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Hypnotists will tell you that they can't make you do anything that you do
not want to do. This may be true to some extent when THEY have hypnotized
you to do certain things. However, they all know to say this as a 'disclaimer'
in case you DO, do something that may result in something questionable
regarding THEM. In other words, they do not want to be held responsible in
case you do something at a later date or if you do something during the time
that you are hypnotized by them that may result in harm or something for
which they might possibly be sued over. In reality, there are many components
involved in just WHO may be hypnotized and to what DEGREE and under
what CONDITIONS. Everyone has the ability to be hypnotized whether they
know it or not or will admit it; that is, unless there is some physical and/or
mental impairment that makes that an impossibility. And yes, it is possible
that some people may be too deeply hypnotized to ever recover.

In this day and age, a great many persons still do not think that hypnotism is
'real'. That is because they have not studied it and because it is usually
grouped into a category along with "side-show" tricks such as Fortune-
Telling and bending spoons with the mind. But hypnotism is real. If there is
any doubt that hypnotism is real then one need only look to the 'animal
evidence'. What do you think happens when a deer freezes when looking
into the headlights of an oncoming car or truck? Have you ever seen a
chicken being hypnotized? As I remember it, a person places a chicken's
beak flush to the ground while someone draws a white chalk line in front
of it heading away for several feet. This hypnotizes and disorients the
chicken and it is immobilized for some measurable amount of time. You
may have heard of similar things being done with crocodiles or alligators.
We could probably go on and on with our animal examples of hypnotism,
but is this really necessary? Why don't we just let others pursue this area
further. For the purposes of this article we have more than proven our point.

In humans, egocentricity plays a major part in "belief" or faith generally
in religiosity, because it is the element that leads "focus". "Focus" that is
centralized upon the ego is a powerful thing. Of course we will need to
explain the difference between the "natural" (or what should be the
"normal") ego and its function or role and that ego which has been
circumvented from its natural usage. And so, we need to term these two
different egos; (1) Natural Ego, and (2) Synthesized or Circumvented Ego.

The New Testament is a main source of egocentricity in the world and
subsequently, the division of humanity. The chroniclers of the Talmud and
leading Jewish authors who were writing about ethics realized this. Which
should illustrate that even though they wrote under the guise of being religious,
in fact, they do not appear to have been. It is noted by them that; "In the
Gospels, one is to lose oneself only to find oneself. Sacrifices are demanded,
but only if moth and rust consume (i.e., "worldly goods"). We are taught to
give up what is of no account (meaning; what is of no account to us in an
'afterlife' - not those things that count to us in the here and now). In what truly
matters, we are expected to see to our own (self/selfish) interests. The "reward"
is always MY reward. Really sacrificing oneself for the sake of others, for the
chance, uncertain as such matters are in this world, that our neighbor or society
might benefit - or foregoing one's own salvation for the salvation of
others, as Mahayana Buddhism says its saints do - the Gospels do not
ask of man." (Ref. "Jewish Expressions on Jesus," pg. 373)

And, "When we consider the main design, it appears that the Gospels
reject all concern with social justice and reduce morality to a prudent
concern for one's own salvation; indeed, that morality itself becomes
equivocal (i.e., deliberately ambiguous and/or misleading)." (Ref.
"Jewish Expressions on Jesus," pg. 374)

And even further, "Consider Paul's great hymn on love, 1 Corinthians 13:
"If I give away all I have, and if I deliver my body to be burned, but have
not love, I gain nothing." Or as the King James Bible puts it: "It profiteth
me nothing." Long familiarity has dulled the bite of these words. Jesus
and Paul teach us to love each other - for OUR OWN PROFIT." This is
my capitalization to emphasize the selfishness in this concept. (Ref.
"Jewish Expressions on Jesus," pg. 405)

That's right, for OUR OWN SELFISH GAIN - rather than because it is right
or good in and of itself. There is always the promise and expectation of a
"reward" attached to doing good. And that is the WRONG lesson to teach.

The main difference between the ethical teachings of the Jews as opposed to
those of Christianity is that the Jewish teachings are not "selfish" or
egocentric. Whereas, Christianity uses rhetoric to promote selfishness
and egocentricity. The Jewish teachings (in the Talmud) deal primarily
with the here and now, and with society as a whole - and with the role of the
individual within THIS context. By comparison, Christianity in actuality
has virtually no real or true values to contribute to society. This is because
it promotes selfishness, and as such it is the great root leading to the creation
of crime and harmful thoughts and acts ultimately directed at society.

Christianity is not good for society because a prerequisite is that persons
must think of themselves first and all else after that, making persons
into selfish beings. From this, the youth, EVEN IF THEY THEMSELVES

At this point in time, they do not yet understand where the selfishness of
their parents comes from, but they see it and copy it. This, is what makes
"bad kids". This makes minds that are at heart truly selfish and concerned
with rewards and material wealth over true and real concern for others and
for the whole of society. It makes them into hypocrites and promotes the
type of thoughts that lead to dreams that could easily cause them to commit the
kind of acts that we call 'crimes'. Being egocentric divides person against
person and the creators of Christianity knew that (see Luke 12:51 and the quote
at the end of this article), as well as dividing the person or individual against
concern for the betterment of society. It closes off the mind to create a false
perception of reality and a false sense of comfort. It is society that ultimately
pays for this personal selfishness and disregard for others. This cycle must stop.




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