OS101 (that’s Old School 101 to you), are fast, powerful and yes, hence their name, old school punk rock. They were formed about 5 years ago after the demise of East Coast veterans Hogans Heroes. They have now written a classic punk album, which will make waves throughout the hardcore punk scene. Brilliantly named bassist, "The King", partook in a high tech. Email interview by TUB.
Who are OS101 for those of us that don’t know?
OS101 consist of me, The King, on bass. Skip Skool on vox, Tony Detroit on skins and Johnny Miami on the guitar.
You are about to release your new album, "Pura Vida", how do you feel about this record?
We couldn't feel happier. We wound up recording with the guy we wanted to and at the studio we're most comfortable in right now. It just fell together. We had the guys from (labelmates) Catch-22 come in and do some impromptu horns... which made the song they're on (Spam in a can). There were other little things we were able to do with the time that we had. There is soooo much more rock on this record, and we're lovin’ it! I hope everybody else does, too.
What do you hope to achieve with OS101 with the new record?
Makin’ y'all happy. That's about it. No delusions of grandeur. No MCA contracts in the near future (ha....) but we hope to get out and tour this fall. Anyone interested?
Which bands have really influenced OS101?
Which haven't? I mean, there are bands that we have in common, as far as that goes... as in Bad Brains, Descendants; all the OLD So Cal stuff. It seems to come through in what we write. But then there are the things that we don't all like. Skip rocks lots of dub and reggae, while Johnny and I are big into mega rock; ACDC, VH and the like. At the same time, I love all sorts of experimental and indie rock, Emo even. Don't forget the country... just bought a George Jones greatest hits album. It's all in there. Wrapped up like a great big musical burrito!
To what extent do you feel that OS101is a progression from Hogans Heroes?
Just free from the confines of the thrash that HH played. And the stigma of the name. Recognised, but that was about it. It was time, that's all.
What really did lead you to decide to break up Hogans Heroes and form OS101?
Well, the impetus was our drummer, Brian, leaving to form the Transmegetti, along with the guitar player I was in another band with. At that point, we had been contemplating the change, and it put us in a situation where a
decision had to be made. I've never really understood the whole "rotating member" thing some bands have done... and we thought it was about time.
How do you feel about the hardcore and punk scene in general at the moment (world-wide and nationally)?
It's fucking huge!!!!! Hell, look at the warped tour! Granted it's a major label media circus right now, it's still the biggest venue for punk rock going. Almost any indie worth it's salt has booths there. Hardcore has always
been a little harder to get to. It's alive, but the true roots will always be hard to find. There are bands that bring a taste of it above ground..... but the real deal will not be televised.
Are there any burning issues that you feel very strongly about in today’s scene?
Not really. The size of it simply occludes most.....
Currently there seems to be a lot of conflict between sXe/non sXe, vegan + veggie’s/meat–eaters etc. Have any of these types of incidents affected you at all?
No. Not in the last few years. They're not too active around here, and they don't seem to be as militant as the old Syracuse scene.... There never were many problems... I mean, whenever there's a group of people who hold
something as such a truth, there will always be the ones who place themselves above others due to it. Not a great way to spread the word.
Is touring still important to you as a band?, and are you planning on coming to England/Europe?
Absolutely. It's tough for us to do, with our singer being so into his girlfriend's surf shop.... We can't really tour in the summer. Like putting a hobble on our music.... kinda sucks. But we have to deal with it. We're all about going out in the fall, but it's tough to get agents to book us. Don't know why.... Maybe this fall. We've never been overseas. We'd love to go, so if you know anyone interested in getting us there! (Come on promoters, you know you want to!)
Where do you see yourselves in 5 years time?
5 years older. Playing music, no doubt.
Go check out Pura Vida on Victory cause it’s a stormer.
Photos by Steve Jackson, FM Entertainment.