Roswell Fanfiction
[Roswell Fanfiction]

Hey, everyone! A new addition to my site... drum roll, please... the Roswell 'Shippers Tutorial! It's a comprehensive listing of all the 'shipper names that I and fellow FanForum poster Maizli could find, along with a little essay, however unauthorized and unresearched, by yours truly about 'shipperdom. Take a look, tell me what you think.

As it stands, I have only written one non-Michael/Isabel fic. It's the really conspicuous one at the bottom. :) I do have plans for some more conventional fics in the works, but I have serious Cliffhanger leanings, so those usually come first Just letting you know ahead of time, though, that if you're a die hard A/I or M/M shipper, you might want to steer clear for the time being. Enjoy the fiction!

Cliffhanger Fanfics

Beyond Definition

Christmas Wishes

Anywhere But Here

New Year's Day (NC-17)


Nurse Michael

Bad (NC-17)


Viva Las Vegas, Revisited

Other Fanfics

Screaming To The Night

Ice Breakers

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