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Postcard One

(this is just a post card that Sarah is writing to her friend Karissa back in Wisonsin, there will be a few more of these, you don't have to read them to still understand the story.)

Aloha! December 15, 1999

Hi Karissa! I’m writing this postcard at about 12:30 a.m. We are having a great time in Hawaii. It is sooooooooo beautiful. You’ll never guess who we met on the plane…Hanson! It’s even cooler that they are staying in the same hotel as us. Steph has a secret admirer that sent her two roses and she went to meet him tonight…it was Zac. They are so cute together, they haven’t come back to the hotel yet. So far we went swimming, they took us out for dinner, we played in the game room, and Tay, Ike and I went swimming. I got to go see ya in a few days. Bye Bye, Sarah

Chapte 6: On the Coast
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