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~Chapter 10: What a Day~

“Where are we going for lunch?” Stephanie asked Zac.

“It’s a surprise,” Zac said, “do you want to walk or take a cab. It’s not that far from here.”

“It doesn’t matter, I just like spending time with you.”

Zac grabbed Stephanie’s hand and they started their walk to a restaurant that was about four blocks away. They talked about a bunch of different things from school to what kind of music they like to their favorite place to visit to talking about their favorite birthday party.

“Where here,” Zac said.

“In the office building?” Steph said.

“No, follow me.”

Stephanie followed Zac in the building into the elevator. They went up to the top floor. Then they climbed up a flight of stairs until they reached a door. Zac had made them reservations to a restaurant that was on the top of a building. How romantic. They sat down at a table that was right next to the railing so they had the most perfect view of Hawaii. After they ordered their food. They went over by the railing and looked over at the city. Zac had his arm around Steph’s waist. A guy with a camera came up to them and asked them if they wanted their picture taken overlooking the city. They did, two of them, so they both could have one.

“It’s beautiful up here,” Stephanie said, “where did you here about this place?”

“While you were in the shower I asked the guy at the front desk what would be a good place to take the prettiest girl in the world to,” Zac said.

“You’re the sweetest, handsomest, funniest, nicest guy in the world.”

They both burst out laughing. Their food was ready so they went back to the table and ate. After words Zac paid even though Steph said she’d pay. They went down the elevator and left the building hand in hand. They stopped at various places and took each other’s pictures or had other people take their picture together. Zac spotted and ice cream stand and asked Steph if she wanted any. They got a chocolate ice cream cone to share. “This is the best ice cream I ever had,” Stephanie said.

“I agree,” Zac said, “since I’m sharing it with the best girl ever.”

Steph blushed again.

“What do you want to do next?” Zac asked.

“Do you want to maybe catch a movie?” Steph asked.

“Sure, which one?”

“I don’t know, you pick”

“Have you seen Three to Tango?”

“Nope, but I’d really like to see it.” “Come on Stephie, we’re going to go see Three to Tango”

They walked off talking about nothing in particular. Stephanie insisted that she pay for the movie since Zac paid for lunch. They got a Dr. Pepper and a bag of M and M’s to share. They sat down. Zac put his arm around Stephanie just before the previews came on. They laughed all through the movie.

When the movie was over they went to various places around the town. They walked most of the time, but when they got tired they took a cab. They stopped at this one mall and tried on a bunch of stuff just for fun. They didn’t buy anything. It was a great day, but now it was time for dinner. They went back to the hotel and grabbed dinner to go. They went down by the water and ate. The day had gone by so quickly.

“Thanks for the perfect day, I had a great time,” Stephanie said to Zac. Zac leaned over and kissed her on the lips.

“There, now the day is perfect,” Zac said.

It was about seven at night. Zac and Stephanie were just sitting in the kissing each other when they see a flash of light followed by another and a got ya. It was Taylor, Isaac, and Sarah. They saw Stephanie and Zac come back and followed them out to where they ate. They were waiting for the perfect moment to take a picture or two.

“What are you guys doing here?” Zac asked.

“We are staying at this hotel, too you know,” Taylor said, “and from the looks of it, we’re not the only ones who had a little fun today, and we’ve got it all on camera.”

“Thanks guys, just thanks,” Zac said sarcastically, “will you guys just leave us alone?”

“Why watching you two is much better than paying seven bucks to see some fake movie,” Sarah said.

“Good one,” Tay said to Sarah.

“Here’s twenty dollars, go see a movie,” Stephanie said, “just let me and Zac be, please.”

“Fine, come on Sarah, lets go see some FAKE movie.” Taylor said.

As soon as they were out of sight Steph and Zac didn’t waste a minute of precious time.

“Where did we leave off?” Zac asked.

“Right here,” Stephanie said as she leaned back over to Zac. They got back to what they were doing before they were so rudely interrupted. After a while they just sat there on the hammock, when Steph said,” I got us something today.”

She pulled out two frames from her bag. They said Hawaii on them. One was decorated for a girl, the other for a boy. On the back she had the guy at the shop write the date and their names. She gave one to Zac and kept the other one.

“What’s this for?” Zac asked.

“The picture we had taken earlier,” Stephanie said.

“When did you get it? I like it a lot”

“As you were trying on those yellow pants.”

“Thanks, I know exactly where I’m going to put it. On the stand next to my bed so I can wake up and see your picture.”

“Me too.”

It started to get late so they walked back to the rooms. They went into Zac’s room to find Isaac already sleeping. They parted with a goodnight kiss. Neither one of them was very tired so they passed notes under the door that connected the two rooms. Finally the two of them went to bed. During the day Taylor and Sarah went shopping, swimming, and played basketball. Isaac stayed in the room most of the day.

Chapter 11: It's Party Time
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