DX-midAMerica/ Home, or DX TIPS:info@ HOT💥TIPS for JANuary-FEBruary 2024 November, Decembe-r-r-r 2023 Domestics:CENTRAL LW,PanAM/World:GMT -- SAMPLE LOG: 1270 KIML WY Cheyenne 12/25 1800 P end of song, LID-local nx. - XXX-WY LATEST TIPS ARE ALSO HERE---> "MOST RECENT/LONGFORM" PAGE! 7 DAYS of DX, LAST 73 LOGS, LAST 9 NEW! TIP TRACKER! FEB AV:191.93 (^ 261) HI:486('21),LO:19('88) FEB'23:424 NOW:459<- <-ABOVE AVERAGE AGAIN! MONTH #128 in-a-row! Thanx for Hot Tipping since 1981! MOST reported frequency/HOT NOW:1320 w/17 reports! ******************************************* 2-24 ***************************************** 2-23 ********************************************* 2-21 BEST FEB *******************2-00 1400-WDWS IL runs dx test for DX-midAMerica *************2-82 When there are multiple reports of one station, most recent logs are at the top, with the older logs pushed downward. Listing of DX-midAMerica A LIST of contributors may be found at bottom of this page. 540 WXYG MN Sauk Rapids 2/10 0747 P Southern Man, Crosby Stills Nash & Young, "the Goat" -CBK gone. JJR-MI 550 WDUN GA Gainesville 2/27 0521 "WDUN Weather...." Good signal. NEW! GH-IL 550 WDUN GA Gainsville 2/26 1853 fair and mixing with KTRS giving out a number for law office 770-982-0022. NEW! log. CR-IL 550 WSVA VA Harrisonburg 2/17 0605 p- under WKRC with weather, ID "Newstalk 92.1 and 5-50 WSVA ..", local news. TL-IN 560 CFOS ON Owen Sound 2/5 0610 Poor with Paul Simon record, // Webcast EB-MI 570 WWNC NC Ashville 2251 "News Radio 5-70 WWNC" into talk show. Has been a solid log for the past few weeks. CR-IL 580 WIBW KS Topeka 2/2 0818 F alone!!! 104-9 & 580 AM WIBW, Brian Kilmade. JJR-MI 580 WHP PA Harrisburg 2/17 0604 f- dominant over others, "Breaking news, at once, WHP 580" into local news and weather. TL-IN 580 CFRA ON Ottawa 2/20 0709 P CTV news app into ads. Alone. JJR-MI 580 CFRA ON Ottawa 2/1 0734 P newscast. CTV ment, "580 CFRA" w/others, but this surfaced. JJR-WI 600 KSJB ND jAMestown 2/10 0746 Vp -WMT on top, tho "...country KSJB" noted tween songs. JJR-MI 600 KSJB ND Jamestown 2/2 0818 P Rascall Flatts on KSJB radio. ksjbam.com JJR-MI 610 WTVN OH Columbus 2/21 0638 P chatter "on News Radio 610 WTVN...Columbus Morning News"JJR-WI 620 KMNS IA Sioux City 2/16 0744 P in WTMJ null. Various businesses, and finally "in Sioux Land" JJR-MI 620 WHEN NY Syracuse 2/17 0620 g- ID as Power 620, Urban oldies, under a loud WKHB. TL-IN 620 WKHB PA Irwin 2/17 0622 g- spot for Lincoln Radio Journal on "620 KHB", SID then into Gilbert O'Sullivan song. TL-IN 620 CKRM SK Regina 2/16 0621 P temps for Saskatoon, Moose Jaw, etc. "CKRM" jingle. C&W music. JJR-MI 630 WLAP KY Lexington 2/26 0547 P News Radio WLAP Skywatch traffic while chasing other. JJR-WI 630 WLAP KY Lexington 2/21 0634 P calls. AMerica in the Morning. Alone. No CFCO. JJR-WI 630 KYFI MO Saint Louis 2/24 0613 P tho steady. REL preaching. Assumed. JJR-WI 630 CHED AB Edmonton 2/9 0714 P alone, lottery Vit D needed for Northern CA areas, Global news ment, into 4 ads, too weak to copy. JJR-MI 650 WNMT MN Nashwauk 2/11 0720 Alone w/talk of MN weather. Lack of snow, etc. Steady. JJR-MI 650 CKOM SK Saskatoon 2/9 0714 P "on 650 CKOM " on tuning in. Steady, alone. JJR-MI 660 WMIC MI Sandusky 2/19 0650 P 810-648-XXXX in Sandusky. Alone. JJR-MI 660 WMIC MI Sandusky 2/16 0707 P "660 WMIC, 99.5....WTGV" JJR-MI 660 WXIC OH Waverly 2/14 0647 P So.GOS -alone on freq. Solid//stream.JJR-WI 660 WESC SC Greenville 2/1 0635 "WESC" and "92.5" heard, also C&W music. No WFAN. NEW! GH-IL 660 CFFR AB Calgary 2/9 0646 P Calg.Flames, NHL, Medicine Hat, Winnipeg ments in sports, City Newstime 5:47 JJR-MI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 690 CBKF-1 SK Gravelbourg 2/27 0619 P song ended. M-F FF chatter. No CKGM today. Alone. JJR-WI 690 CBKF-1 SK Gravelbourg 2/20 0732 P FF chatter w/others under, but no usual CKGM. JJR-MI 690 CBKF-1 SK Gravelbourg 2/9 0713 P M-F chatter in FF. alone. steady. JJR-MI 710 KNUS CO Denver 2/19 0648 Vp traffic rpt:Dever ments. Prager, Hewitt noted (promos?) in w/weak WDSM. JJR-MI 710 WTPR TN Paris 2/17 0646 g- lots of local Paris ads, "Everybody's cranking up the greatest hits of all time, WTPR". TL-IN 730 KWOA MN Worthington 2/10 0742 P MNN news, MNN sports. CKDM in back. JJR-MI 730 KYYA MT Billings 2/16 0819 P but,in fade up"...great oldies, 98-1 K-Bear, It Don't Come Easy, Ringo Starr" t/c. First time this season! JJR-MI 730 WZGV NC Cramerton 2/21 0711 Vp hyped, pimped up ESPN ments. "the Game" -alone. JJR-WI 730 WPIT PA Pittsburgh 2/15 0700 P LID, into Real Life Radio/REL. No CKDM. JJR-WI 730 WPIT PA Pittsburgh 2/5 0628 Poor with Key Life, local promos for FM 96.5 & AM 730, WPIT EB-MI 730 CKAC QC Montreal 2/1 0730 P FF chatter. Montreal said 2x. Alone. No CKDM all morning. JJR-WI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 740 KNFL ND Fargo 2/17 0758 P 740theFan and 740theFan.com into Covid psa. CFZM gone. JJR-MI 740 KNFL ND Fargo 2/12 0731 P alone. FB talk. Talk about Monday Morning Quarterbacking! "What would you have done?" Guess the dj knows more than the coach. CFZM gone.JJR-MI 740 KNFL ND Fargo 2/10 0741 P 740the Fan said 2x. CFZM gone. JJR-MI 740 KNFL ND Fargo 2/2 0913 P 740 the Fan ments over & over HS, NDSU hockey broadcasts. JJR-MI 740 WDGY WI Hudson 2/13 0716 P "this is WDGY" "coming up on Feb 9, a tribute to Buddy Holly." (today:13th!) JJR-MI 750 WBMD MD Baltimore 2/17 0600 p- way under WSB with "Relevant Radio" ID and a quick "Baltimore" heard, NEW! TL-IN Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 760 KCCV KS Overland Park 2/18 0757 P heard "Kansas City, 96.9 101.5FM" and no WJR. REL. JJR-MI 760 KCCV KS Overland Park 2/16 0734 P REL teaching as dx was moving West. WJR totally gone. JJR-MI 760 KCCV KS Overland Park 2/12 0730 P Insight for Living. Still in 15 mins later. No WJR. JJR-MI 760 KCCV KS Overland Park 2/3 0744 P REL. steady. No sign of WJR. //Bott program guide. JJR-MI 770 WVNN AL Athens 2/21 0708 P Good Feet Store, calls +92.5FM ment. WABC weak, nulled. Both are talk. JJR-WI 770 KATL MT Miles City 2/10 0822 P alone. "Gr.Falls #1 realtor" and "in Gr. Falls today" -moved on. JJR-MI 770 KATL MT Miles City 2/2 0912 P "770 KATL" Sunroof by 5 Secs of Summer. Radio K/KUOM in earlier, gone! JJR-MI 770 WTOR NY Youngstown 2/13 0714 P ETHnic mx, chatter -WABC in back, lost to KUOM power up. JJR-MI 770 WKFB PA Jeanette 2/24 0611 P-lost. Long Tall Sally, Little Richard o/u WABC. Lost. Only fit. JJR-WI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 780 WJAG NE Norfolk 2/18 P church services w/WBBM nulled. //stream. JJR-MI 780 WJAG NE Norfolk 2/16 0733 P "Ohio company bought 200+ homes in cash" w/WBBM nulled. JJR-MI 780 WJAG NE Norfolk 2/10 0740 P "in Norfolk on 4th street" report pot holes. WBBM nulled. JJR-MI 780 WAVA VA Arlington 2/26 0523 P but AMazing Grace cut easily thru WBBM stocks. Noted of late, but finally enuf to snag something positive! (//stream) JJR-WI 780 WAVA VA Arlington 2/17 0600 f- very strong under WBBM with very long detailed ID with no trouble with WBBM, many WAVA IDs. TL-IN Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 790 WKRD KY Louisville 2/21 0704 P calls, I Heart app. Sports chatter. No calls heard. Steady. JJR-WI 790 WKRD KY Louisville 2/8 0705 P alone. I Heart apps, Sports-Talk 790, Mucinex, "from the News Radio 840 WHAS traffic ctr." JJR-WI 790 WKRD KY Louisville 2/5 0633 Very poor with traffic report, ment. WHAS. Lost. EB-MI 790 WSGW MI Saginaw 2/10 0705 P "I'm meteologist ??? for WSGW" in passing. Others more common here! JJR-MI 790 WAYY WI Eau Claire 2/10 0820 P CBS Sports Radio. Not rare, but not common either. Assumed. JJR-MI 800 WVAL MN Sauk Rapids 2/1 0729 P "WVAL" jingle in passing. JJR-WI 800 KQCV OK Oklahoma City 2/18 0755 P "Bott Radio, AM 800, 95.7, 102.3 & 107.1 Okla.City" alone. JJR-MI 800 WSVS VA Crewe 2/24 0627 P C&W w/distinctive wsvsamfm.com given. Lost to WVHU. JJR-WI 800 WVHU WV Huntington 2/24 0630 P two area code 606 ads (Kentucky), Fox news, NO CALLS, I Heart ment into Talk. JJR-WI 800 WVHU WV Huntington 2/8 0700 P Babbel ad, LID incl 800WVHU.com, Fox News. Alone. JJR-WI 800 CJAD QC Montreal 2/17 0640 P Mazda.ca, LJ Realty, promo for CHOM 97.7FM, CJAD800 into talk. Alone. JJR-MI 800 CJAD QC Montreal 2/13 0702 P traffic '....on CJAD 800" JJR-MI 800 CHAB SK Moose Jaw 2/26 0612 P DiscoverMooseJaw.com given 2x. 5 day forecast. Alone. JJR-WI 810 KBHB SD Sturgis 2/10 0820 P many SD sports scores (HS stuff)-WJJQ gone. JJR-MI 820 WBKK MN Wilton 2/12 0718 P ":23 after on the SonRise morning show" - pre-recorded w/time check off 5 minutes! JJR-MI 820 WBKK MN Wilton 2/10 0738 P Mass being said. Didn't think I'd wait for LID, hi. Thru WBAP, others. JJR-MI 830 WMMI MI Sheperd 2/18 0751 P in WCCO fade. Poss REL broadcast //stream. JJR-MI 850 WKIX NC Raleigh 2/24 0604 P ABC, Jackson 5, "Oldies 850" Over & Over, Dave Clark 5. Alone. JJR-WI 860 WSON KY Henderson 2/21 0608 "WSON News" and local weather. In CJBC null. NEW! GH-IL 860 KNUJ MN New Ulm 2/16 0732 P "wx on the way on KNUL and Sam 107-3" after area jobline. CJBC in back. JJR-MI 860 KNUJ MN New Ulm 2/4 0739 P "at KNUJ.net, you can listen live.." CJBC, usually in, gone. JJR-MI 870 WTIM IL Assumption, 2/23 0715 "WTIM Tour Information Station" slogan hear over WKAR signal. CR-IL 880 WRFD OH Columbus-Worthington 2/8 0656 P end of REL show. "The Word" over poss weak WCBS. JJR-WI 880 WMEQ WI Menomonee 2/23 1634 fair with ads and mentions of Chippewa Falls. Into Hannity Show. CR-IL Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 890 KQLX ND Lisbon 2/23 1735 g- strong under WLS, oldies C&W music, Eddie Rabbit/Crystal Gale song, also Harper Valley PTA, matched stream. Much wanted. NEW! TL-IN 890 KQLX ND Lisbon 2/16 0730 P -WLS nulled. "Thunder 106-1 & AgNews 890, Ag News on the 10's" JJR-MI 890 KQLX ND Lisbon 2/13 0755 P I3G Media trip to NYC/3 days. LID for AM "FM 107.3 in the Lisbon area" JJR-MI 890 KQLX ND Lisbon 2/10 0737 P "Country Gold" Buck Owens' "Tiger by the Tail" in WLS null. JJR-MI 890 CJDC BC Dawson Creek 2/23 0020 vp- occasionally heard bits and pieces of C&W music and one local ad which matched an SDR in BC, NEW! TL-IN Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 900 KTIS MN Minneapolis 2/16 0730 P "Faith Radio, on in all 50 states" in promo. Others in back. JJR-MI 900 KTIS MN Minneapolis 2/15 0728 P REL, 2 Faith Radio promos. JJR-WI 900 KTIS MN Minneapolis 2/7 0729 talk of US, personal debt. Finally, MyFaithRadio.com. Alone. JJR-WI 900 WKDA TN Lebanon 2/22 0637 P Obits: "62, of Lebanon" "in Lebanon" Tenn, Lebanon in all obits. Alone. JJR-WI 900 WKDA TN Lebanon 2/17 0555 f- over CHML with adult standards and WKDA ID, pretty rare here. TL-IN 900 WATK WI Antigo 2/15 0729 Vp creeping up u/KTIS. 80's oldie, Classic Hits 98-7. JJR-WI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 900 CKBI SK Prince Albert 2/26 0634 P Sask.Country CKBI, CKBI text line. Alone. JJR-WI 900 CKBI SK Prince Albert 2/25 0625 P CKBI said 2x tween C&W songs. Alone on freq. JJR-WI 900 CKBI SK Prince Albert 2/9 0708 P "7:09 on the Big Show....on CKBI" Alone. JJR-MI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 910 KCJB ND Minot 2/16 0728 P "I Heart Country, 910 KCJB" into C&W. KFDF, in earlier, now gone. JJR-MI 910 KCJB ND Minot 2/12 0750 P "from the 4 Bears Casino studio of 91-KCJB" C&W, replacing WFDF. JJR-MI 910 KCJB ND Minot 2/9 0708 P nx:Brenda Stewart. Bismarck, Minot, Drive by shooting in Bismarck. Alone. JJR-MI 910 KCJB ND Minot 2/1 0727 Vp, tho K-C-J-B noted under WSUI. WFDF popped in at :30. JJR-WI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 920 KDHL MN Faribault 2/19 0643 P "partly sunny. 43 today in Faribault" No/weak WMPL. JJR-MI 920 KDHL MN Faribault 2/16 0726 P MN forecast, long range wx, and "in DownTown Farifault" thru WMPL. JJR-MI 920 KDHL MN Faribault 2/13 0700 P News, Talk, Sports & More! LID for AM, FM translator. WMPL weak. JJR-MI 920 KDHL MN Faribault 2/4 0728 F "on AM 920 KDHL" on tuning in! WMPL, 30 mi away wiped out! JJR-MI 920 WHJJ RI Providence 2/17 0600 f- weak but in the clear with ".. weather station, Newsradio 920 and 104-7 WHJJ Providence". TL-IN 920 CKNX ON Wingham, 2/6 1844 good with c&w music. "CKNX Real Country Music" slogan. CR-IL 930 KWOC MO Poplar Bluff 2/17 0559 p- in w/WTAD with ID then both into Fox News with a nice echo. TL-IN 930 WBEN NY Buffalo 2/19 0643 P Tue:43, Wed:59. "18 now in Buffalo" still in 30 min later. Alone. JJR-MI 940 CKNVtQC Montreal 2/10 0733 P "Tammy" instrumental, chatter into another instrumental. Tentative. JJR-MI 950 KOEL IA Oelwein 2/13 0741 P "AM 950 KOEL or the KOEL app" -Let Your Love Flow/Bellamy Bros. JJR-MI 950 WAKM TN Franklin 2/7 0709 P tho clear o/usual WNTD. Calls, hometown stn., logged in 1988. JJR-WI 950 WERL WI Eagle River 2/9 0758 P AMerica's First News, psa, LID for Freedom Talk 101.7 & 950..." Town Hall nx.JJR-MI 960 KLTF MN Little Falls 2/14 0719 P MN references in wx. "27 at KLTF" no WSBT, which was nice. JJR-WI 960 KLTF MN Little Falls 2/7 0727 Vp thru WSBT. Little Falls birthday, anniversary ments. JJR-WI 960 WKVX OH Wooster 2/26 0656 P ment of OH town, calls, Nancy Sinatra song. Not heard since 11-7-14 log. OLDies. JJR-WI 960 WFIR VA Roanoke 2/21 0630 P tuned freg to hear "WFIR" said 2x. No WSBT. t/c, ABC newsbrief. JJR-WI 960 WTCH WI Shawano 2/23 0649 Vp calls u/a reg WSBT, which was/seemed weak. JJR-WI 970 WGTK KY Louisville 2/25 0643 P Hugh Hewitt. Alone. NO CALLS into ads, of course. The new norm, I guess. JJR-WI 970 KQAQ MN Austin 2/20 0705 P talk of Bishops, Masses, etc. WDAY in back.JJR-MI 970 KQAQ MN Austin 2/16 0724 P talk of Left, Sacrifice. WDAY in back. No WZAM all morning. JJR-MI 980 KKMS MN Ritchfield 2/10 0730 P "980 the Mission" into Focus on the Family. Some WCUB. JJR-MI 980 CFPL ON London 2/20 0726 P this day in Canadian history. "980CFPL.ca" thtu others. JJR-MI 980 CFPL ON London, 2/6 1830 good over WONE with talk about World Cup coming to Toronto. // web stream. CR-IL 990 KAYL IA Storm Lake 2/10 0728 P CBW gone, but noted later. Juan in w/ SS music. Steady. Like the slogan, hi. JJR-MI 990 WNML TN Knoxville 2/22 0652 Vp traffic "North of I-40, I-75 traffic. Caller #5 wins. 99-1 the Sports Animal. JJR-WI 990 WNML TN Knoxville 2/21 0702 P advertising works, "99-1 the Sports Animal" LID for AM - FM. No CBW. JJR-WI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1000 WIOO PA Carlisle 2/17 0603 g- pretty strong in with WMVP, SID and old country music. TL-IN 1000 WIOO PA Carlisle 2/17 0700 Vp LID, ABC in WMVP null. Poss KNWN earlier, but not sure. JJR-MI 1000 WIOO PA Carlisle 2/16 0700 Vp tho C&W and "WI-- (LID)" into ABC news. WMVP nulled. KNWN faded. JJR-MI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1000 KNWN WA Seattle 2/16 0659 P "Federal-City Bank-Tacoma" lost to C&W mx. WMVP nulled. JJR-MI 1000 KNWN WA Seattle 2/14 1930 Talk then a clear ID with AM and FM frequencies. I was not expecting this at all but SO happy. NEW! SMA-MB 1000 KNWN WA Seattle 2/9 0706 P high:40, next report 5:14. 