DX-midAMerica -Words!

Your kind words!

      The DX-midAMerica website was set up September 3rd, 1997. It has been updated daily (save vacations, website/provider problems, etc) and from day one, nice folks who stopped by and expressed their kind words, through the decades of this effort. Names are left out to protect the innocent, hi!

You put in work on the DX site, and I (and others) appreciate that!
A valuable resource.
Thanks for this the various listings. Great reference stuff!
In case no one else has, I want to thank you for the work you have done with ur website. It's appreciated.
Persistent with keeping that site going.
I don't think that site has changed a bit in the 26 years it has been online.
Sure wish I had that kind of motivation.
What I enjoy, this is just DX! You don't waste my time going thru baloney, opinions...just DX!!! Bravo!
Thanks for your work on DX mid-AMerica!
Nice to know that there are other people out there that like the same stuff that I enjoy!
Thanks for all the work you put into the site. I visit your site often!
I appreciate your hard work on this site!
Really appreciate the site.
You do Yeoman service
The work, time, effort and discipline show on DX-midAMerica! Really does!
You do A LOT with DX-midAMerica….... a fine resource!
Thanks for your hard work and time. It shows! Truly, truly underrated. A diamond in the rough!
The turnaround on tips is AMazing. Really from within minutes to a few hours at most! AMazing!
Tip is reported, added to the monthly page, daily page, Hot 73 page, tossed into a Target Frequency and Target State/Can-AM page later on, LCL page if a GY, slogan page. Like you cut the chicken and used every possible part! Appreciated!
Thanks for the good work. No matter when I look, seems up to date. Appreciated.
I appreciate your hard work. It shows!
Your hard work on this page is greatly appreciated!
I stopped by the DX-midAMerica site, expecting it to be long gone. WRONG! I congratulate you on your dedication to the DXing hobby and thank you for the service you provide. AMAZING!
Your turnaround time on tips is fantastic. Almost like real-time posting!
Very, very underrated!
I really enjoy your website.
Very quick, almost instant printing of tips! I send and seemingly posted with minutes to a few hours. Quick!
Nice site. You show a huge level of commitment to it.
Almost real-time dx'ing, as the tips are sent and slapped up within hours! Nice!
I really appreciate the tremendous amount of work you have put into the site.
I am amazed at the sheer volume of info, all aimed at us enthusiasts who live in the Black Hole of DXing.
The best AM DX Website the Universe has ever known!
Your site is great! I looked around a bit almost daily!
Thanks for the work you put in on keeping up the DX Mid America site.
I started DXing in the late 70's and found a fine site! This one: DX-midAMerica
Thanks for the work on DX-midAMerica.
DX-midAMerica is the closest thing to real-time dx! Much appreciated!
I really appreciate the obvious time and effort you put into it.
I check out your website almost every day and often find some useful tips. Thanks.
Got this logging from your website! Another satisfied customer!
Once again your website has come through. I saw a logging and thought "I could hear that one."
I know I've written before, but I so love your site, keep up the great work!
Thank you for all your years of DX-midAMerica! I'm a longtime lurker!
I greatly appreciate your hard work on this site, keeping it going day after day, with or without dx.
I think you're doing a good job. It takes dedication to keep this up week after week, and you still send post loggings most weeks!
You do a better job with the website than many others, including the clubs!
What I like is the site is indexed, well laid out. If I miss a day, I know where to look!
Wow! A dx site free from POLITICS and RELIGIOUS stuff behind loggings!!!
7 days without DX-midAMerica makes one weak!
The site is indexed and easy to navigate!
I appreciate your postings each week.
I appreciate your hard work.
I appreciate your efforts for ALL you do with this site!
I've been visiting DX-midAMerica for years....always something new, always something great.
You do a yeoman's job and I do appreciate your hard work!
Your resource is great since many posters are in the Midwest.
I appreciate the work it takes to keep up the site!
It is nice that DX-midAMerica is going. I enjoy the site a lot. It is good to post what catches I get and see what other dx'ers are hearing. It reassures me that others besides myself are still dx'ing AM!
You have a wonderful website, both in terms of the information, and the enthusiasm for the hobby and life that it showcases.
Thanks for your work on the site through the years!
I've used your site for years. I think it's superb.
I think this site is useful and well done and it has staying power...am very glad to have seen it hang around.
A compliment. I like the idea of splitting the changes between AM & FM. I can quickly see the info which is of interest to me.
I've used your site for years. I really think this site is useful and well done and it has staying power. Very glad to have seen it hang around.
Keep up the good work, and again, glad to see DX-midAMerica is still up after all these years!
Thanks for your website!
Thanks for the great service you give the hobby.
Thanks so much for hosting the site. It is updated daily, and that shows you didn't slap it up and forget about it.
Been on the web since '97? I guess that is dx dedication! Thank you again for a site I DO look at daily!
It feels good to once again be sending reports to my favorite radio site.
Thanks for all your hard work and services to the DX community over the years.
Thank you for running this great site.
Thanks for running a superb site.
I get a good understanding of MW conditions and receptions from DX-midAMerica, which is a fantastic MW site with central parts of North America in mind. I highly recommend this website to others for MW issues . You do a super job.
Love your site! Keep up the good work!
Thank you for your great work in keeping the web site up and running. It is really unique.
