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People I Have Actually Met From The Net...*VBS*

OK...this is ALL so STRANGE to me...I am THE ONE PERSON who said they would NEVER meet with ANYONE from the net...yet I have attended two chat gatherings so far, and have met almost 50 chatters/friends!
It has all been a wonderful experience for me...more than I could have ever imagined!
I will try to list everyone that I have met so far...gawd, if I do not have you on here...PLEEEEEEASE let me know!!!!....*S*

The first gathering I attended was held in Harrisburg, Pensylvania...November 14th and the Sheraton Inn; it was a week-end I will never forget!
Following is a list of who I met at this no particular order...


  • HEATMISER...OK, so I lied...there IS a particular reason why HEATMISER'S name is first here - he is the one that made the party happen!!! Without him...(and Coyote Blue, who was unable to attend)...there would have been no gathering. was a true pleasure meeting you, and - YES!!! - we can do lunch next time you are going through my town!...*S*

  • WHY does YOUR name come to mind so quickly when I think of Harrisburg???...*G*...NEVER have I been so pleasantly suprised when I met someone, as I was when I met Pakrat32...need I say more?...*S*...You KNOW what I think of you, hon...You ARE the KING!...*G*

  • morning star...I had never talked to you in the chathouse; we became INSTANT great friends!...All I can say, is thanks for the extra little trips you made for me, girlfriend...and for waiting with me and taking me to the airport!...A true friend for life! Love ya, girl!

  • came into the bar...and INSTANTLY insulted me...*L*...GAWD, I LOVE THIS GAL!!!....*LOL*...It was like we had known each other forever, girl!...Another true friend for life...*S*!

  • Man With A Heart On...*VBS*...I would have missed the first evening at the bar, if he had not called my motel room, looking for me...and THEN he had to come and fetch me to the party on Saturday night!...*L*...You went out of your way to make sure I felt safe and comfortable, Mark...*tears of heartfelt thanks* knew how difficult it would all be for me, to meet are a great friend to me!

  • crony...FINALLY we meet!..*L*...It was sure great to get those hugs in person, hon...wonderful to meet you!

  • dancing man!...*G*...Thanks for the dances and converstion, are a very wonderful man!

  • are a treat to know; a very nice woman!...Glad to call you my friend!

  • Donna...when I very first met her, she had just returned from the store...with cherries and whipped cream...Hmmmmmm?....*G*

  • Rosebud...wellllll....*L*...I walk into the party, ONLY to see your tush in the air, mooning us!

  • Lexie and Kielbasa...girl, it was great to finally meet you!...Nice work on those blow jobs, BTW...*G*...Kielbasa..had never met you before; it was a pleasure!

  • barefoot mama and gatorsailor...I am glad I could help you out with a swimming suit, girl!...*S*...Was nice meeting the both of you!

  • Marvin the Martian...had always seen you around the chathouse, but never really talked much...a very nice man!

  • Auria...the lady with the fur-lined hand-cuffs...*G*

  • MacLuvr...the man with the jack knife...*S*..thanks for the loan, guy!

  • DeeIam...this lady is a dancing gal!...And, with knee-pads, she puts a whole new twist on how to do the limbo!

  • Denim and Pearls...a very nice woman; very classy!

  • Medusa...speaking of class, this woman has plenty!...*S*...Love your voice, girl!

  • nursebabe...never talk much to you in the house, but it was nice to meet you!

  • cyberdeb...if you EVER meet this woman, you will NEVER forget her!...*L*

  • denim and lace...girl, it was great to finally meet my all-night chat pal!...*S*

  • Studmuffin...had talked to you a few times before meeting, and several times since...nice to meet you!

  • NY Guy...thanks for the dance when the song from my home page was played, hon; that was very sweet of you...*S*

  • Fly By Night...I think I have talked to you MORE now that we have met than I ever had before we met!..*L*...Nice man to meet!

  • Breathless...a name I had seen often and talked to a little; you are a very pretty, vivacious gal!

  • Doyle...OK, sorry, guy, but all I really know about you is that you wear a cowboy hat!...*L*

  • ebby...the queen of messing up a blowjob!...*L*..You are something else, gal!

  • easyrider...and YOU got the blowjob on your shoes when ebby could not swallow it all!...*G*...A very nice man!

  • rene735...had talked to you a few times in the house before the party..nice to meet you!...*S*

  • Hanuman Langur...the monkey man...*S*...was great to finally be able to meet you, friend!

  • Kali...a name often seen, but spoken to seldom...nice to meet you, lady!...*S*

  • Grudgebringer...Now HERE is a man that I had NEVER even heard of before!...*L*...A wonderful person to meet, tho!...Nice to get to know you, hon!

  • Mince Bramble...a very nice lady; great meeting you!

  • Dr Sardonic...the first time I EVER met you in the chat house, you gave me the biggest shoulder to cry on....*soft smile*...and I have NEVER forgotten you for that friendship, dear!...It was wonderful meeting you!

  • White Buffalo...JAMES LEEEEEEEE...*G*..not even a chatter, but came to the party with his sister morning star; I had a blast talking to you, dancing with you, and getting to know you!...Thanks for all you did for me, hon!

  • WANDA...OK, EVERYONE that attended the party KNOWS who WANDA is....*LMAO*...DEFINITELY not a chatter from the WWW, but the best damn bartender there ever was!...She is THE GREATEST!!!

    January 1st through the 5th, I took a little trip; went to Ohio and Canada...there was a chatters gathering in London, Ontario, Canada, at The Station Park motel, on January was a great time!
    Here is a list of the people I met while in no particular order...


  • propboy...It was WONDERFUL to finally meet you, hon...I cannot thank you enough for EVERYTHING you did for me on this trip; for allowing me to stay at your house - for dealing with the airport - for driving me to Canada and back - and everything else....*S*...(THANKS!!!)

  • CU2Nite and tigress...these two were the ones that organized the gathering...and they are wonderfully nutty people!...*L*...Funny I had to go ALL THE WAY TO CANADA to meet people that live only 30 minutes from me!...*LOL*

  • smokin' gun and Great Babe of Fire...absolutely THE BESTEST couple you could EVER meet!...Thanks for all the hospitality, folks!...Loved meeting you...real true friends!

  • Northern Gentleman and his wife...FINALLY we meet...was not too sure it was gonna ever happen!...*L*...Thanks for the dance, hon!

  • yim...yimmy, yimmer, yim...I FINALLY get a FACE to go with that butt shot!...*LOL*...Wonderful to get to know you better, dear!

  • BUMPER...girl, you are as crazy as I thought you would be!!!...Love ya, girlfriend!

  • shady sadie and Kalidor...a very nice couple to meet and get to know...thanks for the flower, Kal!

    While in Ohio, I had the opportunity to meet Stang66 at the BW-3 bar in Cleveland, and watch the end of a PACKER game with him...*G*...Thanks for teaching me the electronics game, hon...*LOL*...and for calling 911 for are a wonderful friend!

    I also was able to meet Coyote Blue and her husband while in Ohio, at the Close Quarters bar...what a wonderful lady she is!!!...I am so very glad to have got to meet you!