40 in downtown Seattle, Mt.Baker Transit Ctr homeless - alone, steady. No WMVP to null! JJR-MI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1010 KSIR CO Brush 2/19 0810 P "202 S. First street in Sterling" "Farm Radio 1010 KSIR" Alone. JJR-MI 1010 KSIR CO Brush 2/16 0808 P KSIR farm radio, and jingle "Farm Radio 1010 KSIR" all alone. JJR-MI 1010 KSIR CO Brush 2/12 0748 P "on 1010 KSIR & KSIR.com" into farm talk. Alone. JJR-MI 1010 KSIR CO Brush 2/1 0800 P Farm Radio 1010 KSIR & KSIR.com. Alone, steady. JJR-WI 1010 WKJW NC Black Mountain 2/21 0738 P SoGOSpel (//1380 WKJV) -others in earlier, tho too weak. JJR-WI 1010 WKCW NC Black Mountain 2/6 0745 P SoGOS mx. Still in w/preacher at :58. JJR-WI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1010 WHIN TN Gallatin 2/28 0725 P "in Hendersonville" upon tuning in. "100.7 & 1010AM WHIN" after Happy by Pharrell Williams. Alone. JJR-WI 1010 WHIN TN Gallatin 2/24 0602 P Murphy, Sam & Jodi, sung LID. I Love Rock & Roll, Joan Jett. Alone. JJR-WI 1010 WHIN TN Gallatin 2/22 0633 P "news from the Tenn. News Channel" -alone. steady.JJR-WI 1010 WHIN TN Gallatin 2/6 0700 P Tatoo, Maroon 5, LID :02. Would fade. JJR-WI 1010 WHIN TN Gallatin 2/5 0643 Very poor with Smash Mouth record, // Webcast. EB-MI 1010 WPCN WI Stevens Point 2/26 0603 P Top 5 today/1972. Still in at :31: "92.1FM - 1010AM WPCN" JJR-WI 1010 CBR AB Calgary 2/13 0657 P morning hosts talking of Calgary. Alone. Moved on. JJR-MI 1010 CBR AB Calgary 2/2 0735 P "CBC news in Calgary. 6:38, up at 7 o'clock" all alone, steady. JJR-MI 1020 KJJK MN Fergus Falls 2/4 0707 P Channel 9-7-7 jingle tween pop songs. KDKA in back. JJR-MI 1030 WKEG MI Sterling Heights 2/7 0743 P "another Relevant Radio miracle moment" -in steady. JJR-WI 1030 WGSF TN Memphis 2/22 0708 P R.AMbiente and lively SS music. Alone. JJR-WI 1040 WPBS GA Grayson 2/7 0707 P but cutting thru WHO easily. Vietnamese programming. JJR-WI 1040 WLCR KY Mt. Washington 2/26 1810 Fair once WHO was nulled. Catholic EWTN programming . Male anncr answering questions being called in. TPK-WI 1050 WBQH MD Silver Spring 2/17 0600 g- spanish ID with clear mention of Washington and Silver Springs, WBQH ID and "La Mera Mera" slogan, NEW! TL-IN 1050 KLOH MN Pipestone 2/16 0809 Vp "KLOH" jingle from 60s/70s when they were Top40. w/others. JJR-MI 1050 CHUM ON Toronto 2/12 0700 Vp but traffic report "on the 401" and "TNN 10-50" noted w/WTKA later.JJR-MI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1060 KNLV NE Ord 2/17 0711 P Nebr assn of broadcasters. Homestead Bank. Alone. JJR-MI 1060 KNLV NE Ord 2/13 0739 P "Nebr. Broadcasters Assn." trading w/KFIL "Wooden Heart" polka. JJR-MI 1060 KNLV NE Ord 2/4 0726 P "93.9 & AM 1060 KNLV" upon tuning in! Talk about luck! JJR-MI 1060 KNLV NE Ord 2/2 0711 P NE news stories for sev. minutes. KYW would be in later. JJR-MI 1060 KGFX SD Pierre 2/19 0809 P AgCentral, DRG Media. Dakota News Network. Alone. No KFIL today. JJR-MI 1070 KSKK MN Verndale 2/7 0741 P No WTSO. Relevant Radio chatter. JJR-WI 1070 KSKK MN Verndale 2/1 0800 P tho "K-Yes radio" way u/KTFI. No WTSO, tho in earlier. JJR-WI 1080 WOKT KY Cannonsburg 2/15 0749 Vp talk of new song "on Walk FM" into next song. JJR-WI 1080 WOAP MI Owosso 2/18 0813 P SS woman giving Mich. based phone numbers into mx. No KYMN. JJR-MI 1080 KYMO MO East Prairie 2/17 0712 p- u/local WNWI with country oldies, Brooks and Dunn song, matched stream playlist, NEW! TL-IN 1080 KNDK ND Langdon 2/17 0754 P "the Red River farm network and KNDK have farm markets..." Alone. JJR-MI 1080 KNDK ND Langdon 2/5 0825 P Grafton ch of commerce, CarQuest Auto Parts in Langdon, "News Talk 1080 KNDK" JJR-MI 1080 WWNL PA Pittsburgh 2/20 0720 P scripture: Book of Revelations. Bott//, and no KYMN. JJR-MI 1080 WWNL PA Pittsburgh 2/12 0650 P REL teaching:Turning Point, cutting thru KRLD. JJR-MI 1080 KRLD TX Dallas 2/15 0724 P "News Radio 1080 KRLD" talk of Musk, Dallas Cowboys thru others. JJR-WI 1090 WBAL MD Baltimore 2/16 0628 tuned in to talk about KC shooting, weather, ads, WBAL News Update, mentioned FM 101.5. Fading by :34. ICF-2010 NEW! MF-FL 1090 WBAL MD Baltimore 2/9 0631 P WBAL News Radio 1090 & 101.5 FM after wx. Still nice hearing. JJR-MI 1090 WKBZ MI Muskegon 2/10 0659 P MI Chamber, 2 psa's MI ments. Lost. Don't hear this much. JJR-MI gan. JJR-WI 1090 WAQE WI Rice Lake 2/22 0722 P John Johnson Motors, Sports Talk 107-7 & 1090, St. Croix Casino, Alone. JJR-WI 1090 WAQE WI Rice Lake 2/10 0719 P Fox Sports Radio. ads. 107.7 ments. Alone. JJR-MI 1110 WXES IL Chicago 2/19 0730 Man and woman talking in Spanish // the web feed under KFAB that usually owns the frequency here. NEW!! SMA-MB 1110 WBT NC Charlotte 2/28 0639 Vp -lucky enough to hear calls in chatter. KFAB equal to/over much of the time.JJR-WI 1120 WBBF NY Buffalo 2/19 0637 P Flowers, Miley Cyrus killing KMOX a few mins. Hot 98-9, chatter. Lost. 1120 #9. #2540-NEW! JJR-MI 1130 WDFN MI Detroit 2/17 0736 P "Detroir's BIN 1130" thru others. Don't hear this much. JJR-MI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1130 KBMR ND Bismarck 2/9 0755 P C&W "Country 1130 KBMR" tween songs. No KTLK WISN WDFN. Alone! JJR-MI 1130 KBMR ND Bismarck 2/4 0747 P C&W cutting thru usual AM talk. "Country 1130 KBMR" JJR-MI 1130 KBMR ND Bismarck 2/1 0839 Bismarck-Mandan, print shop 258-ASAP, I Heart app, Alone. JJR-WI 1140 WVEL IL Pekin 2/7 0721 P but Dr.J.Vernon McGee cutting thru. Program sked match. Been a while. JJR-WI 1140 KXRB SD Sioux Falls 2/10 0835 P e-mail at "BudSF.com" Beer truck drivers jobs. 100.1/1140 ment. JJR-MI 1140 KXRB SD Sioux Falls 2/1 0756 P Dwight Yokum on KXRB. Alone. JJR-WI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1140 CHRB AB High River 2/18 0721 P "Alberta's....AM 1140 is everywhere!" C&W. Alone. JJR-MI 1140 CHRB AB High River 2/13 0656 P "in your truck. In your tractor! "So. Alberta's Community R.Stn-AM 1140" JJR-MI 1140 CHRB AB High River 2/12 0715 P 2-4 cm.of snow. AM 1140, HighRiveronline.ca. Alone. JJR-MI 1140 CHRB AB High River 2/9 0701 P Ments of High River 4x in newscast. Alone. JJR-MI 1140 CHRB AB High River 2/3 0738 P Southern Alberta's ?? radio station-AM 1140. Alone, C&W. JJR-MI 1150 KWKY IA Des Moines 2/19 0712 Vp -Biblical reading Mark 1:6. (Mass?) no WHBY. Others in. Assumed. JJR-MI 1150 KASM MN Albany 2/10 0849 P "8:49 here ar Kasm" & chatter. Polkas. Alone. JJR-MI 1150 KASM MN Albany 2/3 0811 P Kasm farm director...Kasm, #1 farm radio...." Alone. JJR-MI 1150 WCRK TN Morristown 2/24 0645 P "105.7 WCRK-FM" Maggie May, Rod Stewart. Alone. JJR-WI 1150 WCRK TN Morristown 2/14 0716 P 105-7 CRK-FM, Seals & Crofts song. Dinner giveaway "in Morristown." JJR-WI 1150 WEAQ WI Chippewa Falls 2/27 0713 P "the Farm 24-7. 95-9AM, 1150AM" into Horse w/No Name-AMerica. Alone. JJR-WI 1150 WEAQ WI Chippewa Falls 2/7 0705 P tho atop, replacing WHBY. "Mid West Family Eau Claire" said several times. JJR-WI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1150 CJSL SK Estevan 2/9 0759 P My Own Way to Rock, Burton Cummings, CJ1150. Alone. moved on. JJR-MI 1150 CJSL SK Estevan 2/5 0824 P Hollywood Nights, Bob Seger, "CJ1150" and no WHBY. But itself. JJR-MI 1150 CJSL SK Estevan 2/4 0823 F "in the office, we are w/you. CJ 1150" tween songs. Alone, steady. JJR-MI 1150 CJSL SK Estevan 2/1 0838 P same song was playing on 1190 CFSL. Alone. WHBY in earlier, gone. JJR-WI NEW DX seen here almost daily. DX-midAMerica! Thank you for stopping by! 1160 WEWC FL Callahan 2/6 2013 Spanish music, La Raza slogan mentioning 92.9. MF-FL 1160 WCFO GA East Point 2/16 0636 tuned in to Rel talk, mentioned slogan The Quest, quickly faded. ICF-2010 NEW! MF-FL Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1160 KCTO MO Cleveland 2/17 0735 P no WYLL to null, which was interesting. Sounded like pope. Alone. JJR-MI 1160 KCTO MO Cleveland 2/13 0735 P SS man,woman "Amen" "Maria" -WYLL easily nulled. JJR-MI 1160 KCTO MO Cleveland 2/10 0718 P SS talk. Sounded like Pope. WYLL nulled, but KCTO was stronger. JJR-MI 1160 KCTO MO Cleveland 2/4 0719 P "Maria" ments in SS REL. WYLL weak/nulled easily. JJR-MI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1160 WPIE NY Trumansburg 2/20 0701 P but alone. "ESPN Ithaca" - no WYLL to null. JJR-MI 1160 WPIE NY Trumansburg 2/16 0650 P "ESPN Ithaca" after Granger ad. Into ESPN sports. No WYLL! JJR-MI 1160 WPIE NY Trumansburg 2/13 0653 P talk of Val. days gifts. "Why when it snows is reporter outside?" ESPN. JJR-MI 1160 WPIE NY Trumansburg 2/12 0658 P ESPN said 2x, then "ESPN Ithaca" and WYLL nulled. JJR-MI 1160 WPIE NY Trumansburg 2/2 0806 P WYLL nulled/weak. ESPN Ithaca noted at :13. JJR-MI 1160 WCRT TN Donelson 2/15 0719 Vp REL//stream "Bott" in w/1 other way u/WYLL. JJR-WI 1160 WCRT TN Donelson 2/8 0800 Vp tho REL fighting REL (WYLL) and "Bott R, WCRT" noted. JJR-WI 1170 KJJD CO Windsor 2/16 0802 Vp but lively SS mx now cutting thru WWVA, others. LaLey JJR-MI 1170 KFOW MN Waseca 2/20 0816 P wx. Call 332-XXXX in Owatonna" Midwest Collision in Owatonna. Alone. JJR-MI 1180 WSQR IL Sycamore 2/23 0640 P newscast. "92-9 the Q and AM 1180" o/WKCE. JJR-WI 1180 KYES MN Rockville 2/23 1701 g- Relevant Radio program but local content with many "K-Yes" IDs. NEW! TL-IN Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1180 WKCE TN Knoxville 2/24 0641 P calls, Dean Martin Everyboy's Got the Right.." Alone. JJR-WI 1180 WKCE TN Knoxville 2/23 0641 P calls, after Handy Man/Jimmy Jones. Way u/WSQR. JJR-WI 1180 WKCE TN Knoxville 2/14 0650 P "WKCE News" into ABC news after 4 Seasons oldie. Alone. JJR-WI 1190 WAFS GA Atlanta 2/22 0700 P Relevant Radio, (I'm waiting for KDMR LID, but) WAFS Atlanta!!!! No WOWO. JJR-WI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1190 KDMR MO Kansas City 2/14 0702 P Relevant Radio chatter in/o/u WOWO. Also UNID"Lake Country" heard. JJR-WI 1190 KDMR MO Kansas City 2/7 0703 P thru WOWO. "tax deductable gift to Relevant Radio" JJR-WI 1190 KDMR MO Kansas City 2/6 0655 P even w/WOWO. Relevant Radio ments, fund drive. JJR-WI 1210 KGYN OK Guymon 2/6 0745 P "KGYN" noted in passing. Alone. JJR-WI 1210 KGYN OK Guymon 2/2 0905 P the 5 state big talker, KGYN into TALK. JJR-MI 1210 CFYM SK Kindersley 2/5 0819 P You Could Have Been a Lady/April Wine, chatter into ads. Weak/fading/flutter. No calls noted, but "Classic Hits" was noted. JJR-MI 1220 WLPO IL LaSalle 2/23 0637 P "wx is next on 103-9 WLPO" nx, Fox/Money Matters. Alone. JJR-WI 1220 WSLM IN Salem 2/22 0647 P tho "My Country" into chatter-stop-set. JJR-WI 1220 KDDR ND Oakes 2/19 0743 Vp N Dak ments, 701 a/c. Valley City ments. Alone. JJR-MI 1220 KDDR ND Oakes 2/1 0835 P mid -mid 40's in N Dakota - Fog this morning in N Dakota. moved on. Alone. JJR-WI 1220 CHRB MB Boissevain 2/12 0742 P "in West-Man for o/60 years..." JJR-MI 1220 CJRB MB Boissevain 2/9 0742 P West-Man references, New gas stn on Trans Canada Hwy. Alone. JJR-MI 1220 CHSJ ON St.Catharines 2/2 0803 P various groundhog reports:ON, QC, Nova Scotia. Spring early! JJR-MI 1230 KGHS MN International Falls 2/2 0941 Vp 95.3 & 1230 KGHS after Na Na Hey Hey, Steam (1969) w/others. JJR-MI 1230 KMRS MN Morris 2/4 0838 P "KMRS More music, more variety" into ad:Main St. in Morris" Alone. JJR-MI 1230 KTRF MN Thief River Falls 2/19 0805 F CBS news, Mornings w/Bob Holmgren(?) on KTRF radio. JJR-MI 1230 WCMC NJ Wildwood 2/23 1757 CST. A very BIG surprise. Very poor but briefly in the clear. WCLO-WI in a null. A child anncr w/ an ID of their // sister station. " . . . rock and roll, AM 1340, . . . , WMID . . ." . Then into the Petula Clark tune Downtown. NEW! TPK-WI 1230 WXCO WI Wausau 2/5 0801 Vp "Terry Bell, Civic Media News" thru many others. JJR-MI 1240 KICD IA Spencer 2/5 0800 Vp LID "Spencer" & CBS nx w/other doing CBS news too. JJR-MI 1240 WATT MI Cadillac 2/16 0800 Vp tho a clear "WATT Cadillac" cut thru w/many others. JJR-MI 1240 KDLR ND Devils Lake 2/5 0835 P dense fog, hi:39 "at KDLR, it's currently 32" Birthdays/anniversaries. Alone. JJR-MI 1240 KCCR SD Pierre 2/12 0810 P Pierre, SD ments in newscast. Alone. JJR-MI 1240 KCCR SD Pierre 2/1 0903 P CBS news (began at :03) "KCCR, Pierre & Fort Pierre" ments after Weatherology. Alone. Oddly, no 1060-KGFX! JJR-WI 1250 KYYS KS Kansas City 2/5 0817 Vp but SS "LaX" certainly cut thru others. JJR-MI 1250 KYYS KS Kansas City 2/1 0822 P uptempo SS, replacing KSSP. LaX noted after 2 minutes. Alone. JJR-WI 1260 WNDE IN Indianapolis 2/5 0648 Poor in WXYT slop with Fox Sports, quickly lost. Been a while since I've heard this! EB-MI 1260 KROX MN Crookston 2/17 0854 P-alone. "KROX Crookston, Real mx variety" Songs by Al Green, Aerosmith. JJR-MI 1260 WCCR OH Cleveland 2/20 0804 P EWTN morning chatter, vs more common WSDZ Relevant Radio. JJR-MI 1260 KWYR SD Winner 2/12 0809 P alone. "Burger Battle" who has the best burger. SD cities - restaurants. JJR-MI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1260 WLAK WI Amery 2/13 0733 P Farm report. "Lake Air-1260 AM-WLAK" wx:27 now. JJR-MI 1260 WLAK WI AMery 2/10 0908 P Ph # given/Civic Media match. "callers on hold. We'll get to you this hr!" Wow. JJR-MI 1260 WLAK WI AMery 2/9 0657 P alone, steady. WI chatter. Moved on. JJR-MI 1260 WLAK WI AMery 2/5 0737 P "the way things are done in WIsconsin" political chatter. Alone. JJR-MI 1270 WWCA IN Gary 2/27 0653 P Biblical stuff, Noah, Catholic. Relevant Radio ment. Alone. JJR-WI 1270 WWCA IN Gary 2/14 0701 P talk going into Mass. Alone. No WMKT, etc. JJR-WI 1270 WWWI MN Baxter 2/2 0857 P blowout sale on ice augers, Lakes morning show. JJR-MI 1270 WCGC NC Belmont 2/28 0701 P -just missing LID. EWTN into Catholic Mass vs Relevant(WWCA) Assumed. JJR-WI 1270 WCGC NC Belmont 2/25 0700 Vp tho EWTN and LID noted into Sunday Mass. Only 2nd or 3rd time hrd. JJR-WI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1270 KRXO OK Claremore 2/22 P phone #s, FB ments. This was in o/20 mins today. "Ritmo" slogan. JJR-WI 1270 KRXO OK Claremore 2/14 0747 P uptempo SS chatter by woman, matching stream. Alone on freq. JJR-WI 1270 KRXO OK Claremore 2/8 0745 P thought I had SS yesterday. Today, this was in solid. Ritmo ment :49 tween songs. JJR-WI 1270 KNWC SD Sioux Falls 2/19 0733 P in fade up. Faith Radio interview. No WMKT etc all morning. JJR-MI 1270 KNWC SD Sioux Falls 2/2 0900 P LID for 107-5 & 1270 KNWC into REL programming. KLXX needed bad! JJR-MI 1270 WLIK TN Newport 2/28 0637 P newscast w/many local, state mentions. Alone. JJR-WI 1270 WLIK TN Newport 2/26 0624 Have I the Right?