The story of Adam of Eve is a strange story in which was written along time ago. The story may have been exaggerated a bit, but I believe the story is there, more, to teach a lesson. Though, I wouldn't really know for sure and no one would know for sure. If this happened, it took place a long time ago and we couldn't possibly begin to imagine what life was like back at that time. There were no recordings of any kind, so a lot, again, depends on ones' faith in the bible and of the stories it holds. Though, I know a lot of people are still confused and eager to understand what the story of Adam and Eve meant, so I'll explain it the best I can. I'll explain it as a Christian.
We can't possibly understand God. It may seem that he is evil and that he's wrong, but we're probably wrong in thinking that. God didn't make women have pain when they're having a baby. God gave us the chance to live innocent, perfect lives, but we couldn't have that. We became greedy and we lost our innocence. God then decided that we wanted to make our own world. We wanted one without God. Sure enough, without God, it will be painful. Even so, God gave us the medicine to deal with the pain. He led us to the materials, so that we could make our world to how we want it. Then, God sent his son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. Now we can enter the perfect life after all. God felt sorry for us and decided to reward us with heaven and yet their are people who think God is mean and unfair!
Men also don't rule over women. God didn't make men higher than women. I know that things were different in the past and it was certain men that made errors. God had nothing to do with this. God simply sat aside and watched men tear each other apart because they simply can't get along. God wept as the years passed by. He wept as he saw the innocent suffer. There would be wars over land, riches, and power. We destroy ourselves because we can't get enough! In time, we have improved. We realized that neither race nor sex mattered. In the end we are all equal and the only way to get along is to live together in equality and peace.
God didn't make men work real hard. We decide for ourselves how hard we want to work. Most of the time, people work for there wants and not for their needs. There is also poor distribution of money in our economy. Tell me, why should an actor or a singer or a professional basketball player get paid so much more money than a bus driver or a factory worker. They work just as hard to earn a living.
So God also made men mortal. Dying is just a part of life. I, myself, wouldn't want to live forever. I would be bored out of my mind, even if I remained young. I would rather die and spend eternity in perfect peace. I would rather spend the rest of my days in heaven.
Pain is a hard thing to explain, especially when it happens to the innocence, though if we take good care of our bodies and our minds and our spirits, then we should be able to live in relative peace. I'm sure that Christian women don't like labor pains, but I don't think that they would blame God for it. We won't understand pain, but we will finds ways to deal with it, because God gives us our freedom to discover. Now, there are drugs for women to take, so that labor will be less stressful.
Gods' view points aren't really that much different from that of today. The Ten Commandments are a steady set of rules to abide by. I know that the bible says things that were probably wrong. The bible was written by men and men make mistakes. God also hasn't lost his power. I, myself, feel it everywhere. I feel it in everything I do. I feel the power of God through all of the good in the world. That is where God is now. I believe he is waiting and listening and will one day answer our cries.