Welcome to the WYOMING HOT-List! Information on our HOT Lists is solely based on FCC data, plus your reports to DX-midAMerica.com. When you report, that info filters down to our HOT Lists so it helps others with their rare dx! It's in this smaller type format so you can print off a copy for your next vacation!
Slogans are listed along with formats where known. "&" denotes satellite programming.
NEW! ADDED DECEmber 14 2024
99.9 KGCC Gillette [KXXL, 103.9]
AM Listings:
650 KGAB Orchard Valley 8500/500 TALK +99.5 K258DN Orchard Valley 250w
830 KUYO Evansville 25000/9200 REL
930 KROE Sheridan 5000/117 TALK +103.9 K280GK Sheridan 250w
940 KMER Kemmerer 240/150 C&W +92.5 K223DD Kemmerer 250w [950]
1030 KTWO Casper 50000/50000 NewsTALK:K-2 +95.1 K236CX Casper 250w k2radio.com/
1210 KRSV Afton, 5000/250 C&W +107.5 K298CX Afton 250w
1210 KHAT Laramie 10000/1000 C&W:New Country 96.7 +96.7 K222BL Laramie[KLDI KKHI]
1230 KVOC Casper 1000/1000 TALK +95.9 K240EW Casper 250w SILent
1240 KFBC Cheyenne 700/700 +97.5 K248CZ SPO:CBS,news/talk/chatter M-F AM drive
1240 KASL Newcastle 1000/1000 OLD C&W:Real ABC:00 +94.3 K232FV Newcastle 250w
1240 KRAL Rawlins, 1000/1000, ABC:00, HotAC// KIQZ 92.7 kiqz-kral.com/ SILent:Financial, seeking buyer
1240 KSAM Whitefish 400/400 SPO:FOX +102.7 K274CY Whitefish 250w
1260 KPOW Powell 5000/1000 TALK& ABC:00
1290 KOWB Laramie 5000/1000 News-Talk
1330 KOVE WY Lander 5000/1000 +107.7 K299BC Lander 250w News-Talk-Sports USA:00
1340 KSGT Jackson 1000/1000 SS:Juan 1340 +96.3 K242BU Jackson 14w lanueva.live/ <--"Juan" streams from laNueva
1340 KYCN Wheatland 250/250 OLD C&W&(DialGlobal)//92.7 K224DT Wheatland ABC:00
1340 KWOR Worland 1000/1000 News-TALK/SPO +104.7 K284CJ Worland 250w
1360 KRKK Rock Springs 5000/1000 NOS +103.5 K278CV Rock Springs 250w 1360krkk.com/
1400 KKTL Casper 1000/1000 OLD C&W:the Cowboy +101.9 K270CT Casper 250w caspercowboy.com/ [KATI]
1400 KODI Cody 1000/1000 NEWSTalk +96.7 K244CG Cody 250w
1410 KWYO Sheridan 5000/350 OLD C&W +106.9 K295CP Sheridan 250w
1450 KBBS Buffalo 1000/1000 OLD C&W +103.5 K278CJ Buffalo 250w
1450 KJCV Jackson 1000/1000 REL:Bott +94.5 K233CZ Jackson 99w +107.5 K298CS Victor 250w
1450 KVOW Riverton, 1000/1000 TALK ABC:OO BRONCOS
1470 KKTY Douglas 1000/500 Cl HITS +93.3 K227BU Douglas 150w kktyonline.com/
1480 KRAE Cheyenne 1000/65 OLD "1480 K-Rae" +101.1 K266CC Cheyenne 250w 1480krae.com/
1490 KUGR Green River 1000/1000 SoftAC TALK CBS:00 +104.9 K285FG Rock Springs -250w
1490 KJNT Jackson 1000/1000 +99.7 K259CP Hoback Junction 99w +102.5 K273DM Victor 110w
1490 KGOS Torrington 1000/1000 C&W:Cinch Country +99.9 K260DA Torrington 250w