-Honeycones (1964) calls, morning chatter. Lost. JJR-WI 1280 WGBF IN Evansville 2/6 0714 P Dave Ramsey - alone. Steady. Prog match. JJR-WI 1280 KVXR MN Moorhead 2/9 0738 P (EWTN) Sonrise Morning show. Alone. No WWTC WNAM etc. JJR-MI 1280 CFMB QC Montreal 2/2 0800 F w/song ending, calls, nx sounder, Montreal said a few times. JJR-MI 1290 KOUU ID Pocatello 2/18 1850 good clear fade up with Local ad for a bike show then full ID with AM and FM frequency and KOUU call sign. NEW! SMA-MB 1290 WIRL IL Peoria 2/27 0629 Vp "Peoria's best" among several others. Local WZTI off! JJR-WI 1290 WCBL KY Benton 2/28 0657 Coming in very poor after WHKY-NC went into a fade. Local WZTI off air. Summary of the Marshall County/ Calloway County boys HS basketball game from last night. TPK-WI 1290 WNBF NY Binghamton 2/18 0743 P Fr.Chas. from St.James church. "8:43 on Sunday morning" polka, then "Always live on Sunday! Bill ??? on WNBF-1290." Alone. It's been years! JJR-MI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1290 WHKY NC Hickory 2/28 0658 P interview, local awards. Charlie Graingers in Beaumont - Hwy 27. LID, Fox news. Local WZTI still off. JJR-WI 1290 WHKY NC Hickory 2/27 0659 P "WHKY Talk Radio" jingle. LID for AM,102.3FM, Fox news. Local off! JJR-WI 1290 WHKY NC Hickory 2/26 2110 Local WZTI was off air. Fox Sports Radio programming mostly poor u/ dominant WHIO-OH. Briefly fair and on top to hear call letters, a self promotion , and " talk radio AM for the greater Hickory metro, 1290-AM and 102.3 FM" . TPK-WI 1290 WHIO OH Dayton 2/27 0628 Vp tho "WHIO" & "Miami Valley" we noted. Local WZTI totally off! JJR-WI 1290 WKLJ WI Sparta 2/13 0818 P alone. ESPN chatter. No calls. Assumed/Best Bet. JJR-MI 1300 WXRL NY Lancaster 2/7 0655 "Join us on WXRL.." and C&W music. No WOOD WLXG. New in logbook. NEW! GH-IL Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1300 KOLY SD Mobridge 2/19 0759 P Dakota News Network, LID for AM FM 101.9, DRG Media, ABC news. Alone. JJR-MI 1300 KOLY SD Mobridge 2/10 0805 P "Dakota Prairie Outdoors on KFYR KLTC KGFX KOLY & KCJB" alone. JJR-MI 1300 KOLY SD Mobridge 2/2 0855 P So.Dakota news, local job board. Alone. JJR-MI 1300 KOLY SD Mobridge 2/1 0819 P Shirley's Diner in Winner, County Fair food store in Winner. JJR-WI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1300 WNQM TN Nashville 2/28 0717 P Adrian Rogers replacing others I was listening to. JJR-WI 1300 WNQM TN Nashville 2/24 0700 P REL content. Contact info. Alone. JJR-WI 1300 WNQM TN Nashville 2/14 0700 P "Nashville heard. REL. Sure I just missed LID. JJR-WI 1300 WNQM TN Nashville 2/6 0713 P RELigion. This replaced WOOD, in earlier. Steady. JJR-WI 1310 KOKX IA Keokuk 2/14 0709 P Iowa refrences. RadioKeokuk.com, no WIBA. JJR-WI 1310 WCCW MI Traverse City 2/25 0652 P "WTCM Gold" w/C&W, and no WIBA, just 90 miles away. JJR-WI 1310 WDXI TN Jackson 2/14 0658 P til lost. Fleetwood Mac song, Kool 103.5 lost to WIBA. JJR-WI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1320 WDMJ MI Marquette 2/27 0707 P "for WJMN Local 3 I'm Meteorologist Tom Kippen" into talk. W/others. JJR-WI 1320 WDMJ MI Marquette 2/14 0728 P Gladstone, Rapid River, Hancock, Marquette ments in sports. Alone. JJR-WI 1320 WDMJ MI Marquette 2/7 0717 P u/WILS. "upper Michigan's award winning..." RRNSports.com, Island Casino. JJR-WI 1320 WDMJ MI Marquette 2/4 0649 P "on US2 E of Rapid River", Security Credit Union. WILS in later. JJR-MI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1320 KOZY MN Grand Rapids 2/13 0730 P Nothing from Nothing, Billy Preston into MNN news. No calls, WILS. JJR-MI 1320 KOZY MN Grand Rapids 2/10 0831 P "KOZY...93.1FM" Everything That Touches You, Association (1968) JJR-MI 1320 KOZY MN Grand Rapids 2/8 0730 P Hooka Tooka, Chubby Checker, Only 16, Sam Cooke, Polk Salad Annie, Tony Joe White. MN news, Star-Tribune ment. No calls in o/TEN minutes! No WILS. JJR-WI 1320 KOZY MN Grand Rapids 2/7 0736 Vp tho Tellstar (1060's song) & Classic Hits jingle wx cut thru ... JJR-WI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1320 KSIV MO Clayton 2/26 0722 P REL preaching// Bott stream. Open the Bible/Colin Smith. JJR-WI 1320 KSIV MO Clayton 2/22 0715 P REL preaching, replacing weak WILS, in earlier. JJR-WI 1320 KSIV MO Clayton 2/21 0717 P REL (//Bott sked) --no/very weak WILS in earlier. JJR-WI 1320 KSIV MO Clayton 2/14 0708 P REL (//prog guide) replacing WILS. JJR-WI 1320 KHRT ND Minot 2/9 0736 P many, many HS scores, ND ments. Steady, alone. JJR-MI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1320 KELO SD Sioux Falls 2/17 0750 P SD references in psa's. WILS in earlier. WDMJ later. JJR-MI 1320 KELO SD Sioux Falls 2/15 0744 P but no WILS. SD Chief Justice, SD Bar, etc. No calls noted. JJR-WI 1320 KELO SD Sioux Falls 2/11 0730 P tho alone. "weekdays at 2 on Kelo" Moved on. JJR-MI 1320 KELO SD Sioux Falls 2/10 0804 P "from the Storm Center at Kelo-TV..." Atop. (KELO-TV not affiliated) JJR-MI 1330 KNSS KS Wichita 2/1 0813 P 98-7 & 1330 KNSS after wx. No WHBL WLOL KPTY! 1st time this season! JJR-WI 1330 CJYM SK Rosetown 2/9 0734 P Glory Days, Springsteen, Saskatchewan's Best Music, Rob Kenney.... JJR-MI 1340 WLEW MI Bad Axe 2/17 0709 Vp local references in newscast. Police blotter, broken water main, etc. Atop. JJR-MI 1340 KDLM MN Detroit Lakes 2/20 0745 P "in the Lakes area..."Weber Valley Motors Detroit Lakes showroom. JJR-MI 1340 KROC MN Rochester 2/17 0731 P "News Talk KROC-AM & 96-7 FM weather" No current cx. Moved on. JJR-MI 1340 KWLM MN Willmar 2/2 0731 P News Talk 1340 & 96.3 KWLM" promo for show. Atop, steady.JJR-MI 1340 KXPO ND Grafton 2/4 0847 P Grafton True Value & Lumber" wx:mid 40's today. Lost. JJR-MI 1340 KXPO ND Grafton 2/3 0802 P "Swartz Agency in Grafton,KXPO week in review" Atop. Alone, steady. JJR-MI 1350 KDIO MN Ortonville 2/10 0715 P Stand By Your Man, Tammy Wynette, "1350 & 94.5 KDIO" (sat fed) Alone.JJR-MI 1350 KDIO MN Ortonville 2/2 0730 Vp "27 degrees in Ortonville at KDIO" in morn weather update. JJR-MI 1350 WARF OH Akron 2/17 0749 P "Dan Patrick on Cleveland's Sports 1350 the Gambler" -KRNT in earlier. JJR-MI 1350 WAUN WI Portage 2/14 0727 P "WaNna rock" slogan, Bon Jovi song. JJR-WI 1360 KSCJ IA Sioux City 2/4 0830 P "live & local, KSCJ 1360 & now 94.9FM" into Lutheran Hour. No WTAQ. JJR-MI 1360 KSCJ IA Sioux City 2/2 0755 P Midwest Construction Rentals, KSCJ 1360 & 94.9. No WTAQ. JJR-MI 1360 KKBJ MN Bemidji 2/5 0734 P Talk Radio 1360AM, 106-3FM after wx, AMerica in the Morn. No WTAQ. JJR-MI 1360 KKBJ MN Bemidji 2/1 0743 P no WTAQ. EJ liquor, 4mi S of Bemidji on Hwy 71. Talk Radio 1360 & 106.3. JJR-WI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1360 WVRQ WI Viroqua 2/26 0620 P Good Lovin', Young Rascals, calls, chatter. Lost to WTAQ. JJR-WI 1360 WVRQ WI Viroqua 2/23 0632 P Words of Love, Mamas & Papas. Calls, into poss newscast. No WTAQ. JJR-WI 1360 WVRQ WI Viroqua 2/16 0836 P no WTAQ. She Loves You, Beatles, "VRQ" in/out w/others. JJR-MI 1370 KWTL ND Grand Forks 2/21 0732 P Pope Francis still, Real Presence Radio ment/app. Alexa_ask.... JJR-WI 1370 KWTL ND Grand Forks 2/6 0743 P Sonrise Morn Show on EWTN. Only fit. Steady. JJR-WI 1380 KCII IA Washington -- 2/28 1800 CST In briefly, under KXFN, heard “KCII…102.5,” and list of Washington County advertisers, possibly the start of a sports program. Last heard on a frequency check in…1972. KDF-IL 1380 WMJR KY Nicholasville 2/6 0708 P Relevant Radio. No WKJG, etc. JJR-WI 1380 WPHM MI Port Huron 2/12 0710 P-playing SSB, then WPHM jingle, into chatter. (Thought could be s/on,etc) JJR-M Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1380 KLIZ MN Brainerd 2/20 0734 P "the Fan" & "100.3 the Fan" (KFAN/the Fan MN flagship) in chatter. ) JJR-MI 1380 KLIZ MN Brainerd 2/14 0724 P Garage Logic in the Brainerd-Baxter area is sponsored by Cub Foods. Alone. JJR-WI 1380 KLIZ MN Brainerd 2/7 0645 P "...radio for the Brainerd Lakes," LID, the Fan o/others. JJR-WI 1380 KHWK MN Winona 2/17 0747 P "Real Country" & no calls, of course. Others way under. JJR-MI 1380 KHWK MN Winona 2/2 0718 P tho atop. "Real Country" jingle. No calls, of course. Only fit. JJR-MI 1380 WKJV NC Asheville 2/28 0650 P phone #'s, Birthdays, Kings R. Network ments. Uptempo host. Alone. JJR-WI 1380 WKJV NC Asheville 2/21 0729 P tho atop. Long pauses tween SoGOSpel songs. //stream. JJR-WI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1380 KOTA SD Rapid City 2/20 0734 Vp -clear "KOTA" noted in brief pause in sports talk at KLIZ. JJR-MI 1380 KOTA SD Rapid City 2/16 0754 P but contest and phone patch "you're on KOTA" cut through. Atop! JJR-MI 1380 KOTA SD Rapid City 2/12 0806 P "7:06, 34 in Rapid City. Rapid City's Morning News..." Alone. JJR-MI 1380 KOTA SD Rapid City 2/1 0830 P "from the KOTA news room" and later "1380 & 100.7" Alone, steady. JJR-WI 1390 WLCM MI Holt 2/16 0855 P alone. Dr. J. Vernon McGee. No WGRB KRRZ etc all morning! Alone, steady.JJR-MI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1390 KRRZ ND Minot 2/12 0817 P IHeart app, "ND's largest supply of" -alone. JJR-MI 1390 KRRZ ND Minot 2/3 0825 Vp September, Earth Wind & Fire, KRRZ into next song. Have heard way better. JJR-MI 1390 KRRZ ND Minot 2/2 1001 P ClassicHits1390 -contest info. Eye of the Tiger, Survivor. Alone. JJR-MI 1390 KRRZ ND Minot 2/1 0810 P Pink Floyd, Bill Withers songs, "1390 KRRZ" alone. JJR-WI 1390 WTJF TN Jackson, 2/23 2236 CST, poor in WGRB null with ads and mention of sister station JJ97.7. CR-IL 1400 WQXO MI Munising 2/18 0716 P Supremes song, Machine Gun Kelly(syndicated) "WQXO"--WCCY talk, thus "easy" to hear. JJR-MI 1400 KEYL MN Long Prairie 2/11 0741 P ad: 1st Nat'l Bank of ????, wx: calls, Hometown Radio. WCCY running Sun Morn pub service, thus easy to hear. JJR-MI 1400 KQDJ ND Jamestown 2/19 0756 Vp -clear AgCentral feature. JAMestown 107-1, Maroon 5 song. No WCCY! JJR-MI 1400 KQDJ ND Jamestown 2/2 0747 P Fain, Geo.Michael, Jamestown 107-1. In again thru very week WCCY! 2 C&Ws in too! JJR-MI 1400 WBIZ WI Eau Claire 2/5 0751 P Eau Clare's Sports Leader, 98-7 the Fan, LIF dor AM, FM xlator w/WCCY.JJR-MI 1400 WBIZ WI Eau Claire 2/2 0659 Vp "the Fan" into ad cluster. WCCY barely in. JJR-MI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1420 KGIM SD Aberdeen 2/19 0822 P Hub City Radio.com said 2x. "Thanx to Kelo for that clip" (Keh-lo:Not KELO) JJR-MI 1420 KGIM SD Aberdeen 2/2 0922 P Louisiana Hot Sauce, "tune 94-1 the Rock" Sat. night broadcast. No KTOE JJR-MI 1420 KGIM SD Aberdeen 2/1 0846 P Dan Patrick, Mercedes-Benz ad, Fox Sports Aberdeen replacing KTOE. JJR-WI 1430 WCMY IL Ottawa 2/23 0650 P IL farm bureau, IL ments over & over. Assumed. Alone to fade. JJR-WI 1430 KASI IA AMes 2/17 0847 Vp Ames ment, 1430KASI.com. Always a treat. Alone. JJR-MI 1430 KNSP MN Staples 2/2 0705 P "KFAN the Fan" on MN's Fan sports network. JJR-MI 1430 WRDN WI Durand 2/7 0713 P WI news headlines. "on WRDN" and still popping in at :47. JJR-WI 1430 CHKT ON Toronto 2/13 0813 P "this is AM 1430 CHKT - Fairchild Media" between ETHnic talk. Alone. JJR-MI 1440 KCHE IA Cherokee 2/4 0743 P "AM 1440 KCHE Cherokee" all alone. Save the Bst For Last, Vanessa Williams. JJR-MI 1440 WMAX MI Bay City 2/16 0714 P Mich temps, long range wx. "Ave Maria Radio & EWTN" and no WNFL. JR-MI 1440 KYCR MN Golden Valley 2/7 0746 "Ramsey show 1-4" -Retirement stocks: Alone. I retired at 59, having never made employee of the month. Go figure! JJR-WI 1440 WZYX TN Sparta 2/27 0645 P Pop sounding song. ad for Nursing Home in "Winchester Tenn." If calls were said, I didn't hear them. JJR-WI 1440 WZYX TN Sparta 2/24 0756 P I'm Coming out by Pink, Jack FM and lost. No WROK, now WNFL. JJR-WI 1450 KBUN MN Bemidji 2/19 0821 Vp wx given"...anf the Bun 1450" into sports scores. w/many others. JJR-MI 1450 KBUN MN Bemidji 2/2 0945 P tho atop. MN psas. #1-800 number/MN reference, ESPN. No calls. Unreal. JJR-MI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1450 KZZJ ND Rugby 2/17 0844 P "Country oldies show on 1450 & 92-1 KZZJ" RugbyBroadcasters.com. Alone. JJR-MI 1450 KZZJ ND Rugby 2/12 0800 P LID AM/FM 92.1,CBS news. Alone. JJR-MI 1450 KZZJ ND Rugby 2/9 0727 P wx thru next week, 1450 & 92.1FM, 1st Nat'l bank/trust, ??? pharmacy of Rugby. JJR-MI 1460 KDWA MN Hastings 2/13 0725 P -no KXNO. Hastings mentioned several times in newscast. No calls. JJR-MI 1460 KKCQ MN Thief River Falls 2/2 0842 P Real Country, tween C&W songs. No calls. "we don't need no stinkin' calls!" ;) JJR-MI 1460 CJOY ON Guelph 2/20 0759 P "1460 CJOY Guelph" Corus, Radio Player Canada mment. News. JJR-MI 1460 CJOY ON Guelph 2/4 0807 P Morning Train, Sheena Easton, "CJOY" Share the Land,Guess Who. Alone. JJR-MI 1470 WMBD IL Peoria 2/3 0753 P alone, #309 a/c, Univ Ave, Talbot's Clothing. Not heard much here. JJR-MI 1470 KWAY IA Waverly 2/4 0806 "KWAY AM 1470" into Fox news at :06. (a bit late, hi!) Alone. JJR-MI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1470 KHND ND Harvey 2/19 0753 P temps in ND, "right here in DT Harvey" "KX weather" (TV stn) Rick Jensen.JJR-MI 1470 KHND ND Harvey 2/17 0822 Vp Weatherology. "on the Mix-1470 KHND" -Song by Queen. JJR-MI 1470 KHND ND Harvey 2/12 0757 P t/c, calls, "KX weather" from TV stn. ??? Drug & Gift in Harvey. Alone. JJR-MI 1470 KHND ND Harvey 2/9 0725 P "the BS morning show, 25 & cloudy" uptempo host. Alone. JJR-MI 1470 KHND ND Harvey 2/3 0821 P Weatherology/fog, drizzle, The Mix 1470 KHND Harvey. JJR-MI 1470 KHND ND Harvey 2/2 0943 P Fox news ended, News & Information-the Mix, 1470 KHND Harvey. JJR-MI 1470 KHND ND Harvey 2/1 0844 P KHND & 99.5FM, RDA show this afternoon. 