[Buffy Fanfiction]

Hey, there! If you've come to read some quality Buffy fanfiction, I'm sorry! Heehee. No, seriously. This section of my site will remain up and open, but I doubt that it's going to be updated, like, at all. I may, by some miracle, finish "Surviving Paradise", because I really like the idea, but even that's shaky. I've really taken to Roswell fiction, and it's consuming most of my time and energy in the fic department now. And to tell you the truth, I don't think I write very good Buffy fiction. *g* So, thanks for stopping by. If you like Roswell at all, or my writing at all, give my Roswell fics a spin. I'm really much prouder of them than I am of these. I'd love to hear what you think!



Xanderthoughts (Huis Clos)
The Choice
Two Sides


Heart to Heart
Dread Machine
Surviving Paradise


Writer's Block Series
Snapshot Series

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