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Chatper 1: The Plane Ride

(This will probablly be the longest chapter, its really long!)

“I’m ready to go,” Steph said, “ let’s go pick up Sarah.”

Stephanie’s parents drove her down to Sarah’s house to get Sarah and her parents. She was already and waiting to see our white car pull up her driveway. They loaded all her stuff in the trunk and we were off to the Green Bay airport. After our parents had said their good byes it was time for us to board the plane that would send us to Minnesota where we would catch a non-stop flight to Hawaii.

“I get window seat,” Steph called as they were boarding the plane.

“Ok, but I get window on the next flight,” Sarah answered.

“Fine by me”

They found their seats, and got ready for the short 45-minute flight to Minnesota. It was a nice smooth ride. They didn’t bother getting out their Discmans, since the flight was so short. They talked about what they were going to do when they first got there. “Please fasten your seat belts, and make sure your seats and try table are in the upright and locked position,” the flight attendant said.

When the plane landed they grabbed their carry-on luggage and walked off the plane. They had two and a half hours to wait until their next flight took off. They decided to get a bite to eat. As they were walking Steph thought she saw someone she recognized. “Is that Hans...,” Steph said, “never mind I must be seeing things, lack of sleep, probably.”

“Whatever,” Sarah said.


Two hours and fifteen minutes later-

“This is it Steph, we finally get to go to Hawaii!” Sarah commented.

“Yepperz,” Steph said, “maybe we will meet some famous person down there.”

“Ha, ha, ha, that’s funny Steph, but yeah right that would never happen.”

“You never know, I have good luck blood in me, remember my parents won this trip!”

They boarded the plane and found their seats. The first-class seats were awesome. Stephanie looks around the plane to see if there were any cute guys on the plane. None. She looked over to Sarah and started to talk to her. As the person sitting across the isle was getting in their seat the accidentally bumped into Steph. “Sorry,” a boy with long blonde hair said.

“That’s ok,” Steph said.

She went back talking to Sarah, but all of a sudden she looked to see who had bumped into her. She almost jumped in her seat, it was Zac Hanson! Taylor was sitting next to him, and Isaac was one row in front of them. She wanted to scream, but of course she didn’t. She whispered to Sarah who she was sitting by, Sarah almost jumped out of seat. They were so excited that Hanson, their favorite band, was sitting right next to them!

The plane was ready to take off, and they were on their way to Hawaii. All Stephanie could think of was who she was sitting next to, she just couldn’t believe it. Once they were in the air she took out her Discman and her Will Smith cd. Sarah decided she was going to watch Boy Meets World on the little T.V. screen that all the first class seats had. She found the headphones easily that went with the T.V. I was going to wait until Drive Me Crazy came on to watch T.V.

Zac couldn’t find his headphones for the T.V. so he asked me if he could borrow mine. Of course I said yes. Then he introduced himself and his brothers. We started talking. The flight attendants started to get a little annoyed with us leaning into the isle. We just kept on talking.

“Hi, my names Zac, what’s yours?” Zac said

“Mine’s Stephanie, and this is my friend Sarah. Sarah had no clue I was talking to them she was too busy watching the show.

“These are my brother’s Taylor and Isaac.” “This is Stephanie,” Zac told them.

“ Hi,” Taylor said.

“ Hello,” Isaac said.

“ Hello,” Steph said.

After talking for about ten minutes I found out that we were staying at the exact same hotel as them! I thought that was really cool. “Sarah will be soooo excited to hear that,” I thought.

“Where are you two from?” Zac asked.

“Wisconsin,” Stephanie replied.

“We were their last year for a show.”

“July 25, we were both their. It was really cool”

“Thanks, how old are you?"

“I’m thirteen, so is Sarah, both of our birthdays are in April”

“Cool, you and Tay want to switch seats so the flight attendant lady stops yelling at us?"

“Sure, if it’s ok with Taylor.”

Stephanie switched seats with Taylor. Of course Sarah didn’t mind, I mean she got to sit next to Taylor Hanson! Drive Me Crazy was just about to start, it was Steph’s favorite movie. She asked the flight attendant for another set of headphones, since she gave hers to Zac. They both watched the movie. Zac had never seen it, he liked it. Steph thought the movie was just as good as it was the first time she saw it. After the movie ended Sarah and Taylor started talking, they got to be fast friends. Zac and Steph started talking again. They asked each other questions, and talk about stuff for the remainder of the flight until they landed in Hawaii. “Time sure flies by when you talking to a beautiful girl,” Zac said.

Stephanie blushed a little.

“How are you two getting to the hotel?” Zac questioned.

“I’m not sure yet,” Steph said

“We can give you a ride, you are staying at the same hotel as us, and you did sacrifice your headphones so I could use them (it’s a joke).”

“Ok, thanks sooo much Zac!”

Chapter 2: The Hotel
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