All About Me

Hello there, and welcome to the page that will tell you more than you really wanted to know about me; whether you know me as Jonquil Marie, gaffergirl TTWF, Janelle, or... anything else *g*. Big shout-outs to the forest critters, late-nighters at the Bronze threaded board, and all the Cliffhangers out there.

Okay. . . I am a Pisces, born in 1980 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I like Milwaukee. . . it's just exciting enough for me. Not that I wouldn't mind living in New York City, of course. I'm currently gainfully employed at Einstein's Bagels, and am taking some time off of college to figure out the meaning of life :). I used to attend Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa. Des Moines, Iowa was NOT exciting enough for me. I need my distractions, and Wal-Mart doesn't count. I did, however, learn a lot about declaring your major. You see, I declared five different majors in one and a half years. Talented, aren't I?

One of my other interests is astrology. As I mentioned above, I am a Pisces, with a Virgo ascendant and a Sagittarius moon. Yay for mutable!! When I get a spare moment from working, working, working, and writing fanfiction (which is not often) I enjoy drawing up natal charts. It's fun, in a twisted, rigidly organized way.

Other things that interest me, in no particular order, are: movies, music, television, books, politics, debate, clubbing, palmistry, road tripping, hiking, drinking, tarot, Baker's Square, George Webbs, coffeehouses, intellectual discussions, posers, art, Space Ghost, Trivial Pursuit, laughing too hard and too loud, and having the best time you possibly can at all times.

This is my very first attempt at a webpage, so be patient. . . if there's anyone out there looking at this who cares if it goes anywhere or not. Mega-huge thanks to Wendy and Mindy, who helped me get over my fear of computers and who helped me get this page started. Speaking of fear, another mega-huge thanks and a big bear hug to Kirsten and Meggs, who taught me not to be afraid of what I don't know, and who have let me know silently that there's nothing I can't do. Thank you to all the kick-ass people who have sent me feedback, especially my nifty crew of Cliffhangers who (I've said it before, and I'll say it again) are the best support group a fanfic writer could ever have.

Well, that's all there is to me (that I'm going to put on this page, anyway)! Have fun while you're here!

Jonquil Marie

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