Lot and his Daughters

Lot and his two daughters left the city of Zoar and settled in a cave in the mountains. The two daughters did not think that there were anyone left in the world, after Sodom was destroyed, so one day Lot's older daughter said to the younger, "Our father is old, and there is no man around here to lie with us, as is the custom all over the earth. Let's get our father to drink wine and then lie with him and preserve our family line through our father." So that night the two daughters got Lot to drink some wine, and the older daughter went in and had sex with him. Lot was not aware of her coming in or leaving. The next night the two daughters got Lot to drink wine again, and the younger daughter slept with her father. Lot was not aware of her coming in or leaving also. Both of Lot's daughters became pregnant. The older daughter had a son, and she named him Moab. The younger daughter also had a son, and she named him Ben-Ammi.


Here's One Comment on this Critique:
      Okay, if Christians believe that people have never changed since the Creation, they obviously haven't read this chapter. If a father and daughter have sex, then the children will come out with mutations. No doubt about it. and if we all descended from Lot and his daughters, then we would have all gained these deformities and mutations. There's no way around it. So, we must have changed in one form or another.

And here's a little note by the TRUTH Staff about that comment:
      This comment is partially true but we have seen two small errors, maybe just miscommunications, with it.
First: Lot and his daughters were not the last people on Earth, Lot's daughters just thought they were populating the Earth (really only Sodom and Gromorah were destroyed). Although, all the Christians and Jews believe that this has happened twice: Once with Adam and Eve, and the other time with Noah and his family.
Second: We don't believe you were totally correct in saying that if a father and daughter have sexual intercourse that it will always cause mutations. What something like this can cause is a "bottle-neck" in the species. All of the different traits that the human race would know of would have been destroyed, except the traits that Lot and his daughters have. This would cause many problems. One of the problems is after a few generations of inbreeding many of the bad traits that are non-dominate would start to show up. This is what the person above was probably talking about when he said inbreeding causes mutations, because many of this supressed traits could look like mutations.
      Another big problem with this is if everyone was born from these few people then there genes would be so few. This doesn't sound like a big problem yet, but in a second you will see why it is. If all of the people are from two or three people that are related then they would only be resistant to certain diseases. If a disease comes through and infects one person everyone would catch it, and everyone could die. The reason this doesn't happen today is because we have different genes. Some people might die off from a disease but not all of them.
      Here is an example: when the Spanish people came to the New World and met the Inca's they found out that they where living off of potatoes. They had many different kinds of potatoes of all shapes and colors. The Spanish brought some white potatoes back to Spain, and after a few years the Irish found out about the potato. Some of them planted it in Ireland and they found out that the white potato would grow almost anywhere, even in there swampy areas. The potato they were planting was from only a few potatoes that the Spanish brought back. So after a few decades a disease that killed off potatoes went through there land. Since all the potatoes where genitally alike almost all of the potatoes died off. This was the potato famine. Of course the reason that not all of the potatoes dies was because the potatoes in Ireland had a little time to adapt, so there were a few changes in there DNA.

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