I keep my paintbrush with me
Wherever I may go,
In case I need to cover up
So the real me doesn't show.
I'm so afraid to show you me;
Afraid of what you'll do -
That you might laff
or say mean things -
I'm afraid I might lose you.
I'd like to remove all my paint coats
To show you the real, true me;
But I want you to try and understand,
I need you to accept what you see.
So if you'll be patient and close your eyes,
I'll strip off my coats real slow...
Please understand how much it hurts
To let the real me show.
Now my coats are all stripped off;
I feel naked, bare and cold;
And if you still love me with all that you see,
You are my friend, pure as gold.
I need to save my paintbrush, though,
And hold it in my hand;
I want to keep it handy
In case someone doesn't understand.
So, please protect me, my dear friend,
And thanks for loving me true;
But please let me keep my paintbrush with me,
Until I love me, too....
Full Name:Kelly J. Douglas
Nicknames:Kel...glistening eyes...glis...~告mple plea吟re坍...simply_kelly
Birth date:January 28, 1964
Job Title:Adult family Home Provider
Born in:Kenosha, Wisconsin
Siblings:Sister in Texas; half-brother in Wisconsin
Marital Status:yeah, there's a paper out there, somewhere, that claims I am
Children:A son, Tadd - age 7; daughter, Megan - age 10
Pets and Names:Cat: Mitzie Dog: Valerie
Hobbies:ANYTHING outdoors - camping, fishing, hiking, biking, flower gardening...also movies, reading, music (any LIVE music)...live theatre...meeting new friends, and keeping old ones...~smile~
My Best Advice:Accept every person for who they are - nothing less; nothing more.
Words/phrase I use too much:"Good golly, Miss Molly!"
A non-sport at which I excel:Making friends - socializing
Dream Car:Mustang Convertible - bright red!
Coolest thing I ever experienced:The birth of my kids...and seeing the Grand Canyon (not on the same day!..hahahaha)
Scariest thing I ever experienced:...my childhood...
Favorite thing to do in the summer:anything outdoors (flower gardening, biking, camping...etc)
Favorite thing to do in the winter:bowling, and snuggling in to hibernate 'til spring arrives!
What I look for in a person of the opposite sex:HUMOR, first of all - followed by sensitivity and understanding. (Oh, and a muscular chest and tight ass never hurts, either!)
What I want to be/do when I grow up:IF I ever grow up, all I want to do is own a cabin in the mountains, and live there, in peace, as one with nature.
Favorite Music:classic rock (70's and 80's), and country
Favorite Color:green
Favorite Food:Taco Bell - nacho bell grande (does that count as REAL food???)
Favotite Junk Food:M&M's, Cheetoes, popcorn
Least Favorite Food:naked shrimp...ewwwwww!
Dream Vacation:Mmmmm...would have to involve a mountain fantasy I have...
Favorite Topic/Subject:anything to do with the healthcare field
Favorite Sport:Ummmmm...(still thinking)
Favorite Comicstrip:Cathie
Favorite Animal:dogs
Favorite TV show:911...ER...and most all sit-coms (anything that makes me laugh and brightens my day)
Favorite Movies:"While You Were Sleeping"..."Indecent Proposal"..."Bed of Roses"..."The Green Mile"
Favorite Comedian:Gallagher!
Favorite Magazine:Reader's Digest...Woman's World
Favorite Book:"Where the Lilies Bloom"
Favorite Day:Sunday - my day to sleep in!
Favorite Month:March - the arrival of spring and all its beauty - so refreshing!
Favorite Holiday:Christmas - love all the decorations and giving gifts - seeing the children's faces light up
Favorite Thing to Wear:hahaha..my very non-sexy sweats...or my nightie (sexy?...Hmmmm..you decide....*EG*)