26 degrees in Harvey. Alone. JJR-WI 1490 KXRA MN Alexandria 2/4 0805 P Town Hall news, KXRA 1490, 100.3 & 105.7 into wx. Atop. JJR-MI 1490 KIBM NE Omaha 2/10 0757 Vp "weeknights 6-10" nothing else! Songs by Seales & Crofts, Martha & Vandellas. LID noted (w/Morse Code) at TOH. JJR-MI 1490 KNDC ND Hettinger 2/1 0857 P regional newscast. LID for AM/FM 106.7 -USA news. Been years! JJR-WI 1490 KOVC ND Valley City 2/12 0815 P various ND ments. Finally, "on KOVC" -alone. JJR-MI 1490 KOVC ND Valley City 2/2 0751 vp "right here on KOVC.." wx given. In w/many others. JJR-MI 1490 WLCX WI LaCrosse 2/23 0700 P LID, Eagle "caw" Civic Media app, ABC news thru others. JJR-WI 1500 WFED DC Washington 2/14 0652 P anout even w/KSTP. Talk of various gov't agencies, etc. No calls heard. JJR-WI 1500 WBZI OH Xenia 2/25 0606 Vp but cutting thru weak KSTP for a few mins. C&W, "Real Roots Radio" slogan. JJR-WI 1510 KCTE MO Independence 2/19 0817 Vp "Kans. City....Acura" (too weak) NO CALLS into ESPN. JJR-MI 1510 KCTE MO Independence 2/17 0723 Vp ESPN. Talking of tennis shoes. Only fit. JJR-MI 1520 WHOW IL Clinton 2/20 0712 P "on the WHOW morning show, Monday..." alone.Steady. JJR-MI 1520 KSIB IA Creston 2/10 0855 P "offices in downtown Des Moines" (Cordell & Cordell) Kool 102, lost to KOLM. JJR-MI 1520 WRCI MI Three Rivers 2/23 0658 P C&W mx, "Classic Country- WRCI 97-1" Rare! JJR-WI 1520 KRHW MO Seikston 2/26 0615 P calls, Oh Lonesome Me, Don Gibson. (One of mom's fav songs!) JJR-WI 1520 WPAY OH Rossford 2/18 0800 P absolutely NO LID. Just seconds where LID should have been. Relevant Radio. Only fit. JJR-MI 1520 WZBU WI New Holstein 2/26 0724 P- Songs -all from 1970's noted: Meco, Survivor, Art Garfunkel, calls at :30 JJR-WI 1530 WLCO MI Lapeer 2/17 0722 Vp instrumentals, "the greatest mx for the whole world- Bridge 96.7" JJR-MI 1530 WLCO MI Lapeer 2/2 0839 Vp "Bridge 96.7" tween 2 instrumentals. WCKY in back. JJR-MI 1530 WJDM NY Mineola 2/6 2135 p- in weakly behind WCKY, // to stream and only lagging by a few seconds. New NY here. NEW! TL-IN 1530 WJDM NY Mineola 2/3 2130 Fair at times under WCKY with SS preacher, multi-station ID at 2300. Radio Cantico Nueva. NEW! EB-MI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1550 KESJ MO Saint Joseph 2/18 0800 Vp but heard "107.5" upon tuning in. Poison song. No WHIT. JJR-MI 1550 KESJ MO Saint Joseph 2/17 0834 P no WHIT. "More mx....Joe Town 107.5" JJR-MI 1550 KESJ MO Saint Joseph 2/2 P 80s/90s/now, Joe Jown 107-5, Billy Joel song. WHIT, in earlier, gone. JJR-MI 1550 KESJ MO Saint Joseph 2/1 0840 P Billy Jean, Mihael Jackson K-Joe 107.5, replacing WHIT. JJR-WI 1560 KBEW MN Blue Earth 2/13 0811 P Flowers, Shrimp on sale....Blue Earth. KLNG in back. JJR-MI 1570 KDIZ MN Golden Valley 2/13 0809 P fill-in host for Mike Gallagher. No WLKD. Freedom 1570. JJR-MI 1570 KDIZ MN Golden Valley 2/10 0753 P "from the Town Hall studios" -lost as quickly to WLKD. Best bet. JJR-MI 1570 KAKK MN Walker 2/19 0747 P "the home of Colin Cowherd- KAKK 1570 & 92.7 11-2" -no WLKD. JJR-MI 1580 KCHA IA Charles City 2/13 0722 P newscast where Chas. City was mentioned 3x. No CKDO. JJR-MI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1580 WJFK MD Morningside 2/22 0742 P BetQL, BetMGM ments. "??? show 7-11PM Eastern" JJR-WI 1580 WJFK MD Morningside 2/21 0641 P Sports book ad "not available in DC" Alone. No CKDO. JJR-WI 1580 WJFK MD Morningside 2/15 0709 P talk on how to negotiate sports contracts. No CKDO. Alone. JJR-WI 1580 WJFK MD Morningside 2/14 0651 F CBS sports. No CKSO. Solid. JJR-WI 1590 WHLX MI Marine City 2/8 0718 P "and AM 1590 WHLX" -odd, so used to "the Hills" slogan, much less "AM" ment. JJR-WI 1590 WPVL WI Platteville 2/8 0707 P tho alone. ESPN chatter. Assumed. JJR-WI 1590 WPVL WI Platteville 2/6 0755 P tho ESPN cutting through. Alone. Assumed. JJR-WI 1600 WAAM MI Ann Arbor 2/19 0813 P Glenn Beck trading w/KGYM. Lost to KDAK. JJR-MI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1600 KDAK ND Carrington 2/19 0814 P Elongated ND forecast, tho lost to WAAM. No sign of KGYM. JJR-MI 1600 KDAK ND Carrington 2/17 0831 P "the mx you love! FM 100.1-AM 1600 the Cardinal" ND jobline. 80s mx. JJR-MI 1600 KDAK ND Carrington 2/9 0803 P alone, "The Cardinal is..."LID, Fox news. JJR-MI 1600 KDAK ND Carrington 2/3 0816 P Semi Charmed Life, 3rd Eye Blind, 100.1 & AM 1600, the Cardinal. No KGYM. JJR-MI 1600 KDAK ND Carrington 2/2 0748 P at NewsDakota.com, wx, talk w/local food store. No KGYM. JJR-MI 1600 KDAK ND Carrington 2/1 0852 P host saying good bye, AgCentral, "Fox news at TOH on KDAK"-no KGYM. JJR-WI 1600 WZZW WV Milton 2/21 0741 P REL preacing. LID noted at TOH. PureRadio.org said 2x. No KGYM!!! JJR-WI 1600 WRPN WI Ripon 2/12 0704 P o/KGYM w/WI ments in newscast. JJR-MI 1600 WRPN WI Ripon 2/9 0651 P but no KGYM. "Modern Overhead Door in Ripon." JJR-MI 1630 KFBU WY Fox Farm 2/12 0638 P REL teaching in briefly o/KCJJ. Only fit. JJR-MI 1650 KCNZ IA Cedar Falls 2/6 2030 local ads, 16-50 The Fan slogan, Waterloo Black Hawks hockey. MF-FL 1690 KDMT CO Arvada 2/18 0736 P Morning Air replay. WVON, in earlier, nowhere. Gone. JJR-MI 1690 KDMT CO Arvada 2/2 0747 P Catholic talk. No sign of WVON. JJR-MI 1690 CHTO ON Toronto 2/19 0655 F! ETHnic -WVON cutting in about :57. JJR-MI 1690 CHTO ON Toronto 2/11 1750 Hellenic music. Live stream verified.Pulled out from under local WVON. GH-IL Pan-AM loggings (GMT): 670 CUBA a Radio Rebelde synchro 2/24/2024 0235 UTC. Very poor under a partially nulled WSCR. Male SS chatter // to 5025 shortwave. TPK-WI Trans Atlantic TIPS: UTC FEBRUARY 2024 612 UNID TA 2/24/24 0250 to 0430 , 0630 to 0645, 0830 UTC. A signal on 612.0004 - 612.0006 intermittent to about 15 dB's over the 610 USB level. Still present @ 0645, gone @ 0830 recheck. This is most likely the Moroccan SNRT station running 24 hours. MWList's only recent post (4/29/23) has them @ 612.0021 which is not really a frequency match. TPK-WI 612 SPAIN,Vitoria 2/24/24 0250 to 0430 , 0630 to 0645, 0830 UTC. A signal on 612.0016 doing about 30 dBs over the 610 USB level when I tuned in @ 0250 UTC. This was the station causing the het against 610. It had a steady signal 10 to 15 dBs over most of the evening. Still present @ 0645 UTC, gone @ a 0830 recheck. By 0645 UTC the only listed stations on 612 that were pre-dawn were the 2 Spaniards and Morocco. MWList's latest freq. post (10/26/22) is 612.0017. TPK-WI 612 SPAIN, Lleida 2/24/24 0250 to 0430 , 0630 to 0645, 0830 UTC. A signal on 611.9887 waxing and waning from intermittent to about 15 dB's over. Present @ 0645, gone @ 0830 UTC. MWList has this station near 611.9896 to 611.9906 the last 3 years. TPK-WI 1089 UNITED KINGDOM, talkSPORT syncho 2/7/2024 0130 to 0300 UTC, 0620 to 0900 UTC. A signal on 1088.9997 that had a max peak about 10 dBs over the 1090 LSB level. Intermittent by 0749, gone by 0801 UTC. TPK-WI 1089 UNITED KINGDOM, talkSPORT syncho 2/7/2024 0130 to 0300 UTC, 0620 to 0900 UTC. A signal on 1089.0002 that was peaking @ 40 dBs over the 1090 LSB level. This was definitely strong enough to het 1090. It's also strong enough to have some audio but none was detected (too much QRM from both 1080 and 1090). It still had some peaks to 10 dBs over as late as 0847 UTC, It was still present but weak and intermittent @ 0858 UTC. I suspect this is the Westerglen, Scotland talkSPORT w/ a 0801 LSR and 125 KWs of power. TPK-WI 1089 UNITED KINGDOM, talkSPORT syncho 2/7/2024 2/7/2024 0130 to 0300 UTC, 0620 to 0900 UTC. A weak signal on 1089.0005 that never peaked above the 1090 LSB level. Gone by 0731 UTC. TPK-WI 1089 UNITED KINGDOM, talkSPORT syncho 2/7/2024 0130 to 0300 UTC, 0620 to 0900 UTC. A signal on 1089.0010 that several peaks to 40 db over the 1090 LSB level. No audio however. Mostly weak and intermittent after 0730 UTC,, peaking @ 15 dBs over @ 0813 UTC, and weakly hanging in intermittently to 0900. Possibly the Northern Ireland talkSPORT w/ a 0802 UTC LSR. TPK-WI Trans Pacific TIPS: UTC 1089 NEW ZEALAND, Palmerston North 2/7/2024 0620 to 0900 UTC. A bonus! A signal on 1089.0006-1089.0007 started to show up @ 0740 UTC, peaking @ 15dBs o/ @ 0817 UTC, 20 dBs o/ @ 0823, and 15 dBs o/ @ 0837. Palmerston North has a 0730 UTC sunset. MWList's latest post (5/23/2022) has them @ 1089.0004. TPK-WI --- JAN AV:257.14(^248.88) HI:596('19),LO:62('88) JAN'23:532 NOW:525 <- <-ABOVE AVERAGE AGAIN! MONTH #127 in-a-row! Thanx for Hot Tipping since 1981! MOST reported frequency/HOT NOW: 1270:16 1010:15 1320:14 800:13 900:12 970:10 1490:10 1190:9 reports! ***************************************************** thus far:2024! ************************************************************1-19 Best JAN EVER! 2nd BEST MONTH on record! **********************************1-01 720-CHTN Charlottetown, PEI tests for DX-midAMerica! *******************1-87 Very good cx JAN:2023:532 22:354 21:590 20:336 19:596 18:450 17:227 16:224 15:243 14:204 ******************1-84 First bulletin using name DX-midAMerica When there are multiple reports of one station, most recent logs are at the top, with the older logs pushed downward. 790 UNID 1/9 0657 P tho steady w/SS. Mex, Estados Unitos, Cuba. LID given, "W", lost at TOH. JJR-WI 810 UNID 1/7 0604 P 3 Black GOS songs incl AMazing Grace. No LID at TOH. Lost to WGY. JJR-WI 1270 UNID 1/1 0837 P C&W songs, incl Behind Closed Doors, Charlie Rich. Alone! Lost in L'Anse. Who??? JJR-MI 1300 UNID 1/8 0720 P "the Morning Roundtable 7-9 AM on W..." Riverside ments. Stumped in So.Milwaukee. JJR-WI 1440 UNID 1/14 0659 Vp "....Y, First in Country" Stumped in South Milwaukee. Lost. JJR-WI 1530 unID 1/23 2137 — Mexican ballad, then calls in Spanish sounding like XESD (which would be ). Presuming XESD again at 2100 with ID mentioning an FM. WCKY-OH off. 1560 UNID 1/22 0913 " the Best Country - AM 15-60" and lost to KLNG. Who izzit! Nothing jives. JJR-MI 1560 UNID 1/14 1728 Poor, clashing with what I assume was WGLB with C&W mx. Eventually lost. EB-MI 1600 UNID 1/7 0627 Vp -Country mx in KGYM null. Gave up, tho can't think of any C&W noted here. JJR-WI 540 KWMT IA Fort Dodge 1/24 0746 P Iowa Ag update, Iowa farmers.... No CBK until later on. JJR-MI 540 KWMT IA Fort Dodge 1/14 1659 - Fair with C&W, ID between records. EB-MI 550 WDUN GA Gainesville 1/21 0533 wx with IDs and a SID. MF-FL 550 KFYR ND Bismarck 1/27 0731 Vp ND references 2x, I Heart app, Fox news :33 thru WSAU. JJR-MI 560 KLZ CO Denver 1/29 0700 Vp calls, Wilkins Radio men thru many others. JJR-MI 560 CFOS ON Owen Sound 1/23 0624 P contact us:BayShore Broadcasting for more. "560 CFOS" jx. Alone. JJR-MI 570 CKGL ON Kitchener 1/22 0816 P Waterloo Kia, Kitchener Kia. City News 570. Live & local all weekend" JJR-MI 570 CKSW SK Swift Current 1/1 0718 P songs from Bryan Adams, Journey. (same on CFSL) No usual WNAX! JJR-MI 580 WIBW KS Topeka 1/22 0815 P "104.9....WIBW Topeka" Credit Card Debt ad. Alone. Been a while. JJR-MI 580 WXRH TN Rockwood 1/16 0624 P "the Ranch" in w/WILL which was weak. OLD C&W. JJR-WI 580 WCHS WV Charleston 1/12 0609 P WV news story after story after story. . . . after story.... Alone. JJR-WI 580 WCHS WV Charleston 1/7 0511 P the V of Chareston, WCHS. Basically by itself. JJR-WI 580 CFRA ON Ottawa 1/26 0805 P Live & local, Ottawa at work on News Talk on 580 CFRA. Alone. JJR-MI 580 CFRA ON Ottawa 1/20 0804 P News-Tlk 580 CFRA in chatter. In 1 hr earlier too. JJR-MI 580 CFRA ON Ottawa 1/19 0724 P caller #17, #613-521-XXXX. "of Ottawa" in chatter. Alone. JJR-MI 590 WDWD GA Atlanta 1/21 0525 Rel program, Faith Talk Atlanta, Turning Point program. MF-FL 590 WJMS MI Ironwood 1/1 0803 P "92.1-590 WJMS, Real Country" not heard much. Mostly KOMJ here. JJR-MI 590 KXSP NE Omaha 1/14 1705 Fair with AM 590 ESPN Omaha ments. Common around SRS, but hardly ever heard SSS! EB-MI 600 WBOB FL Jacksonville 1/10 0709 P WBOB.com Talk Radio WBOB over & over. "from Jacksonville to the GA coast" -Alone! Atop! JJR-WI 600 KSJB ND jAMestown 1/22 0730 P ND's oldest resident dead at 113(!) KSJB news, I'm Ron Jordan, o/others. JJR-MI 600 CKAT ON North Bay 1/14 1801 Poor with QSB; local ads, C&W, lost. EB-MI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 610 WPLO GA Grayson 1/15 0608 P tho in better than recently. SS ballads, LaBonita chatter. JJR-WI 610 WPLO GA Grayson 1/13 0614 P softer SS mx, LaBonita sweeper into mx. Alone! JJR-WI 610 WPLO GA Grayson 1/7 0507 P slower SS ballads. LaBonita. Alone. JJR-WI 610 WTEL PA Philadelphia 1/8 0542 P Black Information Network ments. Alone. Usually KCSP-MO. JJR-WI 610 WTEL PA Philadelphia 1/5 1649 P I'm ??? on the Black Information Network. Alone, steady. JJR-WI 620 CKRM SK Regina 1/1 0719 P CKRM said tween songs. WTMJ nowhere! JJR-MI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 630 CHED AB Edmonton 1/19 0720 P -13, -11 on Sunday, Deep Freeze Festival, 118th St, "Edmontonian's" JJR-MI 630 CHED AB Edmonton 1/2 0729 P talk of stuff coming up. This is Global News at 6:30. No WREY today. JJR-MI 630 CHED AB Edmonton 1/1 0713 P nx on wars, Cdn joint operations, carbon tax, "in Calgary" 6 mins. Moved on. JJR-MI 640 WBIN GA Atlanta 1/14 2257 Poor to south; Atlanta's BIN 640. EB-MI 640 WMFN IL Peotone 1/23 0744 P unusual hearing "Chicago's BIN 640" tho lost to usual WOI. JJR-MI 650 WNMT MN Nashwauk 1/20 0716 P MNdeerclassic.com "Fox9" MN references. No CKOM. JJR-MI 660 WMIC MI Sandusky 1/22 0730 P Mich Rec. Parks Assn. Michigan Outdoors. Alone. G to East today! JJR-MI 660 KCRO NE Omaha 1/27 0729 P Thru the Bible promo "on the KCRO app" into next REL program. JJR-MI 660 WXIC OH Waverly 1/13 0647 P lively local host. AM FM xlator calls given. Alone. Christian music. JJR-WI 660 WXIC OH Waverly 1/8 0642 P 40 today's hi, Tues:33. "mx to inspire" into Christian mx. Alone. JJR-WI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 660 CFFR AB Calgary 1/25 0734 P Calgary, AB ments, and finaly a City News slogan. JJR-MI 660 CFFR AB Calgary 1/23 0621 P City News time 6:21, traffic & wx on the one's. KBHR in later. JJR-MI 660 CFFR AB Calgary 1/3 0713 P "City News Time 6:12" into stocks. Oil up, Nasdaq down. JJR-MI 660 CFFR AB Calgary 1/2 0727 P Bloomberg stocks: oil higher, This is City News 660. Alone. JJR-MI 660 CFFR AB Calgary 1/1 0712 P snow in Calgary, +1 on Tuesday. Moved on. JJR-MI 680 WMFS TN Memphis 1/10 0710 P w/others. Chatter on sports, 92-9 & 680 WMFS noted. No CJOB. JJR-WI 680 KFEQ MO Saint Joseph 1/8 1708 P w/others. Many MO ments. JJR-WI 680 WPTF NC Raleigh 1/5 0737 P 914-XXX-9473 in ad, Calls said 3x, time. No CJOB this day. JJR-WI 690 WJOX AL Birmingham 1/14 0647 P alone. 