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Chapter 5: Sunrise

(Stephanie gave Zac a key to their room) Then next morning at 4:30 a.m. Zac came in to the girls room quietly woke Steph up. Zac said, “Come with me I have a surprise for you.”

He led her down the stairs and down to the beach. He told her to wait for a little bit longer for the surprise. About ten minutes later he went look over there. The sun was rising, and they were both there to see it. “It is really pretty,” Stephanie said, “thanks for waking me up to see this.”

“Sure thing, it is much better sharing a sunrise with someone than by yourself, especially if that someone is you,” Zac said. Zac quietly started singing the song “Surely as the Sun” off their album 3 Car Garage. Stephanie was having the time of her life. It was a once in a lifetime experience.

About two hours later they decided to walk back to the hotel and get ready for the day. It was a little after 6:30 when they got back to their rooms. Everyone else was still asleep so they had to be quiet getting ready.

Once Stephanie was all ready she grabbed her Discman, jumped on her bed, put in her Matchbox 20 cd, grabbed a book, and started to read. Meanwhile in the boys room Zac was doing a crossword puzzle while listening to No Doubt on his Discman. So far they day was perfect for the both of them.

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