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Hello. My name is Tadd. I am 8 years old and in the 3rd grade.
The top pictures are of me playing ball this summer.
I LOVE to play ball!

The picture above is of me in first grade.
This next picture of me is when I thought I could be
a wrestler like the guys on TV,
and I ran and jumped over the back of a tall chair,
trying to body slam a Power Ranger toy of mine,
and I missed and landed on the cement floor.

I LOVE wrestling - watching it on TV and I like to see them when they come
to the fairgrounds here in town. My dad likes it, too, and so I am lucky
and get to see the wrestlers alot. My bedroom walls are covered with
polaroid pictures of me with a lot of the different wrestlers I have seen.
In one of the pictures, King Kong Bundy has his BIG hands around
my LITTLE neck, pretending to choke me.

I got to go see the wrestlers IN MILWAUKEE this year, at the "No Way Out" event!!!
It was SOOOOOO awesome! My dad and I had seats three rows from the ring!
My mom and sister watched it on TV, and taped it for us;
we were on the TV camera ALOT!
We also got to bring home our chairs we sat in, for souveiners!
It was a blast!