5 mins of psa's, Fox Sports promos. NO CALLS into SPO. So, how do stns make money? Assumed. JJR-WI 690 WJOX AL Birmingham 1/9 0701 Vp tho CKGM replaced. Fox Sports. Assumed, as LID was missed. JJR-WI 690 WNZK MI Dearborn Heights 1/23 0741 P trading w/CKGM. Talk of insurance, ph #s given. JJR-MI 690 WZAP VA Bristol 1/9 0701 Vp "bringing the GOSpel...93-3 & 690 WZAP Bristol." REL teaching. JJR-WI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 690 CKBF-1 SK Gravelbourg 1/29 0700 P sounder, CBC ment, calls -newscast in FF. No CKGM today. JJR-MI 690 CBKF-1 SK Gravelbourg 1/8 0549 P w/CKGM fading out. FF chatter, laughter. Still in 1 hr later. JJR-WI 690 CBKF-1 SK Gravelbourg 1/2 0726 P FF chattering after song. CKGM in back. JJR-MI 700 KHSE TX Wyle 1/11 1719 P but easily able to null WLW today. Solid. ETHnic:Asian. Only fit. JJR-WI 710 KNUS CO Denver 1/25 0723 P traffic:delays, Staples, promo:Saturday 7-10 on 710 KNUS. No WDSM! JJR-MI 710 WOR NY New York NY 1/8 0004 equal to the Cuban, Coast to Coast AM. Previously I've only heard them for a minute or two. Cuban owns 710. MF-FL 730 WJMT WI Merrill 1/13 0644 P Sat. morning polka show "on BlueJay963.com" No CKDM.JJR-WI 730 CKAC QC Montreal 1/1 0926 P FF chatter. CKDM in earlier. JJR-MI 740 KNFL ND Fargo 1/20 0801 P tho alone, steady:ESPN ESPN II, app, etc. CFZM now gone. JJR-MI 740 WNOP KY Newport 1/8 0703 P talk on Catholic faith, w/CFZM fading. Only fit. JJR-WI 740 KNFL ND Fargo 1/1 0925 P Vikings 12 Days of Christmas parody. Moved on. Fan network. JJR-MI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 760 KMTL AR Sheridan 1/16 0623 P -in again. LaRaza in for 20 mins or so, knocking WJR rather well. JJR-WI 760 KMTL AR Sheridan 1/15 0639 P but easily in today. LaRaza wiping out WJR. JJR-WI 760 KMTL AR Sheridan 1/8 1743 P tho LaRaza was giving WJR a run. Both about equal. JJR-WI 760 KCCV KS Overland Park 1/4 0752 P tho REL in and no WJR. JJR-MI 770 KATL MT Miles City 1/29 0655 P Jusin Bieber song. Same WW1 feed as WCCY (in Houghton) --alone. JJR-MI 770 WKFB PA Jeannette 1/11 0617 P You're So Vain, calls, next song, lost to WABC. JJR-WI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 780 WJAG NE Norfolk 1/27 0727 P farm, crop in fo, "in the Norfolk area..." in WBBM null. JJR-MI 780 WJAG NE Norfolk 1/22 0725 P "7:25 at WJAG. In sports..." WBBM nulled. JJR-MI 780 WJAG NE Norfolk 1/2 0717 P 37th NW Nebr farm show, WBBM nulled. JJR-MI 790 KURM AR Rogers 1/8 1709 P call in show. Lotta 479 a/c. Sounded like trade-in show. Alone, steady. JJR-WI 790 WKRD KY Louisville 1/8 0700 P Sports Talk 790, Fox sports. Alone. JJR-WI 800 WVAL MN Sauk Rapids 1/22 0809 P Minnesota's Country Legend! WVAL into mx. JJR-MI 800 KQCV OK Oklahoma City 1/14 0715 P Dr.J.Vernon McGee. All alone. //prog guide. JJR-WI 800 WSVS VA Crewe 1/10 0709 P clear 800 WSVS. Mixing w/others & a "Your Country" noted. WKBC??? JJR-WI 800 WVHU WV Huntington 1/7 0648 P Clay & Buck "NewsRadio 800 WVHU" -Pure Talk ad. Alone. JJR-WI 800 WVHU WV Huntington 1/5 0705 P News Radio 800 WVHU said 2x. Still in w/many others at :37. JJR-WI 800 CKLW ON Windsor 1/7 0504 P "local news first, it's 6:02...AM 800 sports." Once so very common. JJR-WI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 800 CJAD QC Montreal 1/26 0739 P alone. "Sunday at 4 on CJAD 800" in promo. Alone. JJR-MI 800 CJAD QC Montreal 1/23 0717 P "next news at 8:30" Stabbing on Metro. QC ments. Alone. JJR-MI 800 CJAD QC Montreal 1/21 0709 P Gambling Help/Quebec, Weight loss ad, Sun Morning house call on CJAD800. JJR-MI 800 CJAD QC Montreal 1/19 0742 P "...show on CJAD" into chatter. CHAB in earlier. JJR-MI 800 CJAD QC Montreal 1/1 0853 P talk of QC politics . DX swung East but still a narrow band hugging 49th parallel. JJR-MI 800 CHAB SK Moose Jaw 1/18 0705 P nx, DiscoverMooseJaw.com, sports. Alone. JJR-WI 800 CHAB SK Moose Jaw 1/8 0636 Vp tho "800 CHAB" jingle, Discover Moose Jaw cut thru. JJR-WI 810 KBHB SD Sturgis 1/23 0829 P alone. Right off the bat, "KBHB" Dakota's Best Lumber. WJJQ gone. JJR-MI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 810 WZRK WI Dodgeville 1/13 0720 P very hard rock mx. Z-Rock, lost to WGY, which was weak. JJR-WI 810 WZRK WI Dodgeville 1/9 0628 Vp Uptempo rock, ZRock, trading w/WGY. JJR-WI 810 WZRK WI Dodgeville 1/7 0645 P Van Halen song, Z-Rock. WGY would again, fade in. JJR-WI 820 WBKK MN Wilton 1/23 0827 P Catholic chatter, replacing CHAM, in earlier. Alone. JJR-MI 820 WBKK MN Wilton 1/1 0819 P weak, tho alone. No WBAP today. Catholic Talk. How to donate. JJR-MI 830 WMMI MI Shepherd 1/1 0755 Vp but tightly nulled WCCO let "Buck 92" thru w/C&W music. JJR-MI 840 KTIC NE West Point 1/19 0714 P "7:14 here at KTIC" in passing. JJR-MI 850 KFUO MO Clayton 1/7 1746 P trading places w/KOA. REL teaching. JJR-WI 860 KNUJ MN New Ulm 1/23 0826 P 320 N. Front Street in New Ulm. Calls, Sam 107.3 ments. (//in morning) JJR-MI 860 KNUJ MN New Ulm 1/4 0751 P "in New Ulm..." Ingstand Tours:Branson MO. CJBC in back. JJR-MI 870 WKAR MI East Lansing 1/12 0706 P "this is WKAR" into Morning Edition. Haven't heard much. JJR-WI 880 WRFD OH Columbus-Worthington 1/23 0716 P alone. Dr. J. Vernon McGee. No CKLQ today. JJR-MI 880 WMEQ WI Menomonie 1/27 0726 P Purify products/infomercial, I Heart. Alone. JJR-MI 890 KVOZ TX Del Mar Hills 1/8 1709 P but seriously cutting thru WLS. R. Christiana. JJR-WI 900 KTIS MN Minneapolis 1/20 0758 P 2 mins w/Tony (Dr.Tony Evans), Faith Radio. Alone. JJR-MI 900 KFAL MO Fulton 1/5 1655 P the Legends are here: KFAL the Big 900 and FM at 95.3" Old C&W music. JJR-WI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 900 WKDA TN Lebanon 1/14 0643 P super, super old Big Band mx, NOS. Only fit. Alone. JJR-WI 900 WKDA TN Lebanon 1/12 0633 P "Real Country" jingle. OLD C&W. Others trying to cut thru. Assumed. JJR-WI 900 WKDA TN Lebanon 1/10 0658 P Wilson County Chevrolet, LID, Town Hall news. Alone. C&W song into that. JJR-WI 900 WKDA TN Lebanon 1/8 0610 P cloudy, hi:53 "your home for country" NO CALLS (recognized her voice.) Old Hippie, Bellamy Bros. Alone. JJR-WI 900 WKDA TN Lebanon 1/5 0734 P 50,showers possible, Happy New Year! two hosts, morning chatter. into super old NOS mx. Only fit, alone. No calls. So accents helped. JJR-WI 900 WCBX VA Basset 1/7 1705 "900 AM 95.3 FM" NRC log ID'd. NEW! GH-IL 900 WKDA TN Lebanon 1/11 0612 P Honey Comb (Jimmy Rogers remake) "WANT 98-9 FM" alone. JJR-WI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 900 CKBI SK Prince Albert 1/31 0703 P tho atop. many Pr.Albert ments in newscast. JJR-WI 900 CKBI SK Prince Albert 1/11 0705 P Saskatoon -30(c) -28(c) in Prince Albert. Alone. Weak. JJR-WI 900 CKBI SK Prince Albert 1/8 0516 P "CKBI" said tween C&W songs. Alone. Have heard this better, stronger. JJR-WI 910 WGTO MI Cassapolis 1/12 0644 P Why Can't I Touch You, Ronnie Dyson, MeTV FM music, No WFDF today. JJR-WI 910 WGTO MI Cassapolis 1/7 0553 P Blue Bayou, Linda Ronstandt, MeTV-FM music. No WFDF today. JJR-WI 910 KCJB ND Minot 1/29 0743 Vp "910 AM - KCJB" thru much stronger WFDF. JJR-MI 910 WJCW TN Johnson City 1/8 0656 P w/ments of Johnson City, Rainbow, Bushnell, Williams Electric Supply ad JJR-WI 910 WJCW TN Johnson City 1/5 0700 Vp tho clear "WJCW" said into news. Poss high of 40. W/many others. JJR-WI 920 KLMRtCO Lamar 1/7 1754 Vp phone #720-753-XXXX given 3x. Colorado a/c. No calls heard. Tentative. JJR-WI 920 WBAA IN Lafayette 1/7 1758 Vp w/"WBAA" clearly heard - in w/2-3 others. WOKY easily nulled. JJR-WI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 920 KDHL MN Faribault 1/24 0810 P obits o/WMPL. Caller to 'MPL:"you on the air?" Told to go to 107.3! WoW! JJR-MI 920 KDHL MN Faribault 1/23 0713 P but easily wiping out WMPL. Long winded MN wx. "in Faribault" JJR-MI 920 KDHL MN Faribault 1/3 0744 P much talk, local ments in sports. First United Bank. WPML 30mi away, nulled. JJR-MI 920 WHJJ RI Providence 1/7 0005 f- Fox News, promo for Hannity "on news talk 920 and 104.7 FM" into Coast to Coast AM, matched stream, New RI #6. NEW! TL-IN 920 CFRY MB Portage-La-Prairie 1/27 0724 P "CFRY, Real Country Radio." wx:fog, thru WMPL. Still in 2hr later! JJR-MI 920 CFRYtMB Portage-La-Prairie 1/7 1755 Vp C&W/.ca (vs.com) noted in ads. CKNX had hockey. Assumed.JJR-WI 930 WFAT MI Battle Creek 1/24 0739 P Frz rain, "102-7 the Fat One!" alone. JJR-MI 930 WBEN NY Buffalo 1/25 0751 Vp "WBEN" said by woman through many others. That was all I had. JJR-MI 940 WIDG MI Saint Ignace 1/23 0738 P RELevant Radio content. Tnx for listening. CJGX in later on. JJR-MI 940 WIDG MI Saint Ignace 1/14 0640 P replacing CJGX. RELevant Radio, in rest of morning. JJR-WI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 940 WCPC MS Houston 1/10 0730 P Rendering the Truth, LID for AM, xlator w/several others. JJR-WI 940 WCPC MS Houston 1/8 0630 P "Wilkins Radio, at 10:30AM" LID incl 105.1 Tupelo - alone. JJR-WI 940 WCPC MS Houston 1/8 0037 heard a big signal here earlier but ignored it. Then saw a tip on IRCA list by Jim Renfrew that this was heard in NY. Tuned back to find REL pgm Through the Bible. Nice ToH ID but hammered by Sarasota station on 930 (usually 920-940). MF-FL 940 KVSH NE Valentine 1/20 0710 P calls, USA nx, "in DownTown Valentine" "18 today in DT Valentine" Alone. JJR-MI 940 KVSH NE Valentine 1/3 0815 P "...media of NEbraska" Local ments, Today's daily dose. CJGX gone. JJR-MI 940 CJGX SK Yorkton 1/14 0637 P very uptempo host w/wx "on GX94." JJR-W 940 CJGX SK Yorkton 1/3 0706 P news, time, "GX94" into music. Alone. JJR-MI 950 CFAM MB Altona 1/7 0550 P AM 950, Classics til Dawn. WWJ, WNTD also in. JJR-WI 960 KMA IA Shenandoah 1/30 1713 P nothing great, but "told KMA" w/usual WSBT nulled. JJR-WI 960 KLTF MN Little Falls 1/14 0711 P HS sports, Birthdays "7:11 at KLTF" --no sign of WSBT. JJR-WI 960 KLTF MN Little Falls 1/3 0706 P Horizon Health, "7:06, KLTF Little Falls" into news. Mostly WSBT here. JJR-MI 960 WTCH WI Shawano 1/11 1731 P but no usual WSBT. we play ???- WTCH" JJR-WI 970 WNIV GA Atlanta 1/10 0657 P end of Dr.Chas Stanley, Faith Talk Atlanta when contacting... Alone! JJR-WI 970 WNIV GA Atlanta 1/8 0655 Vp Dr.Chas. Stanley, Faith Talk Atlanta. 970 wide open this morning. Been a while JJR-WI 970 WMAY IL Springfield 1/8 0654 0634 Vp w/many others. "the Lake" heard w/Hey Soul Sister, by Train. JJR-WI 970 WGTK KY Louisville 1/8 0606 P -mixing w/3-4 others. "Wave-3 wx" WHA weak, no WZAM all morning. JJR-WI 970 WZAM MI Ishpeming 1/9 0502 P Eagle Radio's Rockin' Eagle in, thus 970 logs of yesterday are a memory. JJR-WI 970 WZAM MI Ishpeming 1/7 0454 P "98-7 the Rockin' Eagle. 106-9 Marquette" in last night too. 62w? JJR-WI 970 KJLT NE North Platte 1/10 1703 f- SRN News, local North Platte notices including funeral notes, many other North Platte items, NEW! TL-IN 970 WDAY ND Fargo 1/27 0749 P "your favorite shows on WDAY radio"....no WZAM-60 miles away. JJR-MI 970 WDAY ND Fargo 1/19 0814 P NDSU ments, ND ments. No WZAM today:60 miles away! JJR-MI 970 WKCI VA Waynesboro 1/10 1820 fair and using sister station slogan "Newsradio WKCY". CR-IL 980 WTEM DC Washington 1/17 0729 P Staples ad, "on the Team 9-80" into local talk. No WONE, WCUB. JJR-WI 980 KKMS MN Ritchfield 1/3 0729 P Invergrove Hyundai, 9-80 the Mission. Unusual this was alone, atop. JJR-MI 980 KDSJ SD Deadwood 1/20 0706 P wx, calls, My Music, Loggins & Messina atop. JJR-MI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 980 CFPL ON London 1/26 0828 P "brands in London" Tele talk, Drake Law. podcast promo. JJR-MI 980 CFPL ON Ottawa 1/23 0712 P Ontario Honda Dealers, 3rd hr of show "on 980 CFPL" thru others. JJR-MI 980 CFPL ON London 1/22 0721 P "RCMP reminds riders..." many Ontario ments, thru others. JJR-MI 980 CJME SK Regina 1/1 0706 Vp temps of -3 -8, Moose Jaw, Saskatoon ments. Too weak to copy more. JJR-MI 990 WNML TN Knoxville 1/17 0744 Vp nice So.Accented sports chatter. Animal in, CBW in, but weaker. JJR-WI 1000 KNWN WA Seattle 1/23 2120 — In the course of station news, heard “News Radio 97-7” at :20. Soon afterwards, heard “Seattle’s (business?) news 97-7” and possible mention of “Channel 4.” Weak and hard to copy but consistent u/WMVP-IL. Reported to be on day power/pattern. SC-BR 1000 KNWN WA Seattle 1/10 2216 p- in decent under WMVP with almost perfect match to Deer Harbor SDR, I was able to pull an ID out during weather forecast, heard "Northwest News" mentioned twice, New, WA #4 and one of my Most-wanteds since I began DXing! NEW! TL-IN Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1010 KSIR CO Brush 1/29 0807 P Taylor Equipment in Greeley, ??? Hospital, 308-254-XXXX. Alone. JJR-MI 1010 KSIR CO Brush 1/22 0805 P "news headlines from around Colorado"---alone. JJR-MI 1010 KSIR CO Brush 1/19 0712 P Arrow Applicators in Sterling, Ag News. Alone. JJR-MI 1010 KSIR CO Brush 1/17 0649 P farm news. Gravesite memorials Hwy ??? in... Colorado. JJR-WI 1010 KSIR CO Brush 1/13 0634 P ESPN, ESPN II, ESPN app. No calls into content. Only fit.JJR-WI 1010 KSIR CO Brush 1/3 0811 P "1010 AM - KSIR" cut thru WPCN KRNI WMIN & 1 more! JJR-MI 1010 KSIR CO Brush 1/1 0917 Alone, 970 a/c's "greetings KSIR listeners!" JJR-MI 1010 WJXL FL Jacksonville 1/18 2129 ads, VSIN sports programming in and out. Nice ToH ID. First time I caught an ID, new here after many tentative logs. NEW! MF-FL 1010 WKJW NC Black Mountain 1/13 0745 P "and Christian programming" was all I heard. SoGOS mx. Alone. JJR-WI 1010 WKCW NC Kings Mountain 1/8 0649 P cutting thru others w/So.GOS mx. No WHIN today. JJR-WI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1010 WHIN TN Gallatin 1/12 0735 P "roofing in Gallatin, founded by 2 brothers"---alone. JJR-WI 1010 WHIN TN Gallatin 1/10 0653 P "100.7 WHIN - 1010 AM" into music. JJR-WI 1010 WHIN TN Gallatin 1/5 0657 P "100.7 WHIN" upon tunig in. Alone. Nice good South indicator to me. JJR-WI 1010 CBR AB Calgary 1/29 0712 P "in Calgary, details at 6:30" This is, but no CFFR-660 today. In w/others. JJR-MI 1010 CBR AB Calgary 1/4 0748 P "bulk of traffic in Calgary this morning..." Alone. 