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Hanson's Veiw of Girls

So....what do you guys think of girls?
Zac: They're great...but...
Ike: Zac doesn't date yet, cause, you know....
Zac: I like them.
Tay: Zac likes everyone we do!
Zac: (laughs) It's in the blood!
Tay: We all like Gwen Stefani.
Zac: Yeah, she's cool.
Ike: You see, he does! I told you!
Zac: (jokingly) Ike is just jealous because this girl flirted more with me after a concert...because I am so fine...
Ike: You wish!
Zac: Eww, now we get down to the good parts (acts all excited)
Tay: Yeah, go on Ike, they wanna hear more....
Ike: Well, I met this girl after a concert and she was really pretty and nice...
Zac: (covers his mouth with his hand and whispers out loud to the camera) She was all over him!
Ike: Zac, she was not! She's like 17 though...but she was a babe, dude. (in Butthead voice)
Tay: I never got a good look at her but she was a brunette
Ike: Yeah, brunetters are cool!
Zac: (Looking at Ike) Brunetters! (laughs)
Ike: (rolls his eyes at Zac)
Tay: I think this is the climax
Ike: (trys going on but keeps laughing at what Tay said)
Zac: Okay, you see... he met this girl afterwards and she and him were doing the little flirty thing you know all mooshy mooshy... and then they said their goodbyes.
Ike: If I ever saw her again...
Zac: Wow, Ike, you rebel!
Ike: Wait, I didn't finish! Zac, you're so bad; you're wasting my time! (both guys play hit each other)
Tay: Okay, so if he ever saw her again, he'll talk to her. The end. (leans back)
Ike: Thanks Tay
Zac: Tay, who do you like?
Tay: Well, I like girls, but I haven't seen a girl that I can really just go up to her without going, uh...
Zac: Let me help! (In a hyperventilating voice) Oh my God! I... oh, my God!
Ike: Zac likes Avery.
Zac: Oh, yeah, I'm gonna marry her! (all laugh)
Zac: Sorry, I prefer girls that are older.
Ike: Okay, we have to stop here or we are gonna get too descriptive!
Tay: I already told my whole story...
Ike: Yeah, because you aren't as girl crazy as us!
Tay: I can't help it... and how do you know I'm not girl crazy?
Zac: Cause!(stands up) You're not buddy!
Tay: Zac, you'd make a cute girl!
Zac: So would you!
(Zac tries to sit in Tay's lap but Tay pushes him onto the floor)
Ike: I guess I am the only real man here.
Zac: I guess so, JUST KIDDING!
(Tay breaks up into a huge laugh)
Zac: Okay, we have to go!
Ike: Yeah, we have stuff to do....
(Zac waves wildly jumping all over the place)

I found this at A Cookie Cutter Worldand I also saw it in some magazine! I thought is was soooooo funny. It just craked me up! Hope you enjoyed reading it.

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