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Correspondence Courses Available

Courses Available - Costs in Australian Dollars

Inner Wisdom Centre for Spiritual Development Teaching Academy

"We can stop waiting for others to give us what we need and take responsibility for ourselves. When we do, the gates to freedom will swing wide. Walk through."

Being the Teacher, Being the Student, we are:-

"When I am the Teacher, I thank everyone for being there so that I may learn, When I am the Student, I thank the Teacher for being there so that I may grow."



Photography courtesy of - Anita Virgo

Aroma therapy is 'Therapy by Aroma' - Historically Aromatherapy has been used for thousands of years for healing and spiritual rituals. Aromatherapy and its various uses were a sacred practice in most traditional cultures including the Persian, Hebrew, Mayan, Greek, Egyptian and Chinese.

WHAT IS AROMATHERAPY - Aromatherapy is the use of natural plant extracts, called ESSENTIAL OILS. Aromatherapy can be used for many common ailments; especially those induced by the stresses of living in the '90's. Operating on both an emotional and physical level. Aromatherapy represents a natural and holistic approach to health and wellbeing.

The origins of the earliest use of fragrances and distilled essences from herbs and plants are lost in antiquity. These arts have been lost rediscovered and lost again many times and in many places, with each successive flowering and decay of our past great civilisations. Our records of the use of essential oils now stretch back about 4000 years to the very earliest of written documents. One of the best references is biblical: the three wise men at the birth of Christ carried frankincense and myrrh. Two precious resins and oils already widely used as gifts, although all evidence points to a trade in aromatics going much further back.

Oils were often a method of barter, and were considered precious, to be used in healing and anointing and even then, cooking. They have the effect of penetrating the skin to counteract the effects of most ailments in man and animal.
Plants from all over the world contain useful essential oils. These highly volatile oily substances to which the plant owes its perfume and flavour, are present between the cells and act as plant hormones, regulators, and catalysts. They may be considered as representing the vital elements or life force within the plant.
Learn how to safely use Aromatherapy in your home for self and family




This course has been designed for those of you unable to attend one of Ann Williams-Fitzgerald’s workshops in person, on Wisdom of the Australian Animals. It would be highly recommended for you to have a copy of Wisdom of the Australian Animals Book & Medicine Card Set for the full benefit of this course – as this course goes into more detail of this published work. You will discover your own nine personal Australian Animal totems and the gifts they have to bring to you. Discover your personal Auz Astrology animal. Each and every one of us has (9) nine power or totem animals that carry their 'medicine' or teachings for this our Earth Walk, so they can guide us.

Animal Totems bring their special gifts to share with us. You may have seen your animal totem during the day, he may have flown passed you or slithered by…this then is a strong message to you from your animal guide. It was no accident, he choose to come your way to help guide you. Our personal animal totems are here to assist and guide us. Their Wisdom is always available to us, we just need to call on it when we have need of it. Our animal totems do not change; they are constantly there for us. It is a good idea to have images of your animal totems around you or with you. They are like good luck totems - a reminder to you that they are there to assist you in all areas of your life - Just ask them! For instance, you may have Green Ant as your totem; you can call on Green Ant to help you get all those tasks finished. Ant will help you move mountains if you let him! This course includes a Full Written Report on your nine Australian Animal Totems.
This is a general interest home study course – no certificate issued on completion. NO TESTS REQUIRED



A Full written Report on your own nine personal Australian Animal totems and the gifts they have to bring to you. Each and every one of us has (9) nine power or totem animals that carry their ‘medicine’ or teachings for this our Earth Walk, so they can guide us. Animal Totems bring their special gifts to share with us. You may have seen your animal totem during the day, he may have flown passed you or slithered by…this then is a strong message to you from your animal guide. It was no accident, he choose to come your way to help guide you. Our personal animal totems are here to assist and guide us. Their Wisdom is always available to us, we just need to call on it when we have need of it. Our animal totems do not change; they are constantly there for us. It is a good idea to have images of your animal totems around you or with you. They are like good luck totems – a reminder to you that they are there to assist you in all areas of your life – Just ask them! For instance, you may have Green Ant as your totem; you can call on Green Ant to help you get all those tasks finished. Ant will help you move mountains if you let him!
© 1997 Ann Williams-Fitzgerald


How to see Aura's


Each of us creates an energy field, which surrounds and penetrates our physical body. The outer part of this field, called the aura, is sometimes described as a luminous halo. It is affected by our emotions, by our state of health and by our many-layered connections with the earthly and spiritual worlds. We can all see Aura's not just the gifted few, we just need to train our physical eye how to learn how to see aura's.
This is a general interest home study course – no certificate issued on completion. NO TESTS REQUIRED


The Australian Animal Astrology


Discover the Zodiac of the Australian Animals, find out your Australian Animal Astrology. Find out if you are compatible with your mate. Are you are Lizard? Or maybe a Kangaroo? How does Auz Astrology relate to the Zodiac as we know it? Find out this and more with this exciting new course.

