Invaders from beyond the galaxy. Skillful warriors with no fear of pain. Completely outside of the Force. Despise machinery. Power:3 Agility:1 Game Text: May not board non-Yuuzhan Vong ships. Power +1 at same site as any droid. Any droids at same site are power -1 and game text is cancelled. May not wield blaster or any non-yuuzhan vong firing weapon. Deploy:2 Forfeit:4 Warrior

Symbol:Weapon Name:Amphistaff Type:Character Weapon Lore:Snakelike creature which coils around its owner's arm until called upon for battle. Has a poisonous bite and extremely sharp tail. Armor can deflect lightsabers and blaster bolts. Game Text:Use 1 Force to deploy on any Yuuzhan Vong. Adds 1 to power and defense value. May target any character, creature, or droid at same site for free. Draw destiny. If destiny more than target's defense value, target is "hit" and lost at beginning of next turn. If Destiny=Defense Value, target "poisoned" (power=0 and cannot use game text. Lost after three turns unless treated by medic or medical droid)Droids may not be poisoned. In the case that Destiny=Defense value, droid is missed.

Symbol:Weapon Name:Plasma Cannon Type:Starship Weapon Lore:Used on Yuuzhan Vong ships. Fires a blast of molten rock. Absorbed by high powered shields unless a gravity well assists, although enough blasts can lower shields entirely. Game Text:Deploy on a Yuuzhan Vong ship for one Force. May target a capital ship or starfighter for free. Draw Destiny. If Destiny>target's defense value, target lost at beginning of next turn. If destiny less than or equal to defense value, blast is absorbed by target's shields or armor and subtract 1 from target's power and defense value, until target ship leaves location where it is assumed "repaired". Destiny:4

Symbol:Starship Name:Coral skipper Type:Starfighter (darkside) Destiny:3 Lore:The Yuuzhan Vongs' main starship in use. This living ship includes a plasma cannon and Dovin Basal for propulsion and defense. No two are alike. Power:3 Manuever:4 Hyperspeed:3 Deploy:3 Forfeit:5 Game Text:Deploy -1 to same site as a Yuuzhan Vong capital starship. Has ability of 1/4. May add one pilot who must be a yuuzhan vong. Dovin Basal deploy -1 on Coral skipper.

Symbol:Alien Name:*Shedao, domain Shai Destiny:1 Lore:Famed Yuuzhan Vong LEADER. Thinks he's more capable than politicians. Has a personal hatred for Corran. Power:4 Agility:4 Deploy:5 Forfeit:7 Warrior Game Text:Power +1 while on a planet site. Other Yuuzhan Vong are deploy -1 to same site. Praetorite Vong members are power -1 at same site. Power +1 at same site as Corran.

Name:Vonduun crab Armor Character device (darkside) Lore:Living crabs which clamp onto Yuuzhan Vong Warriors. Provide moderate protection from blaster bolts and less advanced weapons. Has a violent allergic reaction to Baffor tree pollen. G.Text:Deploy on any Yuuzhan Vong for 1 Force. When targetted by any type of blaster, Gaffi stick, or Ewok weapon, adds two to defense value for remainder of turn.

Symbol:Imperial Name:*Grand Admiral Pellaeon Type:Character (lightside) Lore:After Admiral Daala and the warlords of the deep core were defeated, Vice Admiral Pellaeon was left to command the shrinking Imperial Remnant in the outer rim. Agreed to use his resources to assist the New Republic in the war against the Yuuzhan Vong. Brilliant strategist and famed LEADER. Power:3 Ability:3 Deploy:5 Forfeit:8 PILOT/WARRIOR Game Text: May not pilot starfighters. Adds 3 to power of any capitol ship he pilots. All other Lightside Imperial characters at same site are power and forfeit +1. "Chimaera" is deploy -2 while Grand Admiral Pellaeon is on table. All lightside Imperial starfighters are deploy -1 while Pellaeon is in Chimaera.

