Here is the DX-midAMerica All 50 listing. Is is possible to hear all 50 states? I will still say yes! As dx'ers have a lot of patience and wait for every possible type of condition. It's just a matter of being in the right place at the right time! Additions and comments may be e-mailed to DX-midAMerica!
updated monthly on the 12th!
STATE, Best Bet(s):
Alabama: 690-WJOX, 770-WVNN
Alaska: 780-KNOM
Arizona: 660-KTNN, 1190-KMYL, 1580-KQFN
Arkansas: 1090-KAAY 1650-KFSW
California: 640-KFI, 680-KNBR, 1070-KNX, 1650-KFOX
Colorado: 850-KOA, 1690-KDMT
Connecticut: 1080-WTIC, 1410-WPOP
Delaware: 1150-WDEL, 1410-WDOV
District of Colombia: 1500-WFED
Florida: 690-WOKV, 790-WAXY, 940-WINZ, 1580-WSRF
Georgia: 750-WSB, 1670-WMGE
Hawaii: 690-KHNR
Idaho: 580-KIDO, 670-KBOI, 1290-KOUU
Illinois: 670-WSCR, 720-WGN, 780-WBBM, 890-WLS
Indiana: 1190-WOWO
Iowa: 1040-WHO
Kansas: 860-KKOW, 1330-KNSS
Kentucky: 840-WHAS
Louisiana: 870-WWL, 1130-KWKH
Maine: 1310-WLOB, 1370-WDEA
Maryland: 1090-WBAL, 1690-WPTX
Massachusetts: 1030-WBZ
Michigan: 760-WJR
Minnesota: 830-WCCO, 1500-KSTP
Mississippi: 940-WCPC, 1180-WJNT
Missouri: 1120-KMOX
Montana: 560-KMON, 770-KATL, 790-KGHL, 960-KFLN, 1180-KOFI
Nebraska: 880-KRVN, 1110-KFAB, 1620-KOZN
Nevada: 780-KKOH, 1100-KWWN
New Hampshire: 1250-WKBR, 1270-WTSN, 1370-WFEA
New Jersey: 1660-WWRU, 1680-WTTM
New Mexico: 770-KKOB
New York: 660-WFAN, 770-WABC, 880-WCBS, 1180-WHAM
North Carolina: 680-WPTF, 1110-WBT
North Dakota: 550-KFYR, 970-WDAY, 1660-KQWB
Ohio: 700-WLW, 1100-WTAM
Oklahoma: 1170-KOTV 1520-KOKC
Oregon: 1120-KPNW, 1190-KEX
Pennsylvania: 1020-KDKA, 1060-KYW, 1210-WPHT
Rhode Island: 630-WPRO, 920-WHJJ
South Carolina: 950-WORD, 1070-WHYZ, 1310-WXTC
South Dakota: 570-WNAX, 1140-KXRB, 1210-KOKK
Tennessee: 650-WSM, 1510-WLAC
Texas: 690-KTSM, 820-WBAP, 1080-KRLD, 1700-KKLF
Utah: 1160-KSL, 1640-KBJA, 1660-KXOL
Vermont: 620-WVMT
Virginia: 1140-WRVA
Washington: 1000-KNWN, 1510-KGA, 1680-KNTS
West Virginia: 1170-WWVA
Wisconsin: 620-WTMJ, 1670-WOZN
Wyoming: 1030-KTWO, 1270-KIML 1630-KVAM
Sincere thanks to Roger Giannini,Neil Kazaross, Rich Line, Barry McLarnon and Michael Procop
for help with this listing! Any additions? Feel free to write!