Your website is by far one of if not the best in the hobby. You do a great service to DXers everywhere.
It still amazes me that you are able to keep this site top-notch year after year. I am greatful for your hard work.
While I am not actively dx'ing BCB at this time, I enjoy your website visting every day.
DX-midAMerica is a daily stop for me--at least once, often more.
DX-midAMerica is an IMMENSE help in that I can research beforehand what may or may not be accessible.
I appreciate DX-midAMerica because it makes sense to compare my logs to those of others from the Midwest.
I'm in Europe and DX Mid-America is the best source for domestic loggings.
Just surfing the web and came across your site. Laid out very well!
When I did an internet search, I ran across numerous websites that were useless or had little info. However, yours was the BEST for the amount of info it contained.
Thank you for your dedication and offering your work freely to those of us who are exploring the hobby of DX-ing.
I like that you have the links to the last year's logs at the bottom of your homepage.
Thanks for all of your work this last year on your website. It is looked at regularly (2-3 times a week) and is a big help.
FM? You've seen some of my best catches. The tips for DXing FM came from your site.
Please know that I really value your pages!!!
...following a lead from a DX-midAmerica tip, I logged NH! Also Washington state KGA, also from a DX-midAmerica lead....
Looks great,and I am glad to see it is still going strong.
Thanks for another year of producing DX-midAMerica!
I have enjoyed your great site for years.
I've been an avid fan of the website for about 4 years now. I love trying to figure out people's UNIDs. Keep up the good work.
DX-midAMerica is a real treasure for MW DXers. I appreciate all the work you put into keeping it going.
I could spend hours a day persuing your website. It's phenomenal!
Thank you for the terrific web pages of DX-midAMerica. It has been the best website in aiding me to move towards my dx goals.
Websites like DX-midAMerica are so vital in dxing, I love dx as you know BCB dxing, and a midwest based club is super. You have a first-rate site I might add.
I can't believe the WEALTH of info on your site. Half the time I forget that it's all there.
I can't believe you don't get sick of keeping DX-midAMerica up to date. THANK YOU!
Thanks for an excellent DX web site.
Your website is awesome!
What a great website, I will be checking out this site on a daily basis!
Your website is a truly amazing resource and I turn to it whenever I can find the time to do a little DXing.
Great website! I wish I had more time to DX on the BC bands, but your site is the next best thing!
Your website and the efforts you put together are astounding!
I enjoy your site and visit it often.
Your dedication to those lists, targets, challenges, graveyards, greylines, hotlists, etc. etc..... is amazing!!!!! I just think people don't appreciate your efforts.
This site ROCKS!
Keep up the great work on your site!
In my opinion, the best MW site in midamerica and as far as I'm concerned the whole internet!
Cool site, just found it. I thought I was the only one that listened to far away radio for fun!
I love your website and find it interesting to read!
Enjoy your site!...Love your site!
Your site really is tops for DX'ing. I'm just getting into it and it has a lot of helpful info for beginners. Keep up the great work!!
I tell everyone that your DX-midAMerica is the best thing around for us upper midwesterners!
Keep up the super work! The DX-midAMerica site is the best. I'd say it's comparable to CUMBRE DX logs for the serious TROPICAL DXER...which I am too of course.
Thank you once again for your website which helped me bag 17 new ones during January.
It must take tremendous effort to keep this whole thing going. Thanks again for all you do.
A great site!
Your DX-midAMerica web page is the most helpful page I've seen. Keep up the good work.
I cut & paste the latest loggings and make my own target lists almost daily.
I'm intrigued by your efforts and your enthusiasm.
Thank for your great pages. They are really fantastic source of information about radio and DXing!
I really, really appreciate the site!
Nice job on the website.
Just ran across your website...pretty cool!
Nice to have a site for midwest dx'ers!
Kudos on the obvious effort you're putting into the website.
You get my first report to any magazine/pub in 30+ years of dx'ing!
WoWA! I didn't expect to see something like this!
A group thank you for everything!
The info is fresh and useful.
Looks great!
It's nice to have a place where DXers can go and share info and logs. A DX website with DX on it! Thanks for the forum!
I visit almost daily.
I appreciate the obvious effort you're putting into the site.
This site has added to my spark to come back to dx'ing!
I appreciate your prompt replies to those who contribute.
My logging was a direct result of DX-midAMerica!
An easy new one thanks to DX-midAMerica!
Excellent! Well organized.
Thanks for all the great work you do all year!
You continue to maintain the best MW site on the net! Your hard work is appreciated.
How can dx clubs have dx sites with NO dx, and ask for money for dues for old info in bulletins? This is where ALL my loggings go!
Thank you for your excellent website. I just began MW listening two years ago.

      All of these are exact quotes. These are appreciated, but in reality, the tribute goes to everyone who added a tip, comment, format change, qsl info, wrote in, had a comment or criticism on anything. Without the constant input of new information, this would be like yesterday's news. A very sincere thank you to all of you. For someone to take the time to type out their dx reports is something Nothing is taken for granted. Your efforts in reporting are what made this effort!
      There have been a good bunch of people through the years, beginning as a bulletin in 1981. This really is a nice blend of veterans and people just getting into this great hobby! You'll never know how much I enjoy doing this! Thank you so much. It is a privilege to be your guest!