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undefined Eagle Lodge Spiritual Centre [All Faiths]




Our Statement of Purpose

The Eagle Lodge Spiritual Centre is not a traditional religion as such, but is a Spiritual Centre/Church of a metaphysical nature [All Faiths] catering to the community for those of any race, class, religious belief, sexual preference, wealth, sex or creed, to be able to come together for spiritual fellowship (fun & sharing) and worship without the traditional religious restrictions and dogma. E.L.S.C. was established in March 1994 in Mackay, North Queensland, Australia, although its official registration did not take place until 31st May 1994.

Eagle Lodge Spiritual Centre is a registered charity that promotes reconciliation, mutual respect and tolerance between groups of individuals that are in Australia with the purpose of advancing culture. Eagle Lodge Spiritual Centre promotes the unity of all religions [All Faiths], the individual's right to investigate their truth and a belief in racial harmony. We are a spiritual community - "a church without walls".

Ann Williams-Fitzgerald, founder of E.L.S.C., was ordained as a Spiritual Minister in November 1994 and Ordained as a Madonna Minister in 1997 in the USA. On the 22nd August 1998 in Bournemouth UK Ann was consecrated as a Bishop into the Madonna Ministry which functions under the affiliation umbrella of Eagle Lodge Spiritual Centre. Ann is a fully qualified Spiritual Healer and is recognised by all in the congregation as the Founder and ordained minister elder, being responsible for the centre/church's spiritual guidance.
In 1995 Ann was recognised by the Attorney-Generals Department in Canberra as the Non-aligned Religious Marriage Celebrant for E.L.S.C. who conducted Spiritual Weddings, Commitment Ceremonies, and Naming Ceremonies along with Baptisms and Religious Weddings. Ann is also responsible for the spiritual ordination of others who wish to train as Spiritual Ministers within Eagle Lodge Spiritual Centre [All Faiths].
Ann retired as an Australian Commonweath Authorised Marriage Celebrant in June 2019 after 25 years service. Ann is still available for all non-wedding ceremonies, such as renewal of vows, commitment and naming ceremonies.

The inaugural congregation consisted of only twelve people. At present the congregation is in excess of hundred people with over a dozen groups throughout Australasia.
We offer fellowship (fun & sharing) with a metaphysical basis and opportunities for the congregation to learn and take part in Spiritual Healing. Stress management, relaxation and meditation skills are offered as part of our regular format. In addition E.L.S.C. conducts weekly spiritual development meetings, meditation nights, regular spiritual counselling and abuse counselling session.

Recent requests have led to proposals for an abuse support group formation and a youth group formation and further spiritual workshops for the future. Requests have been made for the establishment of E.L.S.C. in other areas of the country and overseas. Expressions of interest have come from as far as Canada, Switzerland, Singapore, UK, USA, New Caledonia, Hobart & New Zealand.

visit our on-line Facebook Group

The Adelaide Eagle Lodge Spiritual Centre is lead by the Reverend Audrey Rucker

The New Zealand Eagle Lodge Spiritual Centre is lead by the Reverends Bob & Jan Arnold

The Tasmanian Eagle Lodge Spiritual Centre is lead by the Reverend Ann Williams-Fitzgerald

Ann & Greg relocated from Mackay Queensland to George Town in Tasmania in May 2019. Setting up the new Head Quarters for ELSC in Tasmania and launching it in 2020.

Ann Williams-Fitzgerald

Greg Fitzgerald

Eagle Lodge Spiritual Centre actively promotes the teaching, development and practice of arts and cultural workshops and training. Undertakes research on arts, spirituality and cultural diversity.

Ann Williams-Fitzgerald facilitates a 30 hour Certificate Course in Spiritual Healing and conducts regular workshops in Mindfulness, Coping with Stress, Crystal Therapy, Reiki, Seichim, Hands-On Healing, Aromatherapy, Colour Therapy, and Native American Indian Wisdom and Wisdom of the Australian Animals through our other teaching arm of Inner Wisdom .