1580 KKTS Evansville HotAC//99.3 KKTSFM Evansville +107.3 K297AV Casper 250w Hitradio kktsonline.com/ [KLNQ]
1630 KFBU Fox Farm-Cheyenne 10000/1000 VAR +94.7 K234AH Cheyenne 250w [KKWY KRND KVAM]
FM listing:
In 1974, WY had only SEVEN FM stations!- Vane Jones Logbook
88.1 KVAM Cheyenne [KAIX KEZF]
88.7 KRKY Douglas [88.1 88.7] krkyfm.com/
88.9 KRBR LaLarge OLD//91.9 KTYN Thyme ktyn.net
89.3 KAIX Casper CCM/Air1
90.3 KWYC Cheyenne REL
92.1 KCWB Bryon OLD C&W "The Cowboy 92.1"
92.1 KFRZ Green River, C&W
92.3 KIXM Victor Top40:I-Mix [KYOY, Hillsale]
92.5 KMXW Bar Nunn-Casper Top40 "Max 92.5" http://max925casper.com/ [Douglas KBOG KDAD]
92.5 KWMY Powell, Cl HITS "My92.5"
92.7 KRHW Ranchester SILent
92.7 KIQZ WY Rawlins SILent:Financial, seeking buyer
92.7 KHRW Ranchester CL Hits [Wright]
92.9 KLGT Buffalo C&W
92.9 KPAW Warren AFB Cl ROCK "the Bear" [KOLT KBPI KYWY] https://thebear929.iheart.com/
93.1 KFCW Riverton Cl ROCK [KTRZ]
93.3 KLED Antelope Valley-Cres News Radio 93-3
93.5 KWYX Casper, AC kwyx.com/
93.5 KJAX Jackson C&W:93-5 K-Jax, CBS:00 [93.3]
93.5 KREO James Town C&W
93.7 KYTI Sheridan C&W
93.9 KUSZ Laramie, ROCK [KRQU, 104.5]
93.9 KTAK Riverton C&W
94.5 KMLD Casper OLD"True" [KAWY] SILent -FIRST FM in Casper. s/on:Sept 25, 1967
94.9 KZWY Sheridan Rock [KROE-FM]
TIDBIT: FM Stereo in 1977
95.1 KLGY Laramie C&W
95.1 KYCS Rock Springs HotAC
TIDBIT: On air:1986
95.3 KZJH Jackson Cl ROCK KZ95-3
95.5 KYWY Casper C&W [KWYY KEZF]
95.9 KDWY Diamondale, C&W
96.1 KKLX Worland, HotAC
96.5 KQSW Rock Springs C&W
96.7 KRNK Casper ROCK[KMGW]
96.9 KMTN Jackson, Adult Alt
97.1 K246CL Cheyenne HotAC "Star 97.1" star971.iheart.com/
97.1 KTWY Shoshoni ALT wyomingsounds.com/
97.3 KAML-FM Gilette Top40 [96.9]
97.5 KDLY WY Lander C&W:97-5 the Brand
97.7 KCYA Rollings [Kaycee] SILent
97.9 KQMY Cheyenne, C&W [KQLF]
97.9 KTAG Cody HotAC
97.9 KZWB Green River Cl HITS (JRN) "Big Dog"
98.3 KADQ Evanston Cl ROCK "Wildlife 98.3" [KSNA]
98.3 KGRK Glen Rock
98.3 KZZS Story-Sheridan HotAC
98.3 KERM Torrington C&W//1490 KGOS
98.5 KXJN DuBois [KLEP104.7]
98.7 KRSV Afton C&W
98.7 KRQU Laramie ClROCK[KAAZ KRQU KUSZ] off air
98.7 KAWR Reliance CCM Air1 [KWXR]
99.1 KNYN Ft. Bridger C&W K-9
99.1 KWYW Lost Cabin AC "The Heat" [KSXZ]
99.3 KKTSFM WY Douglas HotAC "Hitradio99.3" [KKTY]
99.3 KTGA Saratoga C&W
99.7 KSIT Rock Springs AdultHITS "99-7 Jack FM" 99ksit.com
99.9 KKPL Cheyenne HotAC 999thepoint.com
99.9 KGCC Gillette [KXXL, 103.9]
100.1 KKTY Glendo-Douglas, C&W [KYOD]
100.3 KZMQ-FM Greybull C&W
100.3 KQJK Soda Springs [100.1,Soda Springs, KITT Wilson]
100.5 KTED Evansville, ROCK:Casper's Pure Rock! K-Ted