1030 WONQ FL Oviedo 1/3 2213 Spanish, "Romantica 93.9 y 103.5 FM" slogan MF-FL 1030 KBUF KS Holcomb 1/21 0706 P but no WBZ. Cattle, farmers, feed, Kansas farmers. Moved on. JJR-MI 1040 WPBS GA Conyers 1/10 0728 P no sign of WHO at all! Vietnamese programming. Steady. JJR-WI 1050 KLOH MN Pipestone 1/1 0951 P "9:30 Friday on KLOH" now alone. CJNB in for 2+ hrs, gone.JJR-MI 1050 WEPN NY New York 1/9 1721 P semi-local WLIP w/o/c in PM drive! "Weekdays at Noon on 98-7 ESPN" in null! JJR-WI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1050 CHUM ON Toronto 1/26 0828 P "from the News Talk 1010 traffic centre." TSN 1050. Once so common.JJR-MI 1050 CHUM ON Toronto 1/22 0849 P Wendy's w/Canadian Egg. "First up on TSN 1050" Alone! JJR-MI 1050 CHUM ON Toronto 1/16 1730 "TSN 1050" ID's and Canadian ad's. NEW! GH-IL 1050 CJNB SK North Battleford 1/1 0705 P "CJNB" tween songs. 2 hr later, "CJNB CJNS" said. (CJNS is FM//) JJR-MI 1060 KNLV NE Ord 1/27 0814 P Madonna's Border Line, calls. Lost to KGFX power up. JJR-MI 1060 WILB OH Canton 1/230709 P Bible chatter, Sonrise morning show, KYW in back. JJR-MI 1060 WILB OH Canton 1/10 0634 P alone, Catholic chatter. No KYW today. JJR-WI 1060 KGFX SD Pierre 1/27 0814 P Dakota Prairie Outdoors -SD game, fish. Help DNR. JJR-MI 1070 KNX CA Los Angeles 1/25 0725 P "right here in Los Angeles...I'm Evan Lovett , KNX News 97-1FM" Alone. JJR-MI 1070 KNX CA Los Angeles 1/20 0703 P "it's 5:03...an accidental shooting" -w/KFTI. No WTSO. No calls heard. JJR-MI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1070 KFTI KS Wichita 1/20 0703 P LID, "another hr of Classic Country" into farm report w/CBS in back. No'TSO.JJR-MI 1070 KFTI KS Wichita 1/9 1717 P Bob Wills Is Still the King, Waylon Jennings Classic Country 10-70, No WTSO. JJR-WI 1070 KFTI KS Wichita 1/1 0703 P Classic Country plays here. NO CALLS. Still in 2hr later. No WTSO all SRS. JJR-MI 1070 KHMO MO Hannibal 1/5 0743 P MO references in psas. WTSO nowhere. JJR-WI 1070 WKOK PA Sunbury 1/19 0738 P "on WKOK" popped out while monitoring WTSO. JJR-MI 1070 WDIA TN Memphis 1/5 0743 Vp w/calls, Roberta Flack's Feel Like Makin' Love. WTSO in at :46. JJR-WI 1070 CHOK ON Sarnia 1/27 0700 P "Provincial...downtown Sarnia" in news, then WTSO power up. JJR-MI 1080 WOKT KY Cannonsburg 1/12 0611 P "Walk FM" jingle tween songs. Alone. JJR-WI 1080 WOKT KY Cannonsburg 1/8 0513 P w/Chistian mx, "Walk FM" jingle. WNWI in/out, allowing. . JJR-WI 1080 WOAP MI Owosso 1/25 0750 P SS chatter. LaPoderosa in. KYMN not. Steady. JJR-MI 1080 WOAP MI Owosso 1/24 0805 P tho alone w/SS LaPoderosa. KYMN in later, tho very weak. JJR-MI 1080 KYMN MN Northfield 1/28 0727 P "as the year comes to an end....(huh?) Northfield Retirement Community" 95.1 the One, Treat Her Right, by Roy Head. JJR-MI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1080 KNDK ND Langdon 1/22 0846 Vp Farm Talk ad:"at Walmart, CVS..." -Assumed. Again, no KYMN. JJR-MI 1080 KNDK ND Langdon 1/20 0749 P super OLD C&W:1940's 50's//stream. No KYMN again. KRLD in back. JJR-MI 1080 KNDK ND Langdon 1/19 0828 P crops, seeds, AgDay Red River ments. No KYMN. Steady. JJR-MI 1080 KNDK ND Langdon 1/1 0847 P tons of #800 ads, Obits "on KNDK" w/funeral home sponsor. No KYMN. JJR-MI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1080 WWNL PA Pittsburgh 1/22 0844 Vp -REL reaching in out in out (//stream) w/no KYMN. JJR-MI 1080 WWNL PA Pittsburgh 1/19 0737 P (//stream) steady. REL teaching. Oddly, again, no KYMN all morning. JJR-MI 1080 WWNL PA Pittsburgh 1/15 0558 Vp John MacArthur LID incl 103.9 Pgh ---KRLD WTIC WNWI in back. JJR-WI 1090 WFCV IN Fort Wayne 1/17 0709 REL from Bott. KAAY now gone. No WAQE all morning. JJR-WI 1090 WFCV IN Fort Wayne 1/13 0700 Vp Bott R jingle LID. WBAL in too. JJR-WI 1090 WBAL MD Baltimore 1/19 0711 P Snowplow driver, 70, killed at random. Call 410-313-XXXX. Alone. JJR-MI 1090 WBAL MD Baltimore 1/12 0703 P "from the WBAL 24 hr..." w/others. JJR-WI 1090 KEXS MO Excelsior Springs 1/29 0800 P EWTN thru much stronger WAQE. Just missed LID. Only fit. JJR-MI 1100 WSGI TN Springfield 1/10 1902 mixing with WTAM. Gospel music and matched to web stream. CR-IL 1100 WISS WI Berlin 1/5 0730 P "this is Oshkosh Air Support-WISS" into ABC news. WTAM gone/replaced. JJR-WI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1110 WBT NC Charlotte 1/31 0634 P "told WBT" in what sounded like a newscast thru/mostly u/KFAB. JJR-WI 1110 WBT NC Charlotte 1/9 0711 P "the Carolinas, running thru Milwaukee" w/KFAB. No snow tho!(Wrong again!) JJR-WI 1110 WBT NC Charlotte 1/8 0605 P sun 57 today, 1110 & 99.3 WBT w/KFAB in back. Morning chatter. Steady. JJR-WI 1120 WKAJ NY St. Johnsville 1/18 2159 f- good under stronger KMOX with a clear mention of St. Johnsville, 1490 AM and 106.9 FM, NEW! TL-IN 1130 WDFN MI Detroit 1/23 0708 P Gov.Whitmer thoughts, etc. w/WISN KTLK, tho atip BIN news. JJR-MI 1130 WDFN MI Detroit 1/1 0742 P talk of Black Radio. BIN, disclaimer "not opinions of BIN" Alone! Not common. JJR-MI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1140 KXRB SD Sioux Falls 1/22 2158 good with c&w music and "11-40 KXRB" ID at 2200. No WRVA. CR-IL 1140 KXRB SD Sioux Falls 1/21 0823 P "Central Church in Sioux Falls." pos REL show. Lotta S.Falls today! JJR-MI 1140 KXRB SD Sioux Falls 1/19 0812 P "36th annual Sioux Falls..." KXRB. Haven't heard CHRB much this season. (Both are C&W) JJR-MI 1140 CHRB AB High River 1/24 .... Nice ID, handily dominating WRVA-VA. SC-BR 1150 WJRD AL Tuscaloosa 1/5 0755 Build Me Up Buttercup, (1968), Scott Shannon. Only fit-many others.JJR-WI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1150 KWKY IA Des Moines 1/27 0740 Vp tho Catholic Mass (chants, singing) cutting thru many others. JJR-MI 1150 KWKY IA Des Moines 1/11 0755 P RELevant Radio chatter as WHBY waned. Assumed. JJR-WI 1150 KWKY IA Des Moines 1/5 0755 Vp Area code 515-410-XXXX, EWTN programming w/many others. JJR-WI 1150 WMST KY Mount Sterling 1/17 0752 Vp "in down town Mt. Sterling" w/many others. JJR-WI 1150 WIMA OH Lima 1/31 0738 P traffic -a/c #419, sports:generic w/Lima ments. They use traffic, etc on numerous stns, thus no calls. #419 area code was the identifier. JJR-WI 1150 WCRK TN Morristown 1/17 0742 P Kennedy College, WCRK Weather Watch. Many others in. JJR-WI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1150 WEAQ WI Chippewa Falls 1/20 0828 P C&W song, "Welcome to the Farm, 95-9FM" Alone, no WHBY. JJR-MI 1150 WEAQ WI Chippewa Falls 1/17 0754 sales people needed. MidwestFamilyEC.com. Farm news. JJR-WI 1150 WEAQ WI Chippewa Falls 1/5 0805 Vp "Farm" ments, Chippewa Co. ments in newscast. Many others. Recent format flip. JJR-WI 1150 CKOC ON hAMilton 1/23 0706 P non-stop talk of business. Bloomberg still in 30 min later. No WHBY. JJR-MI 1150 CKOC OH hAMilton 1/1 0723 P Uline.ca, Brampton on state, "in hAMilton" --No WHBY all morn. JJR-MI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1150 CJSL SK Estevan 1/28 0725 P CJ1150, on your smart speaker, CJ1150, Vacation by the Go Go's. Alone! JJR-MI 1150 CJSL SK Estevan 1/24 0915 Vp tho Rebel Yell, by Billy Idol noted on "AM 1190" CFSL. w/many others. JJR-MI 1150 CJSL SK Estevan 1/1 0843 P tho alone. Right Now, Van Halen. CJ1150, and no WHBY all morning. JJR-MI 🔴🔴🔴 DX-midAMerica.com - There is a difference! 🔴🔴🔴 Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1160 KCTO MO Cleveland 1/26 0755 P a prayer led by woman, answered by man in SS. WYLL weak, nulled. JJR-MI 1160 KCTO MO Cleveland 1/25 0807 P WYLL super weak. This was steady w/SS what sounded like REL. JJR-MI 1160 KCTO MO Cleveland 1/3 0741 P SS REL "Maria" said 3x. No sign of WYLL at all! JJR-MI 1160 WPIE NY Trumansburg 1/22 0716 P "ESPN Ithaca" after ESPN promos. No WYLL to null all morning! JJR-MI 1160 WCRT TN Donnelson 1/9 0728 Vp Bott ments, Bott jingle Truth for Living w/WYLL. JJR-WI 1170 KJJD CO Windsor 1/23 0818 Vp end of song, LaLey in uptempo SS. WWVA still in. JJR-MI 1170 KTSB OK Tulsa 1/9 0751 P the Blitz app, The Blitz - 1170. Local SPOrts chatter. Alone. JJR-WI 1180 WGUE AR Turrel 1/10 1842 fair with SP vocals, "La Jefa" slogan. CR-IL 1180 WSQR IL Sycamore 1/17 0705 P interesting contrast of wx vs WKCE. "92-9 the Q" would win out. JJR-WI 1180 WXLA MI Dimondale 1/20 0746 P Heart of Glass,Blondie, Electric Ave,Eddie Grant, "Easy 93.3" tween. JJR-MI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1180 WKCE TN Knoxville 1/31 0631 P songs by Dion, Supremes, "WKCE music" jingle into Ray Charles song. Alone. JJR-WI 1180 WKCE TN Knoxville 1/17 0705 P fighting WSQR. Highs in teens. Calls. JJR-WI 1180 WKCE TN Knoxville 1/11 0632 P "at WKCE radio..." "radio for Eastern Tenn" -WSQR in back, no WHAM. JJR-WI 1180 WKCE TN Knoxville 1/10 0649 P alone, "another country classic on Mid-Century radio-WKCE" JJR-WI 1180 WKCE TN Knoxville 1/8 0621 P Tell Him,Exciters, Under My Thumb, Stones, calls. Alone. JJR-WI 1190 WAFS GA Atlanta 1/10 0715 presumed with Relevant Radio program. Only Relevant Radio affiliate listed on 1190. Tentative since no ID heard. CR-IL Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1190 WLIB NY New York 1/30 1720 P but WOWO nulled easily. Calls, slower type music. JJR-WI 1190 WLIB NY New York 1/11 1740 "Your home for GOSpel & Inspiration-1190 WLIB" --no WOWO to null! JJR-WI 1190 WLIB NY New York 1/8 1752 P Black GOSpel cutting thru WOWO. Calls. Would fade mins later. JJR-WI 1190 WOWO IN Fort Wayne 1/4 2057 Mark Levin. MF-FL 1190 WNWC WI Sun Prairie 1/5 0755 P tho even w/WOWO. Faith Radio not common despite closeness. JJR-WI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1190 CFSL SK Weyburn 1/22 0842 P no WOWO. Barber Services, Weyburn Buick-GMC. JJR-MI 1190 CFSL SK Weyburn 1/17 0641 P Your mx plays here-AM 1190. o/u WOWO. Still in 60 mins later. JJR-WI 1190 CFSL SK Weyburn 1/8 0509 P -WOWO weak. People Gotta Move, Gino Vanelli, AM 1190. JJR-WI 1200 WXIT NC Blowing Rock 1/23 2140 tuned in to CHR format, "95-3 and 1 oh 7-5 The Pulse" ads, wx at 10:55, nice ToH ID. This is a daytimer. Will send a report to them. Second daytimer I've heard at night on 1200. New here. NEW! MF-FL 1200 WNRJ WV Huntington 1/15 0719 P "the V of Southern GOS." WRTO o/c all morning! Thought I might have had. Didn't! NEW! JJR-WI 1220 WSLM IN Salem 1/7 0707 Vp -My Country slogan noted 2x within 3 minutes. Chasing others earlier. JJR-WI 1220 WHKW OH Cleveland 1/20 0700 P LID, a service of Salem Communications, after TALK. Alone. JJR-MI 1220 CFAJ ON Saint Catharines 1/25 0748 P Fog advisory, no delays at border crossings. Classic1220.ca. Alone. JJR-MI 1230 WSOO MI Sault Saint Marie 1/8 1806 P but "1230 WSOO" and wx from Karl Bohnak. Temps in C/F. JJR-WI 1230 KGHS MN International Falls 1/24 0804 P R&J Broadcasting, call in:283-3481. borderland -2c/ High Fri 34F. JJR-MI 1230 KGHStMN International Falls 1/21 0818 P to fade. Ment of mx from Paul Simon, Carly Simon. Sat fed oldies. WSOO is NOT satellite fed. Lost to KWSN. JJR-MI 1230 KTRF MN Thief River Falls 1/27 0827 P Our AMerican stories. "??? office in Thief River Falls" JJR-MI 1230 KTRF MN Thief River Falls 1/23 0911 P "right here in Thief River Falls" moved on. JJR-MI 1230 KDIX ND Dickinson 1/29 0837 G! Loud and I mean LOUD! Pinning the meter! phone 225 in ads. "on KDIX" JJR-MI 1230 KWSN SD Sioux Falls 1/21 0821 Vp SD, Sioux Falls ments, "here in Sioux Falls" local sports chatter. Atop. JJR-MI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1240 WATT MI Cadillac 1/24 0834 P wx "on 1240 & the new 106-1 WATT" into TALK, o/others. JJR-MI 1240 WATT MI Cadillac 1/19 0706 P Mackinaw City Health. Only fit, o/others. JJR-MI 1240 WATT MI Cadillac 1/7 1730 P talk of Winterfest, Calls 106-1 ment. Fox News. Very crisp, clear. Alone. JJR-WI 1240 KDLR ND Devils Lake 1/24 0733 P ND markets, ND potatoes, Our Family Foods in downtown Devils Lake. JJR-MI 1240 KDLR ND Devils Lake 1/20 0744 P "on Radio Works 103.5...Radio Works Sports is next...Weatherology and "-19 at KDLR", "Classic Country AM 1240 & 99-7 KDLR" Alone! JJR-MI 1240 KCCR SD Pierre 1/3 0900 Vp w/KCCR and K-C-C-R into news. (Sure Pierre was said. I just didn't hear) in mess! JJR-MI 1240 WOBT WI Rhinelander 1/28 0758 P Feeding AMerica, Cancer psa, LID:The Game, WOBT Rhinelander..." JJR-MI 1250 WHNZ FL Tampa 1/13 2336 tuned in to Bloomberg Radio programming. Station was previously Spanish talk. Slogan in ToH ID was Impact Radio. MF-FL 1250 WJMK MI Bridgeport 1/24 0732 P no WSSP all morn. MeTV-FM after songs by Vogues, Elton John. JJR-MI 1250 WJMK MI Bridgeport 1/22 0923 P "Me TV-FM music", ad. All alone. Still, no WSSP. JJR-MI 1250 KCUE MN Red Wing 1/3 0809 P "8 past 8, AMerica's Best Country"...."32 and cloudy in Red Wing" JJR-MI 1250 CHSM MB Steinbach 1/21 0701 P tho atop. Solid. Steinbachonline.com, newscast. JJR-MI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1250 CJYE ON Oakville 1/22 0908 P REL teaching -alone. WSSP in earlier. (//stream) JJR-MI 1250 CJYE ON Oakville 1/3 0727 P no WSSP all morning! REL in o/40 mins, incl Dr. Chas Stanley(sked match) JJR-MI 1250 CJYE ON Oakville 1/1 0738 P REL //stream. Only station here! No WSSP. Unreal cx, all along US/Can border. JJR-MI 1260 WPNW MI Zeeland 1/25 0804 P "connect w/us at Joy Worship" in passing. JJR-MI 1260 WPNW MI Zeeland 1/2 0742 P Christian hits, "Joy Worship" not in recently, thus WCCR logs of recent! Huh! JJR-MI 1260 KROX MN Crookston 1/22 0801 P "in Crookston, call.... extension 1" Nat'l news. JJR-MI 1260 WRIE PA Erie 1/11 1749 P "99.9, Classy 100" promo into play by play. This was a nice log. Unn, but nice! JJR-WI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1260 KWYR SD Winner 1/22 0908 P S.Dak & Nebr ments. "9:08 at Country 1260" JJR-MI 1260 KWYR SD Winner 1/21 0722 P faint Country 1260, KWYR.com ment. Live jock. JJR-MI 1260 KWYR SD Winner 1/3 0834 P Pierre, Aberdeen, Rapid City temps. "16 at 1260." 