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Here's what happened on Monday, March 29, 1999, 3:00 AM, EST:

After Purdue women's basketball team won the national championship, that is when all hell broke loose. Right after the game, people were just driving and walking around campus yelling and screaming. Then one of the frats (Sig Eps) started burning stuff. They burned 8 couches, 4 bikes, a Coke machine, a keg, a Santa, and tons and tons of other things. That was just 1 location. Then all the dorms started burning all the dumpsters and everything in sight. At my dorm, Owen Hall, which the loading dock is right in front of my window. They started burning the dumpster, and took one the big Hilltop Apartment signs and burned that too. They were an estimated 5,000-10,000 students involved in the riot. But, wait there's more. They took off every possible street sign available, including parking and stop signs. Plus, they destroyed a lot of the traffic signals. They are so many intersections with no lights. The intermural building was completely destroyed, no windows left and the everyone massicured. Then when everyone was destroying something in sight, the riot cops came and let the dogs loose. Then they threw pepper bombs and tear gas at the crowds. Luckly, no one was seriously hurt and few arrests have been made.

In 2000 and 2001, more riots errupted, in 2000 for the Men's journey to the Sweet-16 and then in 2001 when the women were defeated by one point for the national championship title.
Here's a discussion about the 2001 riots, Purdue Police Riot Pictures Reaction
Check out these pictures left of "riot suspects" waiting to be identitified, Purdue University Police Pictures of Suspected 2001 Rioters
As a note, the Purdue Police Picture Identification Site was originally offering $1000 for arrest of a "riot suspect." Hundreds of pictures were originally posted.

Click here for a complete description of the riots.

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The Purdue pic is from Purdue's Site