100.7 KGWY Gillette C&W
101.1 KHMN Cody CCM:101-1 the One [KROW] myheartmountainradio.com/the-one
101.1 KPIN Pinedale C&W
101.5 KDDV Wright Cl ROCK "The Drive"
101.7 KDNO Thermopolis OLD C&W [KBIK]
101.7 KZEW Wheatland AC
101.9 KIGN Burns Cl HITS "King-FM"
101.9 KLWR North Rock Springs [KXJW]
102.1 KBDY Hanna. [KXMP]C&W
102.3 KOWY Dayton AC &DialGlobal[101.1]
102.5 KHOC Casper HotAC -
102.9 KARS Laramie/Ft Collins, Top40/RHY
102.9 KXWY Hudson
103.1 KXWY Hudson ALT wyomingsounds.com/
103.1 KYDT Pine Haven C&Wd:Dirt Road Radio TALKn:Patriot Radio //1450 KBFS Belle Fourche SD
103.3 KBEN Crowley OLD C&W
103.3 KRAN WarrenAFB [Hanna][KNAN] OLD C&W
103.7 KQLT Casper OLD C&W
104.1 KANT Gurnsey AdultSHUFFLE
104.1 KCGL Powell Cl HITS --The Eagle
104.3 KFZE Daniel C&W(WW1)[KYPT]
104.5 KIMX Centennial-Albany Top40 "iMix" [KYAP]
104.5 KWBB Upton Adult HITS:Bob FM 104.5 [KRUG KHAD]
104.7 KTRS Casper, Top40
104.7 KNIV Lyman SS "MiPreferida104.7" [KZNS KYLZ]
104.9 KRRR Cheyenne, Cl HITS
104.9 KLQQ Clearmont-Sheridan, Top40 "Q104.9"
n:6/30/06 new freq:07 [104.7]
104.9 KKAR Wamsutter 80sHits [97.7][KHNA KRAN]
105.1 KTUG Hudson Adult HITS(WW1) "105.1 the Pulse"
105.1 KJXN Thayne [KRFD KTYN]
105.5 KJAC Laramie, Cl HITS [KIMX]
105.5 KZQL Mills ClHITS [KHAD]
105.7 KVGL Manderson Cl HITS [KYTS KGCL 102.1 105.1] -The Eagle
106.1 KXXL Moorcroft ClROCK [KPKL]
106.1 KLMI Rock River-Laramie ADULT Hits:Hits106 [KKHI 106.5]
106.3 KLEN Cheyenne Top40 106-3 Now FM 1063nowfm.com/
106.3 KBMG Evanston SS:Latino106.3 [KRMF KOTB 106.1]
106.5 KWWY Shoshoni CLassical [106.3]
106.5 KMRZ Superior AC:Z106 [KKWY] 106kmrz.com/
106.5 KLLM WY Wheatland AC [KMQS 106.1 96.5]
106.9 KASS Casper, Cl Rock&
107.1 KROW Lovell-Cody Cl ROCK:107.1 The Adventure [KWHO] myheartmountainradio.com/the-adventure
107.3 KKAW Albin OLD off air [KKAW KRAW KKWY]
107.3 KAOX Kemmerer AdultSHUFFLE GTD:Shelby ID
107.5 Rawlins Michael Radio Co FCC Auction 109 winner
107.5 KTDM Wheatland, OLD//99.5KMJY off air [KLLM KPAD]
107.7 KIIQ Basin [cp calls] [KBHM KVAM] [107.9]
107.9 KRVK Vista West, Adult HITS [Midwest] jackfmcasper.com/
AM-FM Listings by city:
1210 KRSV Afton, 5000/250 C&W
98.7 KRSV Afton C&W
107.3 KKAW Albin OLD off air [KKAW KRAW KKWY]
93.3 KLED Antelope Valley-Cres OLD C&W
92.5 KMXW Bar Nunn-Casper Top40 "Max 92.5" http://max925casper.com/ [Douglas KBOG KDAD]
107.7 KIIQ Basin [cp calls] [KBHM KVAM] [107.9]
92.1 KCWB Bryon OLD C&W "The Cowboy 92.1"
1450 KBBS Buffalo, 1000/1000, OLD C&W&
92.9 KLGT Buffalo C&W
101.9 KIGN Burns Cl HITS "King-FM"
1030 KTWO Casper 50000/50000 NewsTALK:K-2 +95.1 K236CX Casper 250w k2radio.com/
1230 KVOC Casper, 1000/1000 TALK
