The Very First line of the Bible reads, "In the beginning God Created
the heavens and the earth." The first thing here to say is a very basic scientific law, the law of Conservation of Mass/Energy states: Energy/Mass can not be created or destroyed (it must remain constant). Mass can change form and you can break it
down into subparticles, but it can not be created or destroyed; energy can not be created but it can be changed from mass with the equation E=MC2 (The product of mass and the square of the speed of light is equal to the energy given off). Later Creation talks about earth being formless and empty, the next line says 'the Spirit of God was hovering over
the waters," if it?s formless and EMPTY where did the water come from? Then God said
"Let there be light," again you can not create mass (waves) or energy (the heat given off).
Next God says "Let there be an expanse between the waters to
separate water from water," (The creation of 'sky') Water has certain properties just like everything else that is physical; since water is more dense then air, water will
always be below air (except when it's a vapor). God wouldn?t need to separate the sky
from the water since it happens naturally by itself. Here is the biggest problem with this verse, if early in the first day the Spirit of God is hovering over the water, how did he do it if the water is all over the place and hasn't been separated yet? Even God cannot do this if you are completely surrounded by water how can you also be floating above it? Before this verse the Earth was just one big sphere of water, almost like a huge bubble. But since gravity is in motion (it is after the Planck constant, which is 6.624 x 10 27 seconds after the creation of the universe.) so the big bubble would droop and loose a lot of water (it isn't a perfect sphere), also the atmoshpere would super heat the water, boiling off a lot.
God, in the next verses, is trying to create vegetation this has the same argument
as before: you can not create or destroy matter. Too bad God didn't create a simple Physical Science course yet. And also why create vegetation if no one is there to eat it and the Earth is covered by water.
God is making more stuff again. This time its greater light, light
during the day and lesser light at night (Sun and the Moon). The light during the day and
the light during the night is actually the same light, the Moon reflects the light from the Sun, but the ancient Jews didn?t know this; why didn?t their all-knowing God tell them this ? So now they can count the days and years, what season it is, and all the astronomy stuff that the early Egyptian and Greeks studied. Here is the big problem with this statement, if God finally made the sun on the fourth day, were did all the light come from on the other days. Their is no way the universe just turns on and off like flipping a light switch. He also made all the rest of the stars today, so light couldn't have came from anywhere. This means you should disreguard the three previous days.
Great God is now "creating" sea creatures and birds. I?ll briefly
describe give a simple evolution run-down. Bacteria, Amebas, simple sea creatures,
advanced sea creatures (fish), amphibians, reptiles; mammals and birds were about the
same time. Sea creatures and birds didn?t appear around the same time together.
God is creating land animals and finally humans, saving the best for
last. God said "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over all
the animals," first of all if God made us like Him, God must not be perfect because we are
totally not perfect (war, ethnic cleansing, driving species into extinction, racism). Notice the ?us? in the last sentence, I thought it was only God making everything; where did
?us? and ?we? come from? The last thing about that sentence, about ruling over all the
animals, does that mean people get to do anything we want to animals because we rule
them like: harass, neglect, hurt, or kill them (have you ever seen what veal farmers do).
Technically people are animals, also. I guess this must justify having slaves too.
Now we are on the seventh day and last day of the week, God
finally after all that hard work gets to rest, resting is for living things. We rest because we get fatigue, our bodies needs to rejuvenate itself. God isn?t human, or mortal, so he
shouldn't need to rest. On the sixth day God created humans, they need to rest. These are
resting animals, if God needs to rest like humans then he must be animal; and a mortal and
not perfect; I wonder if he has slaves up in heaven?