Symbol:Starship Name:Peace Brigade Corvette Type:Capital Starship (darkside) Lore:A Mercenary group, hired by Yuuzhan Vong Executor Nom Anor, The Peace Brigade harrasses the New Republic with any ships it can get its hands on. Power:5 Armor:4 Hyperspeed:3 Deploy:4 Forfeit:8 NAVCOMPUTER/PERMANENT PILOT Game Text:May add 3 pilots, 4 passengers and 1 vehicle. Has ship-docking capability. Permanent pilot aboard provides ability of 1. Dovin Basal deploys +1 on this ship.

Symbol:Imperial Name:Disgruntled Moff Type:Character (darkside) Lore:Some of the LEADERs under Admiral Pellaeon did not agree to his alliance with the New Republic and plotted against him in secret. Power:1 Ability:2 Deploy:2 Forfeit:6 Game Text:Your troopers are deploy -1 to same site.

Symbol:Imperial Name:Loyal Stormtrooper Type:Character (lightside) Lore:Practically all Imperial Stormtroopers approved of the Imperial Remnant finally doing something about the Yuuzhan Vong. Power:1 Ability:1 Deploy:1 Fofeit:2 WARRIOR Deploys free to same site as one of your Imperials with ability>2

Symbol:Starship Name:***Grand Cruiser Type:Capital Starship Darkside Lore:As large as a Super Star Destroyer, Grand Cruisers can support an entire fleet of other Yuuzhan Vong ships. Game Text:Dovin Basal deploy -1 aboard. Plasma Cannon deploy -1 aboard. Permanent Pilot provides ability of one. May add unlimited pilots or passengers, starfighters, and vehicles. Coral Skippers deploy -1 to same site. Power:15 Armor:10 Hyperspeed:4 Deploy:10 Forfeit:9 Permanent pilot Nav Computer

*Master Skywalker Destiny:2 Type:Jedi Master/Rebel Lore:Founder of the Jedi Acadamy. Trainer of all the new Jedi. Not the last of the old, but the first of the new. One of the first to discover that the Yuuzhan Vong lie outside of the Force. Power:6 Ability:7 Jedi Master Warrior/Pilot Game Text:Adds 3 to power of anything he pilots. Once per game, may take any card from reserve deck. Shuffle afterwards. "Independence" may be deployed free to same site. Adds 1 lightside force icon to same site. Ability -1 at same site as more than three Yuuzhan Vong. Deploy:6 Forfeit:8

*Independence Destiny:6 Type:Effect Lore:Many were the times where the Jedi Knights had to declare independence from the New Republic to ensure the safety of the galaxy. Picture:Starships departing from Coruscant Game Text:Use 3 Force to deploy on any site where you have a character of ability >2. All your Force attuned, Force Sensitive, Jedi Knight, and Jedi Master characters are deploy -1 and power +1 at same site. Your leaders and all opponent's characters are power -1 at related planet sites.

Title:*Droma Destiny:1 Type:Alien lightside Lore:Male Ryn who was separated from his clan.Gunner, fortune predictor, co-pilot, and complete opposite of his friend Han Solo. Found his clan members with the help of Han. MUSICIAN. Thought by some to be a THIEF but only in dire circumstances. Power:3 Ability:3 Force Attuned Pilot Warrior Game Text: Power +1 at same site as Han. Adds two to power of anything he pilots (three aboard Millenium Falcon). While on table, all Ryn are deploy -1. When present with other Ryn may functions as a leader. Adds one to weapon destiny draws of any starship he is aboard as a passenger. Deploy:3 Forfeit:5

Title:Ryn Destiny:4 Lore:Little is known about this rare and worldless species, other than their abilities as MUSICIANs, fortune telling, THIEVERY, and frauding papers. Some are able to communicate in binary. Power:1 Ability:3 Force Attuned Pilot Game Text:Power +1 for every Ryn present at same site. Adds one to power of anystarship it pilots. Once per game, may search reserve deck for any R-Unit droid and immediately deploy to same site (for free). Shuffle reserve deck. Deploy:2 Forfeit:4

