Adam and Eve

In the next chapter the bible talks about how God made people, He put dust in His noes and snoted out man. This shows the high regard we get. If God made man in His own image and likeness is that how He was made. Oh wait that’s right God made the earth (dust) so where did God come from? I have never found anyone that could tell me that, and how do we know that it all happen this way if we weren’t even created yet?

The next part I find very interesting, God made Eden where it was separated by four rivers Pishon, Gihon, Tigris, and the Euphrates. I don’t know about the Pishon and Gihon, maybe they dried up or they are small rivers that I’ve never heard of, but I know the Tigris and Euphrates are real rivers that go through Iraq. This is the region of the world where it is believed people first settled down from being nomadic and made the first cities. This area is called the Fertile Crescent. Nice thought the area of the world where their is and was the most turmoil used to be where the most perfect place was.

Next is a weird part because God puts Adam in the Garden of Eden and tells him not to eat out of the tree of Knowledge because you will die, so basicly God says be a mindless slave to me (religion) or die (go to Hell), but after Adam eats the fruit he doesn't really die (I think knowledge is great, because I would hate to walk around this earth not knowing anything? If I was stupid and didn’t know anything I might walk right up to a hungry lion and try to pet it). Now God goes on to make all the other animals, but I remember reading just a little while ago on how God made all of the animals before He made people. A clear contradiction.

Next God took one of Adams ribs, closes the hole back up and made Eve. I don’t know about you but from my experience it doesn’t work that way. Women and men have the same amount of ribs, and last time I checked women had a different chromosome then men. I think this is one way men justified all of the stuff we did to women. Also after Adam eats the fruit God clothes the two inhabitances with cloth, either God made these like creation (although he already rested) or he killed an animal, which God shouldn't do (God told Adam and Eve only to eat vegetables, not to kill animals). Since you know according to the Bible they are made from man we will put the word man in women and if it wasn’t for men they wouldn’t even be here. So us men can treat women any way we want: pay them less money for the same job, harassment, sexual abuse, and so on. It was only the twentieth century until we finally gave women the right to vote. It must be O.K. because God made man in the same likeness as Him. That’s why most people call God a man because man wrote the Bible and at the time man was dominate. Now I hope we will become equal. Equal to everybody not just men and woman but everyone. It shouldn’t matter what race you are. Personally I think we all started out as black people in Africa and when people stated to move out of Africa to Europe and Asia people were separated and started to evolve by natural selection the different traits that would help you live in which ever environment you choose to live in.

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