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We will be adding different crystal from time to time on this page - call again to view new information.
© 1996 Ann Williams-Fitzgerald PhD
Crystal Therapist
Lodelite (Lodolite - Latin) is found at one site only in MINAS GERAIS in the Minas State in Brazil. Lodolite (Greek) means mud stone or stone from the mud. Lodelite is in fact a quartz crystal with mineral inclusions - has the appearance of an underwater coral scene. The mineral inclusions vary from stone to stone and the colours of the inclusions can range from green, pink, yellow, brown, white, red and multi-colours.
TAROT CARD: The High Priestess
Enables you to make contact with the crystal Deva's and guides contained within the crystal. It makes communication on the spiritual plane more accessible, bringing about a transmutation of your higher spiritual energies.
Increases your ESP abilities and gives you the 'key to your inner knowledge' from past life times. You should feel honoured if Lodelite has found it's way to you - this is quite a rare healing stone. Brings about major shifts for healing to take place. An extremely important stone for the new millennium, to take us into the 21st Century and beyond. Lodelite is 'The Healers Stone'. I consider it a must for any healer - it is loving and has an angelic energy as well as imparting a sense of strength through gentleness and tenderness. Allows the recognition of the true self while increasing the telepathic receptivity to be strengthened.
Lodelite makes communication on the spiritual planes more accessible, bringing about a transmutation of your higher spiritual energies. Gives you the ‘key to your inner knowledge’ from past life times.
[©1998 Specimens scanned by Ann Williams-Fitzgerald]
[Specimens from the Williams-Fitzgerald Collection]
© 1999 Ann Williams-Fitzgerald PhD
Crystal Therapist
Ruby Red Aura quartz are clear/cloudy quartz that have been coated with pure Palladium, the molecules of the Palladium adhere to the natural electric charge of the quartz and are not removed by rubbing or scrapping.
[© 2002 Photo by Ann Williams-Fitzgerald]
[Specimen from the Williams-Fitzgerald Collection]
These crystals also produce a very intense energy that links the base, heart and crown chakras (1, 4 &7) and surround your aura. This crystal allows you to receive your 'soul messages' and give you a true understanding of why you are here and your true purpose. A true stone for the new millennium.
Chakra: Base, Heart & Crown
[© 2002 Photo by Ann Williams-Fitzgerald]
[Specimen from the Williams-Fitzgerald Collection]
Green Tourmalinated Quartz
© 1996 Ann Williams-Fitzgerald PhD
Crystal Therapist
Green Tourmalinated Quartz - Heart chakra
[©1999 Photo by Ann Williams-Fitzgerald]
[pendant from the Williams-Fitzgerald Collection]
Cuts through emotional pain and confusion. Bring in the energy of unconditional love and acceptance. Balances emotional highs and lows to bring about balance. Use green tourmalinated quartz in body layouts as it will help the flow of energy through the chakra system and activated the heart chakra. This is a true wisdom stone. Very rarely found. A few rare green tourmalinated quartz spheres have been cut. Expect to pay a high premium for this rare combination in sphere form. You will find a few rare generators, pendants and raw pieces available also.
[©2002 Photo by Ann Williams-Fitzgerald]
[Ball Specimen from the Williams-Fitzgerald Collection]
Ball the size of a large orange
A form of clear quartz that has inclusions of black or green (very rare) tourmaline crystals.
CHAKRA: All, especially the crown and heart.
Enhances and balances the male and female energies (Yin & Yang), overall balance, self-confidence and helps to ground. Aids the treatment of negative emotions, nervousness, lymphatic and digestive systems and the endocrine system.
TOURMALINE QUARTZ is a favourite protection stone of Shamans. The incredible power of polarities. The healing power of improved harmony. Accessing past lives and soul retrieval. An outstanding stone for toxin release.
FOSSIL CORAL [Fossilized Coral]
© 1996 Ann Williams-Fitzgerald PhD
Crystal Therapist
An organic gem material – fossilized and calcified skeletons of coral polyps tiny primitive organisms that attach themselves to previous coral growth and secrete a substance which is similar to calcite through their bases.
[©2002 Photo by Ann Williams-Fitzgerald]
[Ball Specimen from the Williams-Fitzgerald Collection]
Fossil Coral is a strong emotional stone that brings stability, fluidity, and balance to the emotions along with memories of the past and are therefore excellent for bringing forward past memories, from this life or past lives. Bundles of emotional energy that has fossilized.
Using fossilized coral for crystal healing or meditation will enhance one's ability for past life recall and will assist in understanding these past influences and brings in a more positive approach in one's emotional outlook and expression. Fossil Coral assists one to move from the old to the new and are excellent tools for transformation, transition and spiritual development.
Chakra: according to colour of stone - White, Pink, Yellow, Brown
White Fossil Coral: Throat Chakra
Strengthens self-esteem and assists with clearing judgement, frustration and resentment at being told what to do. Encourages you to affirm yourself and recognise the self within. Enhances intuition and calms the emotions. Aligns the chakras and connects us to our etheric body.
[©2002 Photo by Ann Williams-Fitzgerald]
[pendant from the Williams-Fitzgerald Collection, gifted from Kon Tiki Trading]
Pink Fossil Coral: Heart Chakra
Assists in the search for the ‘inner child’ and the need to bring key issues from the unconscious to a conscious state of awareness. Helps resolve conflict and clear the paralysis experienced due to the fear of making a move.
[©2002 Photo by Ann Williams-Fitzgerald]
[Ball Specimen from the Williams-Fitzgerald Collection]
Click on the website below to find out more about this remarkable crystal generator
'The Key of Wisdom'
[©1998 Photos by Ann Williams-Fitzgerald]
[Generator Specimen from the Julio Mottola Collection]
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