1st Valley Bank. Alone. JJR-MI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1260 WLAK WI AMery 1/29 0630 P "Lake Air, 1260 WLAK" in stn promo. Alone. JJR-MI 1260 WLAK WI AMery 1/25 0859 P "on air, on line, Lake Air-WLAK, AMery's radio station" Earl Ingram show. JJR-MI 1260 WLAK WI AMery 1/20 0820 P "noon-2 on your local Civic Media stn & Civic Media app" "1260AM WLAK" JJR-MI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1270 WWCA IN Gary 1/17 0824 P Relevant Radio said easily 8 times! Replaced SS. JJR-WI 1270 WWCA IN Gary 1/13 0749 P talk of Catholic church. Unusual no WKMT of late. Alone. JJR-WI 1270 WWCA IN Gary 1/11 0700 P in w/WLIK. About even. In o/half hour. No WMKT, etc. JJR-WI 1270 WWCA IN Gary 1/9 0749 P Mass, Gregorian chants replacing SS, in earlier. JJR-WI 1270 WXGO IN Madison 1/17 0717 P Brownfield farm news, in huge mess. Former UNID ID'ed by the great TPK-WI. JJR-WI 1270 WXYT MI Detroit 1/9 0600 Vp w/tons of ads, fade, CBS sports. Faded at LID time. Assumed. JJR-WI 1270 WWWI MN Baxter 1/24 0828 P sports scores relacing WMKT. "3WI-AM 1270-FM 96.3" -hoping for KLXX. JJR-MI 1270 WWWItMN Baxter 1/4 0819 P C&W songs (like UNID other day. Faded at appropriate times. t/c, HyVee ad, MNN news. JJR-MI 1270 KFAN MN Rochester 1/25 0855 Vp "health of the Rochester community", Menards ad. In/out w/WMKT,etc. JJR-MI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1270 KRXO OK Claremore 1/16 0751 P but in o/10 mins. Ritmo ments. No WWCA WLIK WMKT etc. Steady. JJR-WI 1270 KRXO OK Claremore 1/12 0731 P tho alone. Mall-female chattere. "Ritmo" ment. No WMKT, WLIK, etc. JJR-WI 1270 KRXO OK Claremore 1/8 1656 P w/"Ritmo" noted tween O'Reilly, Discover, DayQuil ads in SS. Atop. JJR-WI 1270 KNWC SD Sioux Falls 1/21 0700 P tho LID noted. Calls said twice. Faith Radio. No WMKT, etc. JJR-MI 1270 WLIK TN Newport 1/11 0700 P even w/WWCA. Love Rollercoaster, Ohio Players, LID, CBS news. JJR-WI 1270 WLIK TN Newport 1/7 0535 P Candy Girl, 4 Seasons, WLIK jingle. Alone. JJR-WI 1280 KBNO CO Denver 1/1 0829 P Those Were the Days in SS! Woman chatter @:36. K-Buena! JJR-MI 1280 WGBF IN Evansville 1/15 0532 P the Tri States Best Talk, News Talk 1280 WGBF. No WNAM. JJR-WI 1280 WGBF IN Evansville 1/13 0715 P News Talk 12-80 WGBF, Hannity, weekdays at 2." No WNAM. Unusual. JJR-WI 1280 WWTC MN Minneapolis 1/12 0700 Vp -clear AM -FM xlator (clear Minneapolis) SRN news. No WNAM. Again! JJR-WI 1280 WWTC MN Minneapolis 1/9 0707 P tho alone. Hugh Hewitt. WGBF in later. Unusual. JJR-WI 1280 CFMB QC Montreal 1/30 1651 P tho steady. FF songs, calls. Nothing else in! JJR-WI 1280 CFMB QC Montreal 1/22 0759 F to P LOUD w/FF song, sounder. FF news. All alone, wiping out others. JJR-MI 1290 WIRL IL Peoria 1/14 0706 P Freedom 95-9 & AM 1290. Local WZTI off. Nothing great. JJR-WI 1290 KOIL NE Omaha 1/24 0823 P "News Talk 1290 Koil-since 1925" after tax help ad: #402-554-XXXX. Alone. JJR-MI 1290 KOIL NE Omaha 1/22 0903 Vp ABC news "from Omaha, News Watch 7....children of East Omaha" Alone. JJR-MI 1290 WHIO OH Dayton 1/11 1709 P 5-7pm on WHIO. Thought WZTI was off. Not! Just a very good null. JJR-WI 1290 WKLJ WI Sparta 1/14 0744 P WZTI off leaving ESPN La Crosse. Alone, steady. JJR-WI 1300 WLXG KY Lexington 1/8 0531 P ESPN stuff. Only affil as WAVZ now Fox Sports. Alone. JJR-WI 1300 KPMI MN Brainerd 1/1 0828 "FM 94.3 & AM 1300-the Legends" all alone, steady w/Trad. Country. JJR-MI 1300 KOLY SD Mobridge 1/29 0836 P Livestock Auction -Aberdeen. Still in, alone at :51. JJR-MI 1300 KOLY SD Mobridge 1/3 0856 P Ohio, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, "KOLY" - Dakota News Netwok. Alone. JJR-MI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1300 WNQM TN Nashville 1/31 0714 P REL solid, though WOOD was in earlier, but this was stronger! JJR-WI 1300 WNQM TN Nashville 1/14 0704 P REL teaching. Alone, //program guide. JJR-WI 1300 WNQM TN Nashville 1/9 0724 P LWF, Adrian Rogers. Some C&W in earlier. JJR-WI 1300 WNQM TN Nashville 1/5 0715 P tho alone. Steady. REL:Adrian Rodgers. JJR-WI 1310 WYND FL Deland 1/6 0314 REL songs, "96.1 The Spirit" slogan. In for about 20 minutes this time. MF-FL 1310 WYND FL Deland 1/4 2127 Rel program, ID and then quick fade. MF-FL Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1310 WCCW MI Traverse City 1/30 1722 P no WIBA. "WTCM Gold" tween OLD C&W songs. JJR-WI 1310 WCCW MI Traverse City 1/11 0730 fair with "1310 WTCM Gold" slogan. Country music. CR-IL 1310 WCCW MI Traverse City 1/7 1733 P "WTCM Gold" tween C&W songs. No WIBA. JJR-WI 1310 WDXI TN Jackson, 1/17 2155 fair with oldies and "Cool 103.5" slogan. CR-IL 1320 KRLW AR Walnut Ridge 1/10 0638 P Oldies 1320, Glory Days, Bruce Springsteen. Alone. Been awhile. JJR-WI 1320 WDMJ MI Marquette 1/2 0805 P "tonight...for Sunday... I'm WJMN Local 3" (Um, today is Tuesday. WoW!) JJR-MI 1320 WDMJ MI Marquette 1/1 0945 P (MI talk show) Steve Gruber. (Replay. Out of date content.) JJR-MI 1320 KOZY MN Grand Rapids 1/19 0840 P Little Town Flirt, Del Shannon, "KOZY 93.1" into Elvis. WILS gone. JJR-MI 1320 KOZY MN Grand Rapids 1/4 0815 P MN traffic blotter. MN.gov in newscast. Alone. JJR-MI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1320 KSIV MO Clayton 1/16 0744 P REL: Bott feed, //stream. WILS in earlier, gone. JJR-WI 1320 KSIV MO Clayton 1/10 0725 P Bott R. Network, Alone. No WILS at all today. JJR-WI 1320 KSIV MO Clayton 1/9 0745 P REL teaching //prog guide. Replaced WILS. JJR-WI 1320 KSIV MO Clayton 1/5 0741 P Bible verses, chatter. Alone. No WILS noted earlier. JJR-WI 1320 KHRT ND Minot 1/26 0753 P tnx for listening to K-H-R-T, Dakota Pawn 409 W. Burdick in Minot. Alone! JJR-MI 1320 KHRT ND Minot 1/1 0826 P SoGOS songs back to back. Only fit. Alone. No WILS all morning. JJR-MI 1320 WJAS PA Pittsburgh 1/11 1800 Vp tho woman's "WJAS Pittsburgh" cut thru! Fox News at TOH. Alone, weak. JJR-WI 1320 KELO SD Sioux Falls 1/3 0803 P "Keh-lo newstime is 8:03" No WILS etc today. JJR-MI 1320 WMSR TN Manchester 1/5 P Dollywood ad, Tenn Titans "on Thunder Radio" w/many others. JJR-WI 1330 WGBW IN Evansville 1/9 0744 P REL in/out w/KPTY. No WHBL. JJR-WI 1330 WGBW IN Evansville 1/8 0530 P alone, Focus on the Family, Family Life Today, LID @ TOH. In past few days. JJR-WI 1330 CJYM SK Rosetown 1/29 0837 P tho alone. Westcentralonline.com wx, 1330-CJYM said. JJR-MI 1330 CJYM SK Rosetown 1/1 0732 P Alanis Moriserre's Ironic, 444 services, ? wine shop "open 10 to close, Main St. in Kindersley" No calls into/out of ads. Just unreal! JJR-MI 1340 WNBS KY Murray 1/1 0006 f- ID "The best things in life are free, Murray's greatest hits all day, WNBS", NEW! TL-IN 1340 WLEW MI Bad Axe 1/25 0801 P "latest news from the AP & the Thumb Broadcasting newsroom." JJR-MI 1340 KWLM MN Willmar 1/3 0801 P "28 degrees at KWLM. News..." UNID (w/C&W) later on "1340 K...." Ouch! JJR-MI 1340 KXPO ND Grafton 1/29 0832 P "8:32 here at KXPO" into Man I Feel Like a Woman by Shania Twain JJR-MI 1340 KXPO ND Grafton 1/22 0829 P one stn faded, then "Geo Strait. 8:36 here at KXPO" Northern Services ad. JJR-MI 1340 WLOK TN Memphis 1/17 poor in mess with black gospel music. Matched to web stream. CR-IL 1350 WOAM IL Peoria 1/13 0622 P More Than Words, by Extreme. Calls. Lost. JJR-WI 1350 KDIO MN Ortonville 1/3 0800 P nice LID "1350 KDIO Ortonville MN (& FM xlator) Town Hall news. JJR-MI 1360 WKMI MI Kalamazoo 1/22 0934 P ABC news, Shelly Preston, "WKMI" -into talk:Mike Gallagher. No WTAQ. JJR-MI 1360 WSAI OH Cincinnati 1/8 0645 P Draft Kings, Fox Sports 1360 w/a few others. No/weak WTAQ. JJR-WI 1360 WVRQ WI Viroqua 1/19 0732 P "WVRQ", Fool on the Hill, Sergio Mendez, in WTAQ fade. JJR-MI 1370 KWTL ND Grand Forks 1/1 0944 P support EWTN. Talk of stns in network. Alone. No WSPD/others. JJR-MI 1380 WBEL IL S.Beloit 2/16 0718 Vp ".... and 98-9, after Baby Got Back -Sir Mix A Lot, into chatter. JJR-MI 1380 WKJG IN Fort Wayne 1/22 0858 P City Glass Specialties, Quality Supply & Tool. "100.9 FM" JJR-MI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1380 KLIZ MN Brainerd 1/24 0936 P 371 Furniture, N of Baxter, Cub Foods in Brainerd & Baxter. Atop-Alone.Steady. JJR-MI 1380 KLIZ MN Brainerd 1/17 0807 Vp "Brainerd-Baxter" clearly heard. 1380 sounded like a GY today! JJR-WI 1380 KLIZ MN Brainerd 1/16 0743 P wx, then LID as "KLIZ AM Brainerd, the Fan" no WKJG, etc. JJR-WI 1380 KLIZ MN Brainerd 1/13 0741 Vp "on FM 100.3 KFAN" (MN Fan sports network.) Alone. JJR-WI 1380 KOTA SD Rapid City 1/29 0826 P Dakota Farm & Ranch report. Long range wx thru Fri. 1st Nat'l Bank in Phillips & Faith. "now in Rapid City..." into newscast at :31. JJR-MI 1380 KOTA SD Rapid City 1/3 0828 P pork prices up, meat down, less supply. (Not usual sports) "in Rapid City" JJR-MI 1390 WLCM MI Holt 1/22 0930 P Truth for Life, Victory 1390 AM-WLCM, alone. REL content. JJR-MI 1390 KRFO MN Owatonna 1/28 0751 P "KRFO, Owatonna's Greatest Hits" songs by Billy Ocean, Loverboy. JJR-MI 1390 KRFO MN Owatonna 1/20 0812 P songs by Queen, C.Lauper, "KRFO Owatonna's Greatest Hits" JJR-MI 1390 KRRZ ND Minot 1/29 0849 F! "you know the words-1390 KRRZ, Minot's Classic Hits!" Celebration, Kool & the Gang. JJR-MI 1390 WRIG WI Schofield 1/12 0724 P but o/WGRB. Fox Sports, Loews ad, 93.9FM ment. JJR-WI 1400 KEYL MN Long Prairie 1/28 0736 P C&W, "Hometown Radio-KEYL" WCCY running talk/PSA program. JJR-MI 1400 KQDJ ND jAMestown 2/16 0717 Vp but, "songs that make you feel good, jAMestown 107-1" thru WCCY! True, Spandu Ballet. JJR-MI 1400 KQDJ ND jAMestown 1/29 0823 "to & from Valley City, from 13G media" Partly Sunny 40's thru WCCY. JJR-MI 1400 WINC VA Winchester 1/1 1559 f- ad for Skyrizi, "Keeping you informed, the First in the Valley" then singing WINC ID, NEW! TL-IN 1410 KLFD MN Litchfield 1/24 0818 P no WIZM. Chatter on money. Call 320-523-XXXX. JJR-MI 1410 KOOQ NE North Platte 1/3 0826 P I Want a New Drug, Huey Lewis, "98-1" jingle. No WIZM now. JJR-MI 1410 KDKT ND Beulah 1/3 0841 P Dan Patrick, Mercedes-Benz ad, Angi, "Sports Radio 1410 106.5" Alone. JJR-MI 1410 KWYO WY Sheridan 1/3 0909 Vp w/Classic Country, KWYO" replacing KDKT, which replaced KOOQ, which replaced WIZM! ... JJR-MI 1420 WIMS IN Michigan City 1/9 0638 Vp talk of local radio history. "here in Michigan City"(Was on-air there once.) JJR-WI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1420 WOC IA Davenport 1/23 0739 P Iowa roads, Frz rain, News-Talk-Sports 1420 WOC. No KTOE, tho in earlier. JJR-MI 1420 WOC IA Davenport 1/8 0503 P no KTOE. News Talk WOC, I Heart, WOC1420.com. JJR-WI 1420 WOC IA Davenport 1/3 0751 P Iowa 14(Hwy), Grundy traffic on F Avenue. No usual KTOE. JJR-MI 1420 WFNT MI Flint 1/7 0527 P w/"AM 1420 WFLT" cutting thru w/Black GOSpel mx. Not common here. JJR-WI 1420 WVJS KY Owensboro 1/7 0702 Vp LID, ABC news. Once this was so common. In w/many others. JJR-WI 1420 WHK OH Cleveland 1/19 0800 P "Attention WHK listeners..." LID, Salem ments. KTOE in earlier & later. JJR-MI 1420 WHK OH Cleveland 1/16 0706 P tho no KTOE WOC. The Answer, Hugh Hewitt. Alone. JJR-WI 1420 KGIMtSD Aberdeen 1/22 0929 Vp Dan Patrick, replacing KTOE. Assumed. JJR-MI 1430 WLKF FL Lakeland 1/22 2153 Eric Metaxas talk program but at ToH there was just dead air during the time they were supposed to insert the ID. Then Fox news and another 15 seconds of dead air after the news. Listened the next morning and heard many IDs so don't know what happened there. MF-FL 1430 WCMY IL Ottawa 1/13 0735 Vp tho "WCMY" and Vincent by Don McLean was in w/WION. No WXNT. JJR-WI 1430 KASI IA Ames 1/6 0756 f- Kinder Outdoors program, weather, ID as "KASI, an IHeart Radio station. Now number one for podcasting", NEW! TL-IN 1430 KASI IA Ames 1/5 0817 Vp "WHO (TV) 13" wx and IA ments. Many others in. Rare. JJR-WI 1430 KBRK SD Brookings 1/3 0823 P t/c. Temps in SD cities. "And here in Brookings.." Nice hearing. Usually CHKT. JJR-MI 1430 WRDN WI Durand 1/9 0805 P hi:33, Real Country -WRDN, WI news headlines. JJR-WI 1440 WIBH IL Anna 1/8 0544 Vp song ended, ad, fades, 102.5FM ment. No calls. w/others.Logged 12/1/07. W/WIBH WKPR WGEM SILent,gone, hearing this was a possible, my guess. No WROK, WNFL. Don't think I've heard since. Rare. JJR-WI 1440 KCHE IA Cherokee 1/3 0737 P Steal Away, by Robbie Dupree. Calls u/WNFL, which hasn't been in of late. JJR-MI 1440 WMAX MI Bay City 1/19 0757 P REL show ended. Ave Maria ments. Alone. No WNFL, which was nice. JJR-MI 1440 KYCR MN Golden Valley 1/31 0752 P -no WROK. Salem News Channel, Ramsey 1-4 on "the Biz 1440" JJR-WI 1440 KYCR MN Golden Valley 1/17 0758 P "the opinions of..." Bloomberg. One prog into next. No WROK. JJR-WI 1450 KMRY IA Cedar Rapids 1/7 1700 Vp -huge mess. Clear "Cedar Rapids" into CBS news. Been a while! JJR-WI 1450 KATE MN Albert Lea 1/25 0907 P "373-0636 in Albert Lea for Hanson Tires" Fog Advisory in Albert Lea.... JJR-MI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1450 KBMW MN Breckenridge 1/29 0901 P LID as Breckenridge-Wahpeton (ND). Years ago, KBMW was licensed to Wahpeton. Logged it in 1970. Top 40 then. JJR-MI 1450 KBMW MN Breckenridge 1/20 0730 P ment of -70F in Bakken oil fields past week. jingle, C&W music. JJR-MI 1450 KBMW MN Breckenridge 1/3 0907 P "the V of the Valley-KBMW" jingle. C&W mx. Alone. JJR-MI 1450 KBMW MN Breckenridge 1/1 0817 P "Cowboy & Huskies sports! The V. of the Valley-1450 & 94.3FM" JJR-MI 1450 KBUN MN Bemidji 1/24 0922 P ESPN, Cordell & Cordell: Mpls locations. Atop. "The Bun" lost to others. JJR-MI 1450 KWBE NE Beatrice 1/26 0820 P "portion of ??? is closed, 8:20 KWBE" into Crock Rock, Elton John. Alone! JJR-MI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1450 KZZJ ND Rugby 1/29 0821 P KZZJ 92.1 & 95.3 KKWZ to advertise. Rugby Vet Services 776-XXXX.JJR-MI 1450 KZZJ ND Rugby 1/26 0850 P "and 92.1" Merchants Bank, #701 area code. Farm markets. JJR-MI 1450 KZZJ ND Rugby 1/22 0824 P Mitch Anthony, RXtraMile.org "8:25, 13 Sunny in Rugby!" Calls, 92.1FM ment. JJR-MI 1450 KZZJ ND Rugby 1/3 0840 P alone. "St. Michael's Furniture in Rugby..." JJR-MI 1450 WLUX WV Dunbar 1/27 0600 f- ad, ToH ID "This is WLUX Dunbar, WMUX? ??, West Virginia's Catholic Radio", NEW! TL-IN 1460 WRVK KY Mount Vernon 1/28 0602 f- "We welcome you to another broadcast day on WRVK, located in the ??? of Kentucky", local WKAM weak. TL-IN 1460 KDWA MN Hastings 1/19 0705 P Town Hall news, wx 97.7 ment. No KXNO all morning. JJR-MI 1460 KDMA MN Montevideo 1/25 0918 Vp obits "on KDMA" in/out, trading w/KXNO. JJR-MI 1460 CJOY ON Guelph 1/20 0727 P You Keep Me Hangin' On, Tiffany, calls. No KXNO all morning. JJR-MI 1460 CJOY ON Guelph 1/1 0811 P Born to be Wild, "CJOY" jingle, Sweet Caroline, Neil Diamond.. Alone. Steady. JJR-MI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1470 KWSL IA Sioux City 1/19 0819 P k12.com/Iowa, (in EE) then SS jingle, music. Alone, basically. LaPreciosa JJR-MI 1470 KWSL IA Sioux City 1/6 0800 f- faded in over a strong KWAY with SS music, clear KWSL ID, NEW! TL-IN 1470 KWSL IA Sioux City 1/3 0812 P I Heart app, promo, K-12 psa, into SS mx. WFNT has gone SILent. JJR-MI 1470 KWAY IA Waverly 1/29 0753 P thru others. ???? Bank, AM 1470 & the new FM 96.3 K-Way Country" JJR-MI 1470 KWAY IA Waverly 1/6 0806 g- faded back in over KWSL with "You're in the Country, K-Way Country". TL-IN 1470 KMNQ MN Brooklyn Park 1/28 0803 P "La Raza" echo w/others, in passing. JJR-MI 1470 KMNQ MN Brooklyn Park 1/1 0900 P tho alone. LID for this & 1400 St.Paul, La Raza (said 2x) noted. JJR-MI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1470 KHND ND Harvey 1/29 0819 P Case-IH in Harvey, Rick Jensen on 1470 KHND, the Mix. JJR-MI 1470 KHND ND Harvey 1/23 0801 "shop local. 