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~Chapter 9: Shooting Star~

When they got back to the hotel Taylor, Sarah, and Isaac went back to the hotel room and went to bed. Stephanie and Zac decided to go down to the beach. They sat down in the sand a little away from the hammocks where Steph had found out Zac was her secret admirer. They were just sitting there, Zac’s arm around Stephanie, when all of a sudden Stephanie said, “Look, Zac, over there, a shooting star. Make a wish.”

They both made their wishes. Then Zac leaned over and kissed Stephanie on the lips and of course she kissed back. “My wish came true,” Zac said.

“Mine did, too, just being here seeing the shooting star with you is a dream come true,” Stephanie said.

“I’m really glad we met on the plane, other wise this vacation would be empty, no one special to share the shooting star with, or hold under the stars on a beautiful night.”

“You make this place really special, Zac.”

“Without you something in me would be missing.”

“You’re really sweet.”

“Shhh…” Zac said as he leaned over and kissed her again. For the next hour all they did was talk and kiss. Finally be fore they knew it the sun was rising. They had fallen asleep in the sand. They guessed it would be about 8:00 A.M. so they could still sneak into their rooms unnoticed. When they got back they discovered it was already 10:30 A.M. Sarah, Taylor, and Isaac were waiting in the hotel room for Zac and Stephanie to come back. They came back giggling.

“Where have you two been?” Isaac asked.

“We were outside…” Zac said before Stephanie cut him off and nudging him in the stomach.

“We were outside eating breakfast; we got up early this morning and decided to get a jump on the day.” Stephanie said.

“Why are you guys full of sand and in the same clothes you wore last night?” Taylor asked.

“We liked these clothes so much we had to where them to breakfast.” Zac answered quickly.

“What time did you two get in last night?” Sarah asked.

“It was late, I didn’t look at the clock.” Zac said realizing that they were going to keep last night to themselves.

“I didn’t look either.” Stephanie answered.

When the other guys went down stairs to eat break fast Zac came into Stephanie’s room before getting ready. “Lets keep last night a secret between just us two, ok?” Stephanie said.

“Yeah, that would probably be better, we don’t want them spazing out.” Zac said.

“I had a really good time last night.”

“Me too. That just proves that when you wish upon a star dreams really do come true."

They both went into their rooms to take a shower and change their clothes. The other guys took a long time for breakfast because they drove to a restaurant fifteen minutes away. When Stephanie got out of the shower, was done drying and curling her hair, and doing her makeup she walked out of the bathroom to find Zac resting on her bed with a beautiful daisy in his hands for her. “How long have you been in here,” Stephanie said.

“Long enough to here you singing with the radio and talking to the mirror. Might I add that you have a beautiful voice,” Zac said.

Stephanie blushed a little before saying, “thanks for the flower it’s really pretty.” She was wearing black capris pants and a pink spaghetti strap tank top that had a tie in the top middle. She had on pink sandals with a flower hairpiece in her hair. They decided to go out alone that day so they left a note for the rest of the guys that went something like this:

Dear Sarah, Taylor, and Isaac, We went out, alone,
don’t worry about Steph,
she’s in good hands.
We’ll be back by midnight. Have fun, go nuts.
Love always,
Zac and Stephanie

Taylor, Isaac, and Sarah returned to the room expecting to find Zac and Steph in one of the rooms. They found the note and didn’t really mind that they went out alone, actually they thought it was sort of cute. Isaac must have eaten some bad breakfast cause he wasn’t feeling to good. Taylor and Sarah decided to spend the day together.

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