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Chapter 11: It's Party Time

At about 8:00 a.m. Stephanie woke up showered, then got Sarah up so they would be ready by 10:30 when they were going to go meet the guys for the continental breakfast. They had a full day a head of them. The night before the Backstreet Boys called up Hanson, remembering them from the concert, and asked them and Stephanie and Sarah if they wanted to come to the huge party they were throwing. It was a semi-formal party so they decided to go shopping for something new. (Hey, they are on vacation, you have got to go shopping.) So not long after breakfast they all hopped in the rental car and drove to the mall. Sarah and Stephanie went one way, while Zac, Tay, and Ike went another. Stephanie ended up getting a light pink shirt and black skirt from Gap and Sarah got a baby blue with mesh covering skirt and a black shirt from Deb. Zac bought a pair of kakiah pants from American Eagle and a shirt from Abercrombie and Fitch. Tay got a black sweater and black pants from who knows where, and Ike got a pair of dark green cargo pants, and a shirt from American Eagle.

They arrived at the building where the party was being held at about 7:03 p.m. They walked in to find tons of people, including the BSB and their dates. They immediately came over by us and introduced us to their dates. The party was awesome, they had outstanding decorations, yummy food, delicious drinks, and awesome music. They played lots of slow songs. Zac danced with Steph, Taylor danced with Sarah, and Isaac with some chic he met at the party. Stephanie didn’t know that when Sarah and she went to get a drink Zac went to the d.j. and asked him to dedicate the song “My All” by Mariah Carey, to Stephanie. It was so sweet. They even put the lights directly on the two, that was a little embarrassing but they didn’t care. Zac kissed her at the end in front of everyone with like, everyone watching. They all were like aww. Of course Taylor never let Zac live that one down. When the party was over Taylor gave Sarah a kiss on the cheek, that put her head in the clouds.

The girls had no idea but the guys had rented two white limos to pick them up at the end. Taylor, Sarah, and Isaac got in one and Stephanie and Zac got in the other. Of course, in Zac’s limo it had Dr. Pepper instead of wine, and it had a little velvet box on one of the seats with Stephanie’s name on it. They hopped in and sat on the seat that faces backwards. Zac handed Stephanie the box, she opened it, and was surprised to find a very pretty necklace with diamonds set in gold on it. She was speechless. He took it out of the box and put it on around her neck, and then kissed her neck. “Thank you so much, it’s beautiful,” Stephanie finally said.

“When I saw it in the store, I had to get it, it reminded me of you, very beautiful, it will be something for you to remember me by when the vacation is over” Zac said.

“I love it”

“and I love you,” Zac said.

“I love you too.” He kissed her and then he just held her for the rest of the ride they talked a little, but they mostly just sat there or kissed each other. It was very romantic. Zac poured Stephanie a glass of Dr. Pepper and pretended he was a waiter bringing it to her. It was very cute. In the other limo they had root beer which was very yummy. They also had a T.V., they watched some odd T.V. show. Back in the other limo Zac had the brilliant idea to open the sunroof and stick our heads of it and wave to Taylor, Isaac, and Sarah. They must have seen they cause Taylor and Sarah poked their head out of their limo too! The limo dropped them off at the hotel. They decided to take the stairs to their room since it took longer. It was about 1:00 A.M. when Zac gave Steph her good night kiss and everyone said nighty night. They went to there rooms but none of them wanted to go to sleep.

In the girls room-

“Did Zac give you that necklace you’re wearing?”

“Yes, isn’t it beautiful?”

“Yeah, Tay gave me a box of chocolates.”


“So…” Sarah said.

“So, what?” Steph said.

“So what did you two lovebirds do in the limo?”

“Oh, we talked, why do you care?”

“I was just wondering, what did you guys talk about?”

“Stuff, that is for me to know and not you.”

“Whatever, did he say he loved you?”

“Goodnight Sarah.”

“Well did he”


“Come on please tell me!”

“I’m really tired and it’s none of your business.”

“Fine, be that way, good night sweet dreams about Zac,” Sarah said sarcastically.

“Night,” Steph said.

In the guys room-

“You kissed Steph in front of hundreds of famous people! For all we know that will be in the paper tomorrow. Weren’t you embarrassed, everyone was watching,” Taylor said.

“I don’t really care what people think, I don’t care if the whole feaking world finds out I have a hot girlfriend. Besides she’s like perfect for me. Did you know her birthday is two days before my half-birthday? Isn’t that weird?” Zac said in an attempt to change the subject.

“What did you guys do in the limo?” Isaac asked.

“Stuff, we talked, stuck our heads out the sky top thing, ya know that kind of stuff,” Zac said.

“Did you give her that necklace she was wearing?” Taylor asked.

“Yeah, I gave it to her in the limo, she really like it,” Zac said.

“Where did you get it?” Taylor asked.

“I got it at the hotel jewelry shop,” Zac said. “What did you guys do?”

“We watched some strange television show, I don’t even remember what it was about.

“Guys, I’m getting tired can we go to bed and finish this conversation later?”

“Yeah, I’m getting tired too. Good night people,” Taylor said.

“Yes, good night ya’ll,” Zac said before kissing the picture of Stephanie he had by his bed. It had been a great night.

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