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Such machines should be relegated to the past and classed with old
instruments of torture and those pseudo-science devices that are housed in
museums with other such deceptive inventions. As for any person, they should
have their minds made up NEVER to participate in any lie detector test if
the occasion should ever arise; for the very willingness would be like an
approval, acceptance and 'belief' in it. In effect, that would be condoning
it and like saying "this is valid, right and true." When in fact, you should now
know better. Take that chance to protest against it and help humanity
to abolish those forever.

Judge Judy says that she can tell that someone is lying if they can't/don't
look her directly in the face, if they shift from foot to foot, and if
they hesitate (or think carefully about how they state something before
they do). First, some persons have issues about looking directly at other
people, such as HOW to do so. Some wonder just WHERE to look. Some
people tend to focus on one eye or the other - so to look "directly" at
someone in the face one would have to look at them between their eyes,
which is not really 'seeing' them and they may get a strange feeling if
they see that eyes are not meeting theirs. So, that is the issue with that.
Next, some persons cannot stand on their feet for more than a few
seconds because of feet problems or other injuries.

A person who has foot problems or conditions may well NEED to shift
their feet in order to stand there at all. And as for hesitating before
speaking, people know that it is court and they had better be careful as to
how they word things; if anything is not stated just right, then one is
either forced to make a long explanation as to what they meant or they
will have to let it 'pass' and take whatever results from that. Not
everyone talks or thinks in the same way or language as the Judge.
Any person who wants to be truthful and concise will need to stop
and think carefully as to how to word that they say, what phrase or
phrases need to be said in a way in which they think may best be
understood. This should be a right, not a reason for a Judge to think
that someone is lying or even a habitual liar. Remember, we have learned
a few things here. (Ref. Interview on "Later", which is a television
program on late at night. The broadcast of this show was on Wed.
night/Thurs. morning, 09/15/99, Central Standard Time.)

The Quote from Luke 12:51:

There, "Jesus" says; "(Do) you suppose that I have come to give peace upon
the Earth? I tell you NO! But rather division; for from henceforth there shall
be (as) five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three. The
father shall be divided against the son, and son against father; the mother against
the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother-in-law against her
daughter-in-law, and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law."

What some who call themselves Christians say:

Some say, "Well, can't we be Christians if we take the bad parts out?" The answer
is that Christianity is defined by the "goals" that it espouses; namely, for the
individual to "believe", to have "faith" with no proof and to ignore anything
that contradicts what the "believer" is told in that religion - as well as to try to
save their "souls" at any expense. Which means that the individual is contaminated
with self-centered, egocentric ideas in order to attain those goals or "rewards".

There is nothing patently IN Christianity that IS good - except the lessons that
humanity can learn from the creation of it and all that has passed down through
history because of it. So "no", one cannot "believe" in only what they perceive
to be "good" in Christianity and BE a good person to themselves, those around
them or to society either.

On the subject of 'Entertainment':

All "entertainment", such as movies and television shows, should contain
something that is good and valuable to us, it should inform and educate us.
We should start to use the advancements that we have for the good of society
and to educate in the best ways possible. Movies and programs should contain
information that is beneficial to individuals as well as society as a whole.
That which we let serve the purpose of "entertaining" us can do much, much
more once we realize that we can use it as a learning tool and not just as
something that is used to distract and divert attention from the "real" concerns
in life. "Entertainment" should serve a good duel purpose and not simply be
a means in which to "waste time" and promote irresponsible ideas. Our present
concept of entertainment is something that is merely a distraction, something
to busy our minds with thoughts that make no real or practical sense, and
that utilize devices to 'trick' our minds - such as "laugh tracks" to convince
us that something that was said was indeed 'funny' even if it was not. That is
an insult to our intellect. Yet, in the world as it is, we are supposed to sit back
and watch this nonsense while we wait for a non-existent 'god'. Which, is
exactly what millions of persons do. In effect, not being alive at all while alive,
and just waiting to die - in the false belief that they will have an afterlife and/or
"go to heaven". We, as a society, cannot afford to "bet our lives" that there will
BE an afterlife; as that wastes the time that we KNOW that we have right here

Some "Positives" to Focus Upon:

(1) A greater understanding of ourselves as human beings.
(2) A greater understanding of the world around us.
(3) A purpose in life for everyone. Think of depression and suicide
rates declining and eventually eliminated.
(4) A unification of all human beings.
(5) A focus upon the true meaning or reality of life.
(6) Epistemology: understanding the need to increase human mental ability.
(7) Longevity: Importance of longevity in order to make the most and the
best advancements in technology and other areas by those who have worked
to contribute to betterment of society as a whole, etc.
(8) Elimination of Suffering: ending unnecessary pain and illness.
(9) Control and Management of population and resources.
(10) The Creation of a New and Better world by teaching our children
ethics and truths rather than lies and things that are detrimental to them.
(11) A greater value and appreciation for life as well as for the amount of
time that each person has in their life.
(12) A focus upon the importance of "quality of life".

We have so much to look forward to when we realize that we are indeed in
control of our own destiny; the wonders of progress and innovation to come
are in our hands to do the very best of things that me may do with them, and
even the greatest things yet to be envisioned await us only if we may simply
understand ourselves first.

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(All Rights Reserved)

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