1470 KHND, the Mix, 1470 KHND" Fox Sports. Alone, atop. JJR-MI 1470 KHND ND Harvey 1/22 0822 P #701-847-21XX" "KX News" weak. Had heard way better, stronger. Alone. JJR-MI 1470 KHND ND Harvey 1/19 0833 Vp "44 years....tractors...#701-" Have heard this way better, but still! JJR-MI 1470 KHND ND Harvey 1/3 0838 P 1st State Bank of Harvey. "BS in the morning" "KX News weather" Alone. JJR-MI 1470 WIBD WI West Bend 1/29 0731 P "FM 101-3 & AM 1470" tween songs by the Beatles, .38 Special, w/others. JJR-MI 1480 WDYS IL Somonauk 2/27 0623 P Fox Valley, WSPY (co-owned) ment. Woody Radio 101.5FM & 1480AM, C&W. Alone. JJR-WI 1480 KAUS MN Austin 1/17 0738 P t/c, wx, "1480 KAUS" -nothing great, but no WLMV all morning. JJR-WI 1480 KKCQ MN Fosston 1/30 1655 P Hannity, "1480 KKCQ" in promo after ad. Nothing great. JJR-WI 1480 WBBP TN Memphis 1/7 1709 P tho steady. "The message is the music! WBBP" It's been years! Rare! JJR-WI 1490 WDBQ IA Dubuque 1/17 0715 P slowly said W-D-B-Q into AMerica's First News. Atop! Been a while. JJR-WI 1490 KRIB IA Mason City 1/25 0837 P Higher & Higher by Jackie Wilson. "1490 & 96.7 KRIB" JJR-MI 1490 WTIQ MI Manistique 1/8 0729 Vp tho "the Maverick 1490" cut thru into C&W w/many others. JJR-WI 1490 KLGR MN Redwood Falls 1/5 0812 VP "KLGR" (thought I misheard.) Again at :16. Catch of day. unneeded. JJR-WI 1490 WHOC MS Philadelphia 1/2 1759 p- old C&W music, ID "This is 14-90 AM, 93.7 FM, WHOC Philadelphia, Mississippi", NEW! TL-IN 1490 KOVC ND Valley City 1/29 0902 P "regional news at the top of the hr from KOVC" atop freq. JJR-MI 1490 KOVC ND Valley City 1/3 0915 P 20-26 Friday. Weekend will be cold!" Heritage Ins. Agcy. in Valley City. JJR-MI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1490 WLCX WI La Crosse 1/19 0704 P listen to Milw Bucks on WRJN & WRCE..." No mention of WLCX. Yikes. JJR-MI 1490 WLCX WI La Crosse 1/13 0749 P "the Talk of La Crosse-Eagle 1490" alone. JJR-WI 1490 WLCX WI LaCrosse 1/12 P others in, but "1490-the Eagle cut through w/a time check. JJR-WI 1500 WLQV MI Detroit 1/23 0727 Grace to You, John McArthur, Relief Factor. No sign of KSTP. JJR-MI 1500 WLQV MI Detroit 1/21 0833 P "weekdays 6-7PM on Faith Talk 1500" and no KSTP. Steady. Alone. JJR-MI 1500 WBZI OH Xenia 1/12 0612 P cutting easily thru KSTP. Old C&W, Real Roots Radio. Nice hearing. JJR-WI 1510 WWHN IL Joliet 1/14 0716 P "AM & FM-WWHN radio" & list of songs played. WGKB off for week or so. WLAC still in. JJR-WI 1510 KTTT NE Columbus 1/27 0805 P ABC news, Star Registry, "Classic Country-KTTT, Columbus, an Alpha radio station." Been a while! JJR-MI 1510 WLGN OH Logan 1/17 2221 poor u/WLAC with oldies and "103.3 LNG" slogan. CR-IL 1510 KMSD SD Milbank 1/28 0801 P Coaches Corner Sat 10-11 on KMSD. "95.1 weather" Alone, atop. JJR-MI 1510 WLAC TN Nashville 1/17 0820 P Glenn Beck. 98-3 & 1510 WLAC" --local WGKB still off (2nd week) JJR-WI 1520 WHOW IL Clinton 1/8 0747 Vp "degrees today from WHOW" lost as quick to KOLM. JJR-WI 1520 KRHW MO Sikeston 1/28 0603 f- good under WWKB Buffalo with clear AM-FM ID and mention of Sikeston, Missouri. TL-IN 1520 KMSR ND Northwood 1/23 0846 P Fox Sports Radio. Dan Patrick. NO CALLS into content in ANYthing in o/30 mins! Farm prices/AMerican Ag Network:beef, hogs, corn, oil. Interview w/actor, comedian. Thought this was sports stn, hi. Power up :01. //stream. No KOLM all morning! Rare! JJR-MI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1520 WPAY OH Rossford 1/25 0756 P RELevant Radio. Talk of Last Supper, thru KOLM. JJR-MI 1520 WPAY OH Rossford 1/24 0855 P RELevant R trading w/others. LIDs for WMLM KOLM TOH. KMSR/D.Pat'k in too, but no LID noted. JJR-MI 1520 WPAY OH Rossford 1/22 0926 P RELevant Radio content, mixing w/others. JJR-MI 1520 WPAY OH Rossford 1/20 0725 P RELevant Radio, Morning Air, Cath. chatter. No KOLM all morning! JJR-MI 1520 KZOY SD Sioux Falls 1/23 0900 P w/KMSR. No KOLM. LID as "KZOY-AM Sioux Falls..." JJR-MI 1520 KZOY SD Sioux Falls 1/21 0806 P Walk Like an Egyptian, Bangles. Sunny 93.3 w/KIOKC on top. No KOLM! JJR-MI 1530 KFBK CA Sacramento 1/23 2202 — News //Sacramento e-SDR (news is KFBK and not network). Later, woman reading news mentions “KFBK Sacramento News Radio.” Ad and then bumper music leading into Pat Walsh Show, all/e-SDR. NEW! SC-BR 1530 WLCO MI Lapeer 1/24 0749 P Bridge 96-7 after Together Forever-Rick Astley (1988) no WCKY. JJR-MI 1530 WLCO MI Lapeer 1/21 0719 P "Bridge 96-7, now serving Rochester Hills" tween instrumentals. JJR-MI 1530 WYGR MI Wyoming 1/19 0700 P list of AM FM stns in LID, "and at Jethro.FM" No WCKY for a change! JJR-MI 1550 KESJ MO St. Joseph 1/26 0832 P Livin' it Up, Aerosmith "Joe Town 107.5" and no WHIT to be found. JJR-MI 1550 KESJ MO Saint Joseph 1/8 1705 P Hurts So Good, John Mellencamp, Joe Town 107-5. CBEF in later. JJR-WI 1560 KLNG IA Council Bluffs 1/3 0715 P "Family friendly-KLNG" tween REL shows. Alone. JJR-MI 1570 WGLL IN Auburn 1/12 0629 P 3 Angels Broadcasting, Bible verse given, Only affiliate! Alone. Expecting WFUR. Not! Been a while! JJR-WI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1570 WWCK MI Flint 1/25 0855 P again, no WFBZ. Classic Hits 107.3 and Dreams by the Cranberries. JJR-MI 1570 WWCK MI Flint 1/23 0842 P alone! Hollywood Nights, Bob Seger, K-107.3, then K-107.3 sweeper into song. JJR-MI 1570 WWCK MI Flint 1/21 0736 Vp Edge of 17, Stevie Nicks. K-107-3 sweeper way u/WKBH. JJR-MI 1570 KDIZ MN Golden Valley 1/26 0746 P Salem New Channel, MN assn of broadcasters. WLKD nowhere. JJR-MI 1570 WKBH WI Holmen 1/21 0736 P in again today. RELevant Radio March for Life. No WLKD at all. Unusual! JJR-MI 1570 WKBH WI Holmen 1/19 0727 P RELevant Radio March for Life coverage. Only fit. No WLKD, etc. JJR-MI 1580 WHLY IN South Bend 1/30 1658 P SS music, LaRaza. No CKDO at this time, but CKDO in 20 min later. JJR-WI Added to DX-midAMerica's Top 7+3 1580 WJFK MD Morningside 1/26 0817 P Navy Fed CU, CVI Office Furniture in Frederick, MD, BetQL ments. JJR-MI 1580 WJFK MD Morningside 1/17 0732 P CBS sports, replacing WHLY. No CKDO this morning. JJR-WI 1580 WJFK MD Morningside 1/14 0655 P alone. In o/30mins. CBS Sports Radio. JJR-WI 1580 WJFK MD Morningside 1/11 0643 P -CKDO gone. CBS Sports Talk. Best bet. Alone. JJR-WI 1580 WJFK MD Morningside 1/9 0718 P no CKDO. Audacy app. Moved on. JJR-WI 1580 WJFK MD Morningside 1/7 0655 P -some WHLY. CBS sportsradio. 30 min later "BetQL" ment. No CKDO. JJR-WI 1580 KOKB OK Blackwell 1/4 0806 P a/c 405 given "in Blackwell...." no CKDO. JJR-MI 1580 WLIJ TN Shelbyville 1/5 1719 P "98-7 &AM 1580 WLIJ" said at :20, :28. No CKDO. Others in. Been a while. JJR-WI 1580 WMDX WI Columbus 1/24 0750 Fair signals fading in and out with Political talk about Trump as well as ID as WMDX Mad Radio with both the AM 1580 and FM 92.7 frequencies. First new one of 2024! NEW! SMA-MB 1590 WALG GA Albany GA 1/5 2106 tuned in to ID, Georgia News Network, into what sounded like a community service program. Quick fade. Listed at 40 watts nights! MF-FL 1590 WPIW IN Mount Vernon 1/14 2236 fair with c&w music and mention of "98.9 WPIW". Local WCGO not audible. CR-IL 1590 WTVB MI Coldwater 1/27 0803 P #517-218-XXXX in ad, "in Coldwater" w/others. JJR-MI 1590 WTVB MI Coldwater 1/7 1741 P "on US Hwy12 across from Meijer's in Coldwater" wx. Moved on. JJR-WI 1590 WAKR OH Akron 1/17 0656 P "WAKR" chatter. Once so common. JJR-WI 1590 WPVL WI Platteville 1/12 0736 P o/others. ESPN chatter on Belacheck, Brady.Mon morn quarterbacking. JJR-WI 1600 WAOS GA Austell 1/5 1800 Vp w/LID. This was in/out. No KGYM. Fighting other. Possible unn WUCT, lost. JJR-WI 1600 WAAM MI Ann Arbor 1/27 0735 P #801-645-XXX -Licoln dealer (I-75,Detroit) JJR-MI 1600 WAAM MI Ann Arbor 1/16 0727 P Steve Gruber show, replacing KGYM. Only affiliate. JJR-WI 1600 KDAK ND Carrington 1/23 0839 P "on the Cardinal" Jamestown Civic Center, #701-320-XXXX. no KGYM. JJR-MI 1600 KDAK ND Carrington 1/20 0831 P Hootie & Blowfish song,Nat'l ads,psa & "100.1 & 1600 the Cardinal" JJR-MI 1600 WRPN WI Ripon 1/26 0815 P "93 dot 1 the Wave & AM 1600" No sign of usual KGYM. JJR-MI 1620 WNRP FL Gulf Breeze 1/10 0703 "Newsradio 92.3". CR-IL 1650 CINA ON Mississauga 1/9 1659 "1650 Cina" jingle tween songs. KCNZ was getting wiped out! JJR-WI 1650 CKZW QC Montreal 1/30 1639 P FF REL in place of KCNZ. Steady. JJR-WI 1650 CKZW QC Montreal 1/21 0734 P -FF by woman in o/30 mins. KCNZ not in, nor "Seena." Not common. JJR-MI 1670 WMGE GA Dry Branch 1/5 1930 P "latest from the Black Information Network" nd no WOZN, 90 mi away. JJR-WI 1690 KDMT CO Arvada 1/20 0806 P RELevant Radio chatter. No sign of WVON. Steady. Only fit. JJR-MI 1690 WPTX MD Lexington Park 1/5 1805 P LID w/100.7 & 1690 ments, Fox News. No WVON, 90 mi away.JJR-WI 1690 CHTO ON Toronto 1/8 1740 P ETHnic. No WVON, 90 miles away.JJR-WI Pan-AM loggings (GMT): 1110 MEXICO XERED Mexico City Jan15 0206 Very poor under WBT; heard SS, soft bumper mx which I was able to match to their Webcast. 'Radio Red.' NEW! EB-MI 1530 MEXICO XEUR Mexico City Jan24 0340 — Mexican ballads //webstream, with WCKY-OH off. At :58 full ID includes Buenísima slogan. SC-BR Pan-AM loggings (GMT): Trans Atlantic loggings: UTC Trans Pacific loggings: UTC DX-midAMerica HOT TIPPERS (the A TEAM) can and do get nice booty for DX DELIGHT. THAT IS A FACT! How to win freebies! Doing it for decades! /who /where /equipment-antennas used ...................................... SMA-MB Shawn Axelrod VE4DX1SMA, Winnipeg MB CANADA ICOM IC-R70 / DRAKE R8 / SDRPlay RSPduo 3 Foot un-amplified box loop / Quantum QX LOOP v2.0 / 155 Foot U shaped outdoor wire / 100 Foot indoor wire run around the basement walls ...................................... EB-MI Eric Berger, Carleton,MI Sony XDR-S10HDiP ...................................... SC-BR Saul Chernos, Burnt River ON CANADA AOR 7030-Plus, Wellbrook Active Antenna FLG 100LN. South is actually bidirectional north-south. West is terminated. ...................................... MF-FL Martin Foltz, Sarasota FL Sony ICF-2010 ...................................... KDF-IL Karl Forth, Chicago, Illinois. Sangean ATS-909, Eton Traveler ...................................... GH-IL Greg Harris, S. Chicago suburbs, IL Icom R75/Quantum Loop/Terk Loop, Tecsun PL-330/Internal antenna. Sangean DT200X/stock antenna, SRF-59 Ultralight/Stock antenna ...................................... TPK-WI, Tom Kirk, Milwaukee, WI RFspace Cloud IQ sdr w/ a 2 wire, 140 foot phased system ...................................... TL-IN Tom Laskowski, South Bend IN Airspy HF+ Discovery w/outdoor YouLoop ...................................... JJR-MI John J Rieger, L'Anse,MI Grundig Satellit 750 -Terk AM1000 loop, Sangean ATS-909X stock ...................................... JJR-WI John J Rieger, South Milwaukee,WI Icom IC-R75 MFJ-959B tuner,preamp Kiwa loop, Sangean ATS-909X stock ...................................... CR-IL Christos Rigas, Wood Dale, Illinois Drake R8, SONY ICF 2010 Quantum QX Pro Loop, Alpha-Delta Sloper E-mails are received once in a while on "joining" or "donations" and the like. You don't join anything. Just send it your dx tips to info@DX-midAMerica.com A donation. For what? Doing something truly enjoyable? Others can do that. Here it's FEE FREE/AD FREE. Remember too, your logs need not be NEW to be reported! People are glad and happy to see what is out there! Your logs are shared with people who have checked out this site in 200+ countries and easily 200+ hits per day, during this time of the dx season. NEW reporters are always welcome! That cannot be stressed enough! This effort is FEE FREE and your DX TIPS are always, always welcomed! You may always send TIPS to DX-midAMerica! where they will be slapped up within hours, without editorial comment. This started in 1981, and this is not going away! Aside, there are many places you could send DX TIPS, QSL TIPS, FORMAT FLIPS or the like. There are a lot of choices. Thanx for choosing this venue! Thanx too, so very much for stopping by. Thank you for checking out DX-midAMerica! Your comments and suggestions are always welcomed, encouraged and appreciated much more than you could ever, ever know! They remain CONFIDENTIAL. Now off to look at the target lists and dx!