Destiny:0 Title:Elan Type: Character/darkside Lore:Yuuzhan Vong Priestess. Pretended to defect from to the alliance but was really acting as a SPY in the hopes of killing all the Jedi with a short lived parasitic creature called Bo'tous. Power:3 Ability:3 Game Text:Twice per game may search reserve deck for Undercover or Ooglith Masquer and deploy directly on Elan. Shuffle afterwards. Power +1 at same site as darkside Vergere. Bo'tous deploys free on Elan. Deploy:4 Forfeit:8

Destiny:3 Title:Bo'tous Type:Automated Character Weapon Lore: Small creatures made by Vong which excrete a poisonous substance into the air at maturity. Are carried inside the host until host breathes them out in three breaths. Grow rapidly in the abundance of oxygen but are extremely short lived. Game Text: Use two force to deploy on any Yuuzhan Vong. After two turns, all characters, creatures and creature vehicles at same site are lost. If in an enclosed area, your carrier is lost too. If in an exterior site, may do it again next turn and the turn after that. Then Bot'tous is lost.

Destiny:4 Title:Oog'lith Masquer Type:Effect /darkside Lore:Flesh colored creature which can envelope its owner and cover any odd markings. Often used by Yuuzhan Vong to conceal their multiple tattoos. Game Text:Deploy on your Yuuzhan Vong spy to cross spy to opponent's side of table. Spy may not attack, be attacked, or use game text, but retains ability. May break cover during deploy phase. Cards which cancel undercover do not cancel Oog'lith masquer, but Ooog'lith masquer is lost if spy is present with lightside character of ability more than 3.

Destiny:2 Title:Spiral Yammosk Ship Type:Starship:Capital/Darkside Lore:Specialized Yuuzhan Vong starship which houses the Yammosk war coordinator and the slaves which care for it. Manages strategic inquiries and most of the Yuuzhan Vong's problems. Power:9 Armor:8 Deploy:7 Forfeit:5 Permanent Pilot Navcomputer Game Text: May add eight pilots and ten passengers. May carry five vehicles and seven Star Fighters. Yammosk is deploy -1 aboard. Any captives aboard of ability=1 become yours.

Destiny:6 Name:**Yammosk Type:Creature/Darkside Lore:Yammosk war coordinators are genetically engineered intelligent creatures with slightly telepathic abilities. A single war coordinator is supposed to assist with the invasion of the Yuuzhan Vong, although a political Yuuzhan Vong group called the Praetorite Vong managed to get their hands on a defected one. Ferocity:3 Tentacles:6 Deploy:5 Forfeit:7 Game Text:Habitat:Yuuzhan Vong capital starships. Does not attack your characters. May escort captives. While aboard a Spiral Yammosk Ship adds three to total power of your ships (if any) at every system. Ferocity +2 while being attacked. Add one to each weapon destiny draw of whichever starship it is aboard.

Title:*Jack of All Trades Destiny:6 Type:Alien/Imperial Character Darkside Lore:LEADER, SPY, GANGSTER, THIEF, BOUNTYHUNTER, GAMBLER, MUSICIAN, SMUGGLER, INFORMATION BROKER, gunner, trooper, and miner. Power* Ability* Pilot Warrior scomplink Game Text:*sum of power and ability must equal four. Adds three to power of anything he pilots or drives. May carry and use number of weapons and devices at a time. When aboard a starship as a passenger, adds one to each of the starship's weapon destiny draws. Has astromech capabilities. Deploy:6 Forfeit:5

This card would very rare

Destiny:5 Title:*Suffering Type:Immediate Effect/darkside Lore:Overcome with sadness after Chewbacca's death, Captain Solo was rarely seen not depressed, and had wild, uncontrolable tantrums every now and then. He was different. Game Text:If opponent's unique character was just lost, deploy on one of opponent's other unique characters. That character's ability may equal no more than one and is power -2 (cannot fall below zero), Forfeit=0,game text cannot be used, and has no immunity to attrition. If cancelled, character retains loss of forfeit for remainder of game.

