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Hi! My name is Peyton Laine and this is my very first web page!

I was born at 2:19 p.m. on February 14th, 2001.

I'm a Valentine's Baby!

Mommy says that I'm the best Valentine's gift she has ever gotten!

And let me tell you, I was QUITE a gift.
I weighed in at 10 pounds 13 ounces at birth!
The doctor told mommy and daddy that I was going to be a big girl, but no one knew I was gonna be THAT big! I'm just full of suprises!

Pretty soon I'll be three months old. Time is going by so fast and I'm getting so much bigger. Mommy wishes I could stay little just awhile longer. But not me...I wanna get big so I can play with my big sister, Taylor!

I love to look at her. She does so many neat things. I could watch her for hours! Here is a picture of me and my big sister. She loves to hold me!

This is a picture of me when I got home from the hospital
and got to try out my new swing!

More Pictures of Me!!

Here I am up high on Daddy's shoulders

This is me at 3 1/2 months!

"I can READ!"

Wanna see some pictures from my Birth Day???
Click on the link below!

Please take the time to sign my Guestbook!
It was nice to meet you!


~My Big Sister~ ~HOME~
~Awards We've Won~ ~Win Our Award~
~I'm A Beanie Lover!~ ~Causes I Support~
~Daddy's Den~ ~Tears For Scout~
~Loss Of A Feb. Mommy~ ~Coming Soon~