E.L.S.C. makes available to the Community of George Town various workshops from overseas and from other states within Australia. E.L.S.C. Mackay previously conducted monthly voluntary services to Good Shepherd Lodge, a facility for the aged and infirmed; the S.P.C.A. animal shelter, with regular donation of food parcels and spiritual healing on request for the animals. ELSC is an active member of the Distant Healing Network for HEAL A PET, by offering absent healing for animals.

Various spiritual and metaphysical development workshops and training courses are also offered to the general public.

The growth of our metaphysical center/church and the nature of the people involved are overwhelming. We look forward to continued progress in our shared metaphysical spirituality.

Eagle Lodge Spiritual Centre along with the CHN-Australia Branch co-hosted the Healing Summit 2000 in August 2000 on South Molle Island.

The EAGLE LODGE Spiritual Centre Philosophy

• Honesty and clarity in one's thinking
• The willingness to recognise prejudice in oneself and replace it with truth and unconditional Love. Compassion for those who have decided not to do this
• Leave all ego, dogma and judgment outside of the Centre
• Speaking the Truth without judgment or blame
• Taking personal responsibility for one's situation in life
• Using negative and positive experiences to heal, and grow
• The complete expression of Unconditional Love as the highest goal
• Love all, Serve All. Help Ever, Hurt Never
• Promotes the unity of all religions [All Faiths]

The E.L.S.C. Mission Statement is:

To help self and then others to:

Rediscover our spiritual foundations
Reveal our innate Specialness
Resolve our dis-harmony
Repair our dis-ease and
Remain in the 'real' Great Spirit
living authentically with Integrity, Unconditional Love and with Divine Purpose

Click here for a Animal Totem Reading


Prayer is one of the greatest tools in our Spiritual Armoury!. If a friend or family member needs the healing power of prayer, you are warmly invited to email/call us and have their names placed on our Healing Prayer Roll

Special prayers are also said for those who are about to pass over; and for those who have passed, leaving loved ones unsettled. Simply advise us of your needs and we will give you our help with the guidance and love of 'Spirit'

Click here for HEALING PRAYERS


Many people across the world who have suffered a 'illness' have found relief or remission through spiritual healing. That's because spiritual healing assists the whole body to heal on all four levels; Spiritual, Emotional, Mental & Physical (and not just the physical body where the symptoms present).

People suffering emotional trauma, pain and distress are warmly invited to email with your requests for inclusion in our absent healing & prayer books.
Contact us for a FREE absent healing and to be placed in our Absent Healing Book.

Our Healing Service:
Every Friday, the day of Venus, Eagle Lodge Spiritual Centre do Absent/Distant Healings for those of you who contact us and make a request. If you have a prayer request, let us also know, so it can be sent out to all members and you can feel the nurturing and healing love energies from all of us. Please connect on Fridays [your time] and be part of the Healing Ceremony in your heart and spirit.

Connect at any time on a Friday your time, the healing will be set up to take as much as is needed, for as long as needed. Imagine this wonderful *cosmic bank* where healings have been stored for use. Just call (withdraw) as much as wanted and needed. No limits!!!!!! Absent Healing will also be sent to all in the family.

If ELSC resonates with you and you would like to support us,
we gratefully accept corporate donations, membership fees, tithings, open heart donations and gifts from the heart.

© Wolfbar & Feather Graphics by

With grateful appreciation. We honour your fabulous artistic work AHO

Eagle Feather Story

Eagle Lodge Spiritual Centre [All Faiths]
14 Mary Street
George Town, 7253 Tasmania

Phone: 03 6329 1332

Our Favorite Links

Membership and Donations to Eagle Lodge Spiritual Centre
Healing Prayer
Distant Healing for PETS
Madonna Ministry - Australasia
Dreamcatcher Site
Words of Guidance by Son of White Cloud & the Wise Ones

Click on Banner to visit BuffaloBear Animal Totems