Destiny:2 Title:*Chewbacca the Brave Type:Rebel Character/lightside Lore:Rather than cower at the site of a moon falling on him, Chewie stood tall and roared back at the falling mountain in a volume that rivaled the moon's. He will be remembered. Power:5 Ability:3 Force attuned Pilot Warrior Game Text:When targetted by a weapon, may 'roar' (defense value=5). Deploys only to Sernpidal or on another version of Chewbacca. Any captives at same site are freed. Power +1 at same site as any Yuuzhan vong or Yuuzhan Vong weapon. Adds three to power of anything he pilots. "Suffering" may not be played by opponent while on table. Starships may take off for free at same site. Deploy:4 Forfeit:12

Destiny:4 Title:***They dropped a moon on my best friend! Type:Lost interrupt/lightside Lore:You can see why Han was angry at the Vong. Game Text:If you just lost a battle and one of you unique characters was hit or lost, all remaining characters which participated in that battle are power +1 until end of opponent's next turn.

Name:White Eye Destiny:2 Type:Darkside Creature Lore:Adult stage of the creatures bioengineered by Nom Anor to eat and destroy the material of buildings. They don't veer from this habit with maturity. Ferocity:1 Flight:3 Selective Game Text:Habitat:interior sites or may replace Chew Worm, but may move elsewhere. Landspeed=2. During control phase, while at an interior site, may draw destiny. Add 1 for each White Eye at same site. If Destiny>5 the site "collapses" (all cards there are lost although the site remains). Game Text cancelled if present with ERD-LL droid armed with Cieling Cleanser. Deploy:1 Forfeit:1

Name:Chew Worm Destiny:1 Type:Darkside creature Lore:Creature biogenitically engineered by the Yuuzhan Vong executor, Nom Anor. Feeds off of Duracrete, rock, and other common building materials. Used to tunnel rooms out of rock. Nom Anor also engineered them to inflate on his command, thus expanding cracks which they hid in and collapsing buildings. Ferocity:* Wriggle:1 Selective Game Text:Ferocity=destiny -1. Habitat:interior sites or same site as Nom Anor but may move elsewhere. During control phase, may search reserve deck and deploy an underground site to same system, but chew worm is lost. when at same indoor site as three or more chew worms, may "expand" destroying the building and making that site an outdoor site. All characters there are lost. Deploy:2 Forfeit:1

Name:Dissention Among the Jedi Destiny:6 Type:Effect (LS or DS) Lore:Some dissention can be a good thing...but not normally. Pic:Groups of Jedi huddled together, some are looking angrily at other groups. Game Text:Deploy on any light side Jedi present with another lightside Jedi. Target a lightside Jedi at same site. While the two Jedi are at same site,they are both power and ability -1. While at separate sites, are power and ability +1.

Destiny:4 Name:Villip Type:Device (darkside) Lore:Genetically designed creatures which the Vong use to communicate over long distances. Each one is mentally connected to another one. Several can be found in most Yuuzhan Vong starships. GameText:Deploy on any yuuzhan Vong for free, or use 3 Force to deploy on any other alien. All Yuuzhan Vong capital starships may move as 'react's at normal use of the Force. While villip is on a planet site, Yuuzhan Vong characters, weapons, devices, and vehicles may deploy to same site as a 'react'.

Destiny:2 Name:*Admiral Traest Kre'Fey Type:Character Rebel (lightside) Lore:Cousin of Borsk Fey'lya. Skilled LEADER. Well aware of the rising threat presented by the Vong. Power:2 Ability:2 Pilot Warrior GameText:Deploy -1 to Ralroost. Adds 2 to power of any starship he pilots. while aboard Ralroost, all your ships at same system are power +1. While on table, all Bothan Assault Cruisers are deploy -1. Deploy:3 Forfeit:5

Destiny:3 Name:Dantooine Refugee Type:Character Alien (Lightside) Lore:With the conquering of Dantooine by the Vong, many former denizens of the planet left everything behind and headed toward the apparent safety of the Core worlds. Power:1 Ability:1 GameText:Deploys free to any Dantooine site and forfeit +1 while on Dantooine, but is power +1 when not on Dantooine. When on Coruscant, add an additional 1 to power. Deploy:2 Forfeit:3

That's it for now. It sure is alot, huh? Tell me what you think!!get this gear!