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Chapter 6:On the Coast

It is now about 10:30 in the morning. “Morning Sarah,” Steph said when Sarah finally woke up.
“Hi,” Sarah said half asleep, “where were you last night?”
“I had the time of my life. Who knew that Zac would have been my secret admirer?”
“I knew”
“How’d ya know?”
“Tay told me when we were in the game room after you left”
“Oh, I see. I had a great time last night.”
“How long have you been up?” Sarah asked.
“Since about 4:30,” Steph said, “Zac came in and got me up so we could watch the sunrise together.”
“Wow. What are we doing today?”
“I don’t know, I’ll run over to Zac’s room and find out.”
Stephanie went to knock on the guy’s door, but before she got the chance Taylor opened the door. He was going to find Zac. “Hi Steph,” Taylor said.
“Hi Tay, is Zac there?” Steph said.
“No, I was just going to your room to see if I could find him. You two got home late last night and I expected him to sleep in…late…later than me at least. Do you have any idea where he could be?”
“No clue. I just saw him about three hours ago.”
“Never mind ask Zac he’ll tell you.”
“Lets go look outside, I bet he’s there.” Tay suggested.
They went out to look for Zac they found him lying in a hammock just looking at the ocean. Steph and Tay walked down by him. Steph sat next to him; Taylor just leaned against the post. They started talking and decided they would go to the beach that day. Taylor went back to the hotel room. Stephanie and Zac stayed and talked for a while before going back to get changed.
When they were all ready they hopped in the car and drove to the beach. When they got there they laid all their stuff out on the sand. Zac, Stephanie and Taylor were the first to go in the water. Sarah and Isaac stayed back and decided to build a sand castle. Taylor grabbed the beach ball, and they were playing catch in the water. It was a lot of fun. Stephanie and Zac kept splashing each other. After a while Sarah and Isaac finished the sand castle so they went and joined in the water game. Zac and Steph had had enough water for a while so they got out of the water. Stephanie buried Zac in the sand, except for his head of course. When Zac got out he buried Steph.
They had a great time at the beach but now it was time to go back to the hotel. They got all their stuff hopped in the car and they were off for the one-hour drive back to the hotel. Zac and Steph held hands the entire way back. On the way they stopped at a McDonalds to get super. By that time Stephanie and Sarah had already taken two rolls of pictures. They got back to the hotel at about 8:00 pm. They all wanted to watch a movie so they ordered a movie from the TV. It was Armageddon, one of Sarah and Stephanie’s favorite movies. They watched it in the guy’s room. It was a really good movie even though they had all seen it many times before. Isaac, Sarah, and Taylor sat on the bed right in front of the television. Zac and Steph sat on the floor in front of the bed. Zac put his arm around Stephanie during the movie. During the movie they all got hungry, so Taylor called room service and ordered popcorn. After a while Steph felt something hit her in the head, Taylor was throwing popcorn at her. That started an all out popcorn war against the floor people and the bed people. It was lots of fun. Since Armageddon is a sad movie Sarah and Steph got a little teary eyed. Zac wiped the tears out of Steph’s eyes. (aww, how sweet)
After the movie had ended it was pretty late so Stephanie and Sarah decided to go back to the room since they were getting up early the next morning. As they were leaving Zac gave Stephanie a goodnight kiss on the cheek. The guys must have seen because Stephanie and Sarah could hear they saying, “Aww, our little Zacy has a girlfriend, that’s so cute.” Stephanie was floating on a cloud, she was so happy, she had, had a wonderful night.

Chapter 7:Day on the Town
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