Jonquil Mari's Crib

Welcome one and all! You've stumbled upon my page of fandom for two wonderful shows - Roswell and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Most of the newer things here will be in the Roswell area... I haven't felt motivated to write anything for Buffy in a good, long time. What can I say? I guess I'm just a contented canon fan of Buffy and Angel. That and I just have kind of a difficult time writing for that show. Who knows, maybe I'll write something Buffy-ish sometime, but I warn you, it probably won't be soon. However, if you'd like to read the stuff I have written, feel free :) Pick your poison, and don't forget to send the fishie feedback!

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[Roswell Fanfiction]
[Buffy Fanfiction]

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer TM and Angel TM are © Fox and its related entities. Roswell TM is © Warner Bros. This page is in no way, shape, or form associated with Warner Bros. or Fox, and no infringement is intended. All rights belong to their respective owners and no profits are being made by the content of this page.

All graphics on this site are from The Official Buffy Site, Crashdown, The Thundering Loony Bin, and FINNatics. See the links page!!