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My name Shield


I offer to you my name shield. This shield and its meaning is very sacred to me.

In 1991 I had the great honour of receiving my spirit name from 'Grandmother Kitty' from the Wolf Teaching Clan. The name she honoured me with was 'Buffalo Hand'

My shield represents the five directions of my ‘spirit’.


The North Direction is represented by Buffalo [white buffalo] = Buffalo brings the gift of abundance and reminds me of the importance of my prayers. Buffalo brings me gift of Peace


The East Direction is represented by Eagle [Australian Wedgetail eagle] = Eagle brings the gift of vision and reminds me of the importance of clarity in my life. Eagle brings me the gift of Wisdom


The South Direction is represented by Wolf [timber wolf] = Wolf brings the gift of teacher and reminds me of the importance of teaching in my life. Wolf brings me the gift of New Paths to follow.


The West Direction is represented by Puma [mountain lion] = Puma brings the gift of leadership and reminds me of the importance of leading without the need of followers. Puma brings me the gift of Courage


The Inner Direction is represented by Hands Weaving a Rainbow Web = Hands bring the gift of Weaving and reminds me of the importance of ‘Weaving a Rainbow Web’ and creating a Rainbow Tribe for Peace. Hands bring me the gift of Work & Service

All this is surrounded by the Shimmering Waters of Life. My Medicine Name is ‘Shimmering One’ and so this was interwoven within the Shimmering Waters of the Shield. I entered the Medicine Wheel of Life on the Path of Pisces the Fish. Water is vital for my essence. In Eastern astrology I am a water snake and in Auz Astrology I am a Platypus. These also require the water element.

Hanging from the shield is three feathers [representing the trinity of life – As above, So below, And within]

These feathers hang from leather with three wooden beads. The leather brings the essence of the animal world and the wooden beads brings the essence of the plant world. The two outside feathers are from Golden Eagle and also have the crystal of opal hanging from them. Opal carries the energy of sending out a Healing Rainbow of Light

The middle feather is that of Bald Eagle and reminds me that the gift of Eagle Feather is sacred and that wisdom can only be earned and can not be bought with coins of gold. A Star Shell [sand dollar] hangs with the feather to remind me of my direction in life and its purpose for the higher good. The sand dollar also is a representation of where I live on The Great Barrier Reef in Tropical North Queensland.

I have chosen to place this shield onto a white background to remind me of the ‘Light of Spirit’ and that Spirit we are.

When I look at the words spoken to me by Spirit from the above messages, I get:-


And I hear whispered to me on the wind..........

"Go with PEACE and use your WISDOM to find NEW PATHS in your life and go forward with COURAGE and offer your WORK & SERVICE to others to bring the HEALING RAINBOW OF LIGHT to whereever it is needed"

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Reflections of Ann
For Love of Animals............