1400 KKTL Casper 1000/1000 OLD C&W:the Cowboy +101.9 K270CT Casper 250w caspercowboy.com/ [KATI]
94.5 KMLD Casper OLD"True" [KAWY] SILent -FIRST FM in Casper. s/on:Sept 25, 1967
95.5 KWYY Casper C&W
96.7 KRNK Casper ROCK[KMGW]
102.5 KHOC Casper, HotAC -reported SILent
103.7 KQLT Casper C&W/Cumulus
104.7 KTRS Casper, Top40
106.9 KASS Casper, Cl Rock&
104.5 KIMX Centennial-Albany Top40 "iMix" [KYAP]
1240 KFBC Cheyenne, 700/700 +97.5 K248CZ SPO:CBS,news/talk/chatter M-F AM driv
1380 KJUA Cheyenne, SS 1000/8 [EX:1370, KJJL]
1480 KRAE Cheyenne, 1000/65, OLD K-Rae
97.9 KQMY Cheyenne, C&W [KQLF]
99.9 KKPL Cheyenne HotAC 999thepoint.com
104.9 KRRR Cheyenne, OLDIES
106.3 KLEN Cheyenne Top40 106-3 Now FM 1063nowfm.com/
104.9 KLQQ Clearmont-Sheridan, Top40 "Q104.9"
n:6/30/06 new freq:07 [104.7]
1400 KODI Cody, 1000/1000 NEWSTalk
97.9 KTAG Cody HotAC
101.1 KHMN Cody CCM:101-1 the One [KROW] myheartmountainradio.com/the-one
104.3 KFZE Daniel C&W(WW1)[KYPT]
102.3 KOWY Dayton AC &DialGlobal[101.1]
95.9 KDWY Diamondale, C&W
99.3 KKTSFM WY Douglas HotAC kktyonline.com/ [KKTY]
98.5 KXJN DuBois [KLEP104.7]
98.3 KADQ Evanston Cl ROCK "Wildlife 98.3" [KSNA]
106.3 KBMG Evanston SS:Latino106.3 [KRMF KOTB 106.1]
830 KUYO Evansville, 10000/- , REL
1580 KKTS Evansville HotAC//99.3 KKTSFM Evansville +107.3 K297AV Casper 250w Hitradio kktsonline.com/ [KLNQ]
99.3 KKTSFM Evansville //1580 KKTS Evansville HotAC +107.3 K297AV Casper 250w Hitradio kktsonline.com/
100.5 KTED Evansville, ROCK:Casper's Pure Rock! K-Ted
99.1 KNYN Ft. Bridger C&W K-9
1630 KVAM Fox Farm-Cheyenne 10000/1000 VAR +94.7 K234AH Cheyenne 250w [KKWY KRND]
1270 KIML Gillette 5000/1000 News-Talk
97.3 KAML-FM Gilette Top40 [96.9]
99.9 KGCC Gillette [KXXL, 103.9]
100.7 KGWY Gillette C&W
98.3 KGRK Glen Rock
100.1 KKTY Glendo-Douglas, C&W [KYOD]
1490 KUGR Green River, 1000/1000 SoftAC,TALK CBS:00 +104.9 K285FG Rock Springs -250w
92.1 KFRZ Green River, C&W
97.9 KZWB Green River Cl HITS (JRN) "Big Dog"
1140 KZMQ Greybull, 10000/- , OLD C&W "Real Country"
100.3 KZMQ-FM Greybull C&W
104.1 KANT Gurnsey AdultSHUFFLE
102.1 KBDY Hanna. [KXMP]C&W
103.1 KXWY Hudson ALT wyomingsounds.com/ [102.9]
105.1 KTUG Hudson Adult HITS(WW1) "105.1 the Pulse"
1340 KSGT Jackson, 1000/1000 SS"Juan FM" +96.3 K242BU Jackson 14w 12-17
1450 KJCV Jackson REL:Bott
1490 KJNT Jackson 420/1000 +99.7 K259CP Hoback Junction 99w SILent
93.5 KJAX Jackson C&W [93.3]
95.3 KZJH Jackson Cl ROCK KZ95-3
96.9 KMTN Jackson, Adult Alt
93.5 KMGQ James Town C&W [KTEA]
950 KMER Kemmerer, 5000/90 OLD& "K-95"
107.3 KAOX Kemmerer AdultSHUFFLE GTD:Shelby ID
1330 KOVE Lander, 5000/1000, C&W CBS:00
