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Chapter 7:Day on the Town

It was their second full day in Hawaii and so far everything was going great. Zac had found a girlfriend that just happened to be Stephanie the girl next door(it’s a joke have a sense of humor), the weather had been perfect, and everything was going perfect.

Today, the group decided to drive around and let the spirit move them. First they started out a mall. They spent two hours there trying on clothes. Stephanie found the perfect outfit she was going to wear to the surprise Zac promised Sarah and Stephanie later that night. She couldn’t wait for tonight.

In the car the radio was on and Britney Spears’ song “Crazy” came on the radio. Zac was singing along pretending like he was her. It was sooooo hilarious. Taylor kept telling Zac to shut up, but Zac just kept singing. “That was great,” Stephanie said to Zac.

“Thanks, that song reminds me of when we first met.” Zac said as he kissed Steph on the cheek.

“I remember,” Stephanie barely got out before Sarah cut her off.

“If you two don’t stop that I’m going to lose my breakfast.” Sarah said while pretending to gag.

“You tell em’,” Taylor said.

Zac slipped his arm around Stephanie and sung quietly in her ear the song “No One Else Comes Close” by the Backstreet Boys. He knew she liked that song a lot. He held on to her the rest of the car ride to the park. When they got there they all got out and played on the equipment. After a while they went back to the hotel.

Zac, Stephanie, and Isaac decided to play volleyball in the sand with some other people from their hotel. It was lots of fun. Their team won. Taylor and Sarah decided to go swimming. It was about 3:00 when they all decided to go back to the hotel room. “Be ready by 5:00 for dinner, we’ll pick you guys up,” Zac told Stephanie. (the we’ll pick you up part was a joke seeing that their hotel rooms are right next to each other)

“See you in two hours, Zac.” Stephanie said.

“Remember to dress up. Tell Sarah to, too.”

“I will.”

They both went into their rooms. Stephanie told Sarah how their volleyball team creamed the other team. Sarah was ready by 4:30; she was wearing a rose petal skirt (available at She had on a white shirt, and butterfly clips in her hair. Stephanie was ready by 4:55; she was barely ready in time. She was wearing a novena skirt (available at and a black tank top.

Finally the boys came to get them. Zac showed up with a small teddy bear holding a white rose. It was really cute. Isaac and Taylor brought three daises for Sarah.

“Where are we going?” Stephanie asked.

“You’ll see, it’s someplace I know you’ll love.” Zac said.

They went down stairs and hopped in the car. They drove for about fifteen minutes before Zac said to Stephanie and Sarah, “Close your eyes, Tay, your assistance please.”

Zac and Taylor covered up the girl’s eyes as Isaac parked the car. Zac helped Steph out and led her into a building.

“Steph!” Zac shouted, ”you’re going to walk into a wall.”

Stephanie let out a little scream before realizing that Zac was just kidding.

“That wasn’t nice Zac,” Stephanie said.

“Me sorry,” Zac said in the cutest voice ever. He gave an I’m sorry kiss on the cheek.

“Are we almost there yet?” Sarah asked.

“Just a little further,” Taylor said, “around this corner and we should be there.”

They walked a little bit further then Zac said, “ You can open your eyes now.”

Chapter 8:Dinner and a Concert
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