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The Madonna Ministry - Australasia
A Multifaith Church without Walls.


  The Madonna Ministry - Australasia Services Available

  • Ordinations - Ministry
  • Ordinations - Priesthood
  • Weddings - Spiritual, Garden, Celtic, Theme, Traditional or Religious
  • Naming Ceremonies & Baptisms
  • Commitment Ceremonies
  • Renewal of Vows
  • Counselling
  • Healing
  • Workshops
  • Convocations & Gatherings
  • Absent Healing
  • Healing Prayers

The Holy Madonna goes by many names to many cultures. She is called Cosmic Grace, Earth Mother, Holy Comforter, Queen of the Angels, Isis, Quan Yin, Kwan Yin, Shiva, The Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Guadeloupe, The Immaculate Mother, The Madonna of the Golden Flame, Our Lady of Lourdes, Our Lady of Fatima, Our Lady of Medjugorje, etc.

Who are Madonna Ministers

Madonna Ministers are from all walks of life with diversified religious backgrounds and beliefs. What bonds us together is our deep desire to bless and serve the world.

We are independent ministers providing healing service throughout the world. We are a church with no walls. We represent the communion of the heart.


The purpose of Madonna Ministry is to teach, counsel, inspire, and heal by example and through service and in the process, raise the level of our clarity as vessels for the Divine so that the Divine can work through us to bring heaven to Earth and to raise Earth to Heaven.

The Madonna Ministry - A multifaith church without walls.

MARY is the origin of the Madonna Ministry, and Mary, Beloved beyond all measure, is Herself in service to the Divine Feminine.

As celebrants for the Divine, our interactions gain validity through:

1. The nature of our connection to the Divine at each and every moment.

2. The level of our clarity as vessels for the Divine so that the Divine can work through us to bring heaven to Earth and to raise Earth to Heaven

Mary's intention is for her Ministry to work without separation in the pure stream of a spirituality that honours the Divine that encompasses ALL of Creation and permeates all of Creation. Her heart is at one with Isis, Inana, Quan Yin, Tara, Parvati and all aspects of the Divine Feminine. Yet it is also to assist in bringing into perfect union and balance the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine, and to assist US to bring this into manifestation upon earth.

Divine Love can not be contained, yet within It is Divine Wisdom that can be understood by all.

Perhaps the distinctive insignia of Madonna Ministry's ministers is our commitment to inspiration. We understand Spirit/God/The Creator as Law and as Love. The Law is one of karma, cause and effect. Love is beyond description and accounts for the Holy Comforter, guidance, compassion, and innate wisdom we call intelligence.

Love - Law - Intelligence are inseparable qualities of Spirit/God. God as Spirit is the Christ, the awakened One. The Holy Madonna nurtures the Christ child into what Spirit intends for It.


Website maintained by Ann Williams-Fitzgerald
The Madonna Ministry-Australasia
© 1997-2008 - Reproduction in any form is prohibited!
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