Following on from Ann's book 'Wisdom of the Australian Animals' Ann explores the Australian Animal Astrology (Auz Astrology) she introduced in 1997. The Zodiac is divided into twelve signs, beginning at Aries and ending at Pisces. In Auz Astrology we start with Kangaroo and end with Platypus. Travelling through these twelve signs enables us to find our keys to harmony and healing - to find our souls purpose.

This is a general interest home study course – no certificate issued on completion. NO TESTS REQUIRED
© Ann Williams-Fitzgerald 1997 - 1999


Native American Wisdom


Learn your NINE Native American animal totems and their special attributes and gifts they have to bring to you. Each and every one of us has (9) nine power or totem animals that carry their 'medicine' or teachings for this our Earth Walk, so they can guide us. Animal Totems bring their special gifts to share with us. You may have seen your animal totem during the day, he may have flown passed you or slithered by this then is a strong message to you from your animal guide. It was no accident, he choose to come your way to help guide you.
Our personal animal totems are here to assist and guide us. Their Wisdom is always available to us, we just need to call on it when we have need of it. Our animal totems do not change; they are constantly there for us. It is a good idea to have images of your animal totems around you or with you. They are like good luck totems - a reminder to you that they are there to assist you in all areas of your life - Just ask them! For instance, you may have Ant as your totem; you can call on Ant to help you get all those tasks finished. Ant will help you move mountains if you let him!
Discover your personal power medicine. Learn how to go on a 'drum journey' to find your Animal Spirit Guide, learn about Native American Customs and Ceremonies. This Course includes a Full Report on your nine personal Native American Animal Totems.
This is a general interest home study course – no certificate issued on completion. NO TESTS REQUIRED



a Full Report on your nine personal Native American Animal Totems.

Our personal animal totems are here to assist and guide us. Their Wisdom is always available to us, we just need to call on it when we have need of it. Our animal totems do not change; they are constantly there for us. It is a good idea to have images of your animal totems around you or with you. They are like good luck totems - a reminder to you that they are there to assist you in all areas of your life - Just ask them! For instance, you may have Ant as your totem; you can call on Ant to help you get all those tasks finished. Ant will help you move mountains if you let him!



They are called the messengers of the Divine, the window to Universal Law and the sacred symbols of the higher consciousness. Whatever their auspicious synonym, the Tarot has been mentioned in ancient texts for 35,000 years. One such text, from the Hermetic, tells of 108 stone tablets that lay beneath the ancient pyramids at Giza. 78 of these tablets are called the Exoteric Tarot, the remaining 30 are the ' Esoteric Tarot. This legend goes on to say, that one day these tablets will be uncovered and will explain the Universal Law and the soul's path through the cycle of rebirth. This course has been put together by a Tarot reader with over 27 years experience, in order to introduce you to the ancient art of Tarot.

The card aids our psyche to focus, concentrate and guide the energy needed to make this connection. The series of images depicted by the cards link our psyche with the process of initiation. "As initiates we start anew each time we question our direction or seek a higher level of awareness and understanding". The Tarot not only helps us find that understanding, but they also help us to question.

This Tarot course consists of a self-paced series of lessons that begin with the basics and then move gradually into more detailed aspects of the Tarot. The only real requirement for this course is a Tarot deck. Whether your intentions are to use the Tarot for your own personal development or ultimately offer readings professionally, this course will lead the way for you.
This is a general interest home study course – no certificate issued on completion. NO TESTS REQUIRED



Six Individual Courses

$95.00 per level [pay as you go course]

Full Course with Examination [sent electronicaly = $550.00 [paid in advance]

If you have marvelled at the beauty in the shapes, colours and forms held in the vast spectrum of Crystal Gems and Ores, discovering within the clearer ones, phantom shapes and energy locked within, or simply wondered at these lovely manifestations of the Creator's love, that in itself would be healing. For love and Beauty are nature's way of reminding us who we are in relation to the Universe. Find out about both the physical and metaphysical properties of Crystals and Their Healing Powers.