97.5 KDLY Lander ClHITS(&JRN)
1210 KHAT Laramie, 10000/1000 OLD C&W[KLDI KKHI]
1290 KOWB Laramie, 5000/1000
93.9 KUSZ Laramie, ROCK [KRQU, 104.5]
95.1 KLGY Laramie C&W
98.7 KRQU Laramie ClROCK[KAAZ KRQU KUSZ] off air
102.9 KARS Laramie ClROCK
105.5 KJAC Laramie, Cl HITS [KIMX]
99.1 KWYW Lost Cabin SPO:ESPN [KSXZ]
107.1 KROW WY Lovell-Cody Cl ROCK:107.1 The Adventure [KWHO] myheartmountainradio.com/the-adventure
104.7 KNIV Lyman SS "MiPreferida104.7" [KZNS KYLZ]
105.7 KYTS Manderson OLD
105.5 KZQL Mills ClHITS [KHAD]
106.1 KXXL Moorcroft ClROCK [KPKL]
1240 KASL Newcastle, 1000/1000, C&W& ABC:00
650 KGAB Orchard Valley, 8600/5000 "Cheyenne's AM 650 G-A-B" TALK&
93.5 KREO WY James Town C&W
101.1 KPIN Pinedale C&W
1260 KPOW Powell, 5000/1000 TALK& ABC:00
92.5 KWMY Powell, Cl HITS "My92.5"
104.1 KCGL Powell Cl HITS --The Eagle
92.7 KHRW Ranchester CL Hits [Wright]
1240 KRAL Rawlins, 1000/1000, ABC:00, HotAC// KIQZ 92.7 kiqz-kral.com/ SILent:Financial, seeking buyer
92.7 KIQZ WY Rawlins SILent:Financial, seeking buyer
98.7 KWXR Reliance
1450 KVOW Riverton, 1000/1000 OLD& ABC:OO BRONCOS
93.1 KFCW Riverton Cl ROCK [KTRZ]
93.9 KTAK Riverton C&W
106.1 KLMI Rock River-Laramie HotAC "Hits106" EX:KKHI EX:106.5
1360 KRKK Rock Springs, 5000/1000, SPO:ESPN "Sports 1360"
95.1 KYCS Rock Springs HotAC
TIDBIT: On air:1986
96.5 KQSW Rock Springs C&W
99.7 KSIT Rock Springs AdultHITS "99-7 Jack FM" 99ksit.com [104.5]
97.7 KCYA Rollings [Kaycee] SILent
99.1 KLSX Rozet SILent
99.3 KTGA Saratoga C&W
97.1 KTWY Shoshoni ALT wyomingsounds.com/
106.5 KWWY Shoshoni CLassical [106.3]
930 KROE Sheridan, 5000/117, TALK CBS:00
1410 KWYO Sheridan, 5000/500, OLD C&W ABC:00
93.7 KYTI Sheridan C&W
94.9 KZWY Sheridan Rock [KROE-FM]
TIDBIT: FM Stereo in 1977
100.3 KQJK Soda Springs [100.1,Soda Springs, KITT Wilson]
98.3 KZZS Story-Sheridan HotAC
106.5 KKWY Superior SS
105.1 KJXN Thayne [KRFD KTYN]
101.7 KDNO Thermopolis OLD C&W [KBIK]
1490 KGOS Torrington, 1000/1000 C&W //KERM-FM Torrington WY ABC:OO
98.3 KERM Torrington C&W
104.5 KWBB Upton Adult HITS:Bob FM 104.5 [KRUG KHAD]
92.3 KIMX Victor Top40:I-Mix [KYOY Hillsale]
107.9 KRVK Vista West, Adult HITS [Midwest] jackfmcasper.com/
104.9 KKAR Wamsutter 80sHits [97.7][KHNA KRAN]
92.9 KPAW Warren AFB Cl ROCK "the Bear" [KOLT KBPI KYWY] https://thebear929.iheart.com/
103.3 KRAN WarrenAFB [Hanna][KNAN] OLD C&W
1340 KYCN Wheatland,250/250 OLD C&W&(DialGlobal)//92.7 K224DT Wheatland ABC:00
101.7 KZEW Wheatland AC
106.5 KLLM WY Wheatland AC [KMQS 106.1 96.5]
107.5 KTDM Wheatland, OLD//99.5KMJY off air [KLLM KPAD]
1340 KWOR Worland, 1000/1000, TALK& ABC:00
96.1 KKLX Worland, HotAC