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Chapter 3: Swimming

“That sounds like a great idea to me,” Sarah replied.

When they were all changed Zac yells, ”Last one to the pool’s a rotten egg!”

Stephanie got a little a head of him so he grabs her towel, holds on to her for a moment, and then he takes off as if he was running a marathon. Of course Zac beat us all their, Taylor was the rotten egg. Zac jumped right in the pool, with Stephanie right behind him. Taylor and Isaac went down the slide first, and Sarah walked down the steps. After splashing around for a while Zac and Steph decided they were going to race down the two slides. Steph won 3 out of the 5 times they went down. About an hour later it was super time. They got out of the pool and went back to their hotel rooms.

(The girl’s room)

On the dresser Sarah found a white rose in a vase with a card. The card said,

To Stephanie,
A girl as beautiful as a rose!
Your Secret Admirer

“Oooh, Stephanie has a secret admirer!” Sarah said. “I wonder who it is?” Steph said.

“Who knows maybe its Santa Clause,” Sarah said sarcastically.

“Not funny, this vacation is going to be the best ever, I want to know who my secret admirer is.

(Back in the guy’s room)

“You like Stephanie don’t ya Zac?” Taylor asked.

“Why do you care?” Zac replied.

“Its sort of obvious, I mean you wouldn’t stop talking to her on the plane, and the flowers…”

“How did you know about the flowers?”

“To be exact it was a white rose, the bellboy slipped a receipt under the door and I picked it up. It said one white rose was delivered to Room 1313, that’s Stephanie’s room.”

“Ok maybe I like Steph, please, PLEASE don’t tell her!”

“Zac and Stephanie sitting in a tree,” Isaac chanted.

“Shut up!” Zac said.

“Lets go get the girls so we can eat,” Taylor said.

“Fine by me, just don’t tell Stephanie or Sarah,” Zac said.

“Whatever,” Taylor and Isaac said.

(Back in the girl’s room)

“Hurry up Steph,” Sarah called.

“Hold on they aren’t supposed to be here for five more minutes to get us for diner!” Steph said.

“Where are we going?”

“Zac didn’t say, he just said some place nice, so dress up.”

“What are you wearing?”

“My pink dress”

“Oh, I see”

Knock! Knock!

“Steph they are here,” Sarah said.

“What are you waiting for let them in.”

“Hi Sarah,” Taylor said. (authors note: Sarah was wearing a light purple dress)

“Hi,” Sarah replied. She secretly likes Tay.

“Where’s Stephanie?” Zac asked.

“I’ll be right there,” Steph called from the bathroom.

“Where are we going?” Sarah asked.

“You’ll see,” Isaac said.

“I’m ready,” Steph said.

When she came out Zac’s face lit up like a little kids face does on Christmas morning when he runs down the stairs to open his presents. “You look great,” Zac said to Stephanie with the cutest smile on his face.

“You do too Zac,” Steph said, “Hi Taylor, Hi Isaac,” She added.

They went down the stairs and got into the car Isaac had rented. Zac, Stephanie, and Taylor climbed in the backseat, Isaac and Sarah in the front.(duh!) They drove to some fancy restaurant. They had really good food. After diner they went back to the hotel and decided they would go in the game room. Zac wanted to go back to the room to get something.

(In the girl’s room)

Stephanie and Sarah walk into the room to find a red rose on Stephanie’s bed, just as beautiful as the other one. This one came attached with this note:

To: The most beautiful rose in my life
Meet me on the beach by the hammocks tonight at 10:00
Your Secret Admirer

She added the gorgeous flower to the vase in which she had put the other flower. “I can’t wait till tonight, I get to meet my secret admirer!” Steph said.

“Cool,” Sarah said.

“I’m ready to go, they should be ready by now, Sarah, please remember to tell me when it is 9:30 so I can come back to the room and get ready.”

“Sure thing Steph.”

They walked out the door to meet the guys who were just coming out to get them.

“Stephanie has a secret admirer,” Sarah blabbed to the guys.

Isaac and Taylor sort of laughed.

“He wants to meet her tonight. It’s probably the bell boy, he’s been watching her all day.” Sarah said.

“Can we just go to the game room,” Steph said impatiently.

They had fun playing games, but as 9:30 got closer and closer Stephanie got more excited. She couldn’t wait to meet her secret admirer. 9:30 came around and Stephanie went back to he hotel room. It was 9:50 when she left her hotel room to walk down to the beach. When she got down close to the hammocks she saw a boy with blonde hair. She walked up to him. “Hi Steph!” a familiar voice said.

“Hi,” Stephanie said.

Chapter4: Cloud 9
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