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Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission
Services and Events

Anyone is welcome to join us as we celebrate our divine heritage.
We are particularly welcoming of those that do not know our faith and traditions.
We are here to serve you.

Our mission also serves Oriental Orthodox in Wisconsin including American, Armenian, Coptic, Eritrean, Ethiopian, Malayalee, and Syrian.
We have a strong heritage of multicultural and interracial worship.

All services are in the Orthodox Christian manner in English.

Click here for some reasons to celebrate with us.

 Schedule of Services


Holy Qurbana is regularly at 10am Sundays (9am during the summer).
The Divine Liturgy of St. James is oldest extant liturgy in all Christianity. Malankara Orthodox Tradition of India is rich and traditional, utilizing the ancient Syriac forms.
We observe all major festivals and fasts. 

An open lecture and discussion on topics of Eastern Christian Spirituality is held the Fourth Monday of each month at 7:00pm (at 6:30pm, gather for prayer and meditation).

A healing prayer service is held the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00pm.

Everyone is most welcome.


For more information about festal, seasonal and other special services and prayer groups, please contact us directly or join our message and announcement email group (see below)

Contact us by email Holy Transfiguration Mission OR by phone (608) 242-4244

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Services are held at

St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church - Parish Hall
6205 University Avenue at Allen Blvd.

(Near Middleton)

On Madison Metro Bus-line #60, 61

Need directions? Click here for a map.

We greatly appreciate the hospitality and generosity of the Parish of St. Dunstan’s, their Vestry, Rector Rev. Maurine Lewis.

Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Church is a unique church for the Madison area.

Here are some reasons why it may appeal to you:

  • If you are interested in worshipping as the earliest Christians did, discovering more about the early Church, and being firmly rooted in original Christian thought.
  • If you are seeking a faith community where you can deepen your Christian faith, but have been uncomfortable with conservative, exclusivist, or fundamentalist approaches to religion and the Bible.
  • If you are looking for a Christian path to God that is affirming, more mystical than legalistic, and that will not ask you to compromise your intellect.
  • If you have been raised in the Orthodox tradition but have not found a Church home in Madison.
  • If you are looking for an Orthodox church that will seek ways to be involved in the community, supportive of healing causes as Jesus Christ and His apostles affirmed.

We celebrate seven Holy Mysteries (also referred to as Sacraments): Baptism, Chrismation, Confession, Communion, Marriage, Unction and Orders. Most of these are received infrequently or only once in a lifetime.

Holy Communion is received by the faithful baptized Christians as often as they feel prepared to receive the sacrament. The faithful prepare for Holy Communion by a period of fasting and confession/absolution.

Holy Communion is prepared, presented and shared by the priest in the regular liturgy or qurbana.

The Divine Liturgy or Holy Qurbana is typically celebrated weekly and on holy days designated by Holy Church. A wise Bishop once taught, "All the life of the Church flows from the Liturgy." There are also numerous prayer services and special blessings.

Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission celebrates these services according to the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church. Holy Qurbana is primarily the ancient Syriac Liturgy of St. James the Apostle. This is widely used with variations throughout the Coptic, Ethiopian, Malankara (India) and Syrian Orthodox Churches.

All of the ancient and Orthodox rites of Christian celebration, initiation, instruction, prayer and meditation had their beginnings in the unbroken apostolic Church of Christ and were developed in the first centuries after the Pentecost visitation of the Holy Spirit.

Although human invention and doctrinal deviation may have participated in the diversity of rites, the True Christian message and mystery are still handed down, manifest in these ancient rites.

They are timeless in their beauty and instruction, continuing in this modern age as spiritual nourishment for the souls of those who dare to be truly Christian, living a life of love and service.

Please contact with any questions or to be added to our healing prayer list.

We welcome you to join us, regardless of your religious background, in the refreshment of the Holy Spirit in the ancient mystical manner of the apostles.

Rev. Fr. John-Brian Paprock, with Teresa Kochamma, his wife, and all at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission

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updated 06/18/04