Crystals are very old - very often millions of years, and the traditions associated with them are many and ancient. The tremendous growth in popularity of crystals in recent years simply reflects the necessary resurgence of the ancient way of knowing. There is still some lingering scepticism amongst people who have not experienced crystals, but that's usually because they have not been properly introduced to the possibilities of crystal power. Many scientists and psychologists today believe there is an energy interchange between certain portions of the brain and the crystal

In level 1,2 & 3 we will be discussing over 150 natural healing crystals and stones. You will learn how to cleanse, program, Activate and awaken your Crystals. Learn about crystal traditions and how & why crystals work. Learn about earthstones and oceanstones.
Level 4 will take you onto Master Crystals and how to use and access them.
Level 5 you will learn how do full body layouts and how to use Gem Essences.
In Level 6 we will enter the world of Crystal Scrying (Glazing) with Crystal Balls and we will connect with the Crystal Spirits. We will journey into the world of Crystals Devas.

Each of these levels is complete within themselves. There is no need to continue any further than the level you wish to. For more information on the crystal course click here



Learn how to develop your Psychic Abilities. Learn visualization and breathing techniques to heighten your psychic abilities.Topics covered:- Clairaudience; Clairgustance; Clairsentience; Clairvoyance; Billets; Ascension; Astral Projection; Past life Regression; Remote Viewing; Automatic Writing; Psychometry Reading; Tea Leaf Reading and Meditation.

This is a general interest home study course – no certificate issued on completion. NO TESTS REQUIRED


Level One Reiki - $150 + $2.50 P&H
[$20 International P&H]

Pre-requisite: Reiki One Attunement by a Reiki Master (Copy of your Reiki One Certificate will need to be sent with your application form)
This course is designed for Reiki Initiates who have received their Reiki One Attunements (4) from a Reiki Master (in person) and would like to study further on this subject. Full history and extra information given, this is extremely useful course for Reiki practitioners who live in isolated areas and are unable to attend ongoing Reiki support groups. We will introduce you to other ways to use your Reiki energy beside the healing aspect. Ongoing phone support from two Reiki Masters after completion of course. You have been to a Reiki workshop, been attuned to Reiki but don't use your Reiki - well this course is designed for YOU! We will show you how to enjoy using your Reiki everyday. It IS easy and fun and has so many uses. Find out how.


Level Two Reiki - $195 + $2.50 P&H [15 International P&H]

Pre-requisite: Reiki Two Attunement by a Reiki Master (Copy of your Reiki Two Certificate will need to be sent with your application form)
This course is designed for Reiki Initiates who have received their Reiki Two Attunements (2) from a Reiki Master (in person) and would like to study further on this subject. This is extremely useful for Reiki practitioners who live in isolate areas and are unable to attend ongoing Reiki support groups. We will introduce you to other ways to use your Reiki energy and your Reiki Symbols. Ongoing phone/internet support from two Reiki Masters after completion of course. Make your Reiki fun and user friendly (Simplified)! You have your attunement into Reiki - why not use it!

What is Metaphysics?


Metaphysics is a Knowledge, modern science, ancient wisdom, and non-secular education, - in one. The word comes from Greek META, meaning 'above or beyond' and PHYSIKA meaning 'nature'. In the treatises of Aristotle, he refers to it as "transcending to the essential nature of reality". Metaphysicians service their fellow man from a totally holistic approach = as an integrated synthesis of Spirit, Mind, Body with Spirit as the Source.

Throughout the world today there's nothing more exciting and with greater potential for human life - improvement INDIVIDUALLY and COLLECTIVELY than the return of this holistic concept. Which, when founded in Metaphysical and Mystical Truth and awareness, can be the greatest instrument for hu-man good into the next century.

Statistics recently released show that the general public spent more time and money on 'alternative' health care and spiritual self-help systems than on traditional medicine; demonstrating that the public is not only in much need, but indeed is ready to seek out guidance, support and help not found in drugs, medications, nor in any old-time religion.

The modern Metaphysicians such as Dr. Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, Marianne Williamson, Deepak Chopra, Stuart Wilde and Maxwell Maltz are brilliant examples of Metaphysics made manifest.

For further information about our courses contact us on our email or post to us at:

Inner Wisdom Promotions
George Town Tasmania 7253 .