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There will be more about Irmgard as time goes on.

About Irmgard:
She has over 30 years of astrological experience, and is a member of the American Federation of Astrologers for over 25 years. Her first love is Cosmobiology, and her initial study at the Temple of Astrology in Los Angeles introduced her to renown teachers like Alice Reichart, Eleonora Kimmel and from Australia Doris Greaves. Besides in the US she has traveled to New Zealand and Australia to attend astrology conventions, meetings and seminars. Her articles have been published in various Magazines and monthly Newsletters.
One of Irmgard’s articles about the Founder of Cosmobiology Reinhold Ebertin was first published in the June1995 issue of "Cosmobiology International Journal". You can also find it in Doris Greaves newest book "Cosmobiology into the 21st Century".

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Here is the article about Reinhold Ebertin

Reinhold Ebertin
The Founder of Cosmobiology

by Irmgard Rauchhaus
Reinhold Ebertin was born February 16, 1901 at 4:40 am. in Gorlitz, Germany.
His interest in Astrology began through his mother Elsbeth, a fa-mous astrologer of her time. He was so ex-cited and interested in that subject that he devoted more and more time on it,
Refusing to be his mother's shadow, he did extensive studies and research and published his first book, Wege zum Horoskop in 1927 and Transits, What Day is favor-able for me? in 1928. Many more followed.
He received international recognition with the publication of the widely used book, Combination of Stellar Influences. Many traditional astrologers are using midpoints and many books on this subject were published since, but Reinhold was the pio-neer - no imitation. I call the KdG (Combination of Stellar Influences) my "bible," I couldn't live without it. (I do have the first one published in card-index under the title KosmobiologIsche Kartei in my possession; only a handful of them were sold at that time.)
He married Luise Engert on December 12,1929, and she was a big influence in his life, always supporting him in every way until her death in 1983. Together and I with a very limited amount of cash, they formed the publishing house known as the Ebertin - Verlag, which is still in existence but under new ownership since 1979.
Best known were the magazines, Kosmobiology, the Kosmischer Beobachter, and later the Meridian. Reinhold made his contribution by writing many articles for the magazine and made forecasts that were notable. I personally miss them.
The birth of their only son, Dr. Baldur Ebertin, in 1933 brought great happiness to them both. Like his famous father, Baldur showed an interest in Cosmobiology and also Cosmo-Psychology. Both he and his father attended the ISAR Conference in 1969 and the AFA Conference in 1970 an-d therefore got in touch with American astrologers and students. Eleonora Kimmel, my good friend (we were booth born in Germany) introduced them here in the US and continued his lifetime work including the (then) quarterly magazine Cosmobiology International, which is published now by the Cosmobiology Research Foundation, Inc. She has lectured widely on the subject since 1969.
Famous Australian astrologer, Doris Greaves, also a very good friend of mine, met Reinhold Ebertin many times in Germany, first in 1965 and formed the ReguIus Ebertin Study Group to teach Cosmobiology. She became Ebertin's representative in Australia in 1967 and began teaching Cosmobiology all over that country that year. She continued to lecture many times at the Ebertin conferences in Germany between 1967 and 1983.
It is a pity that many well-known astrologers worldwide show very little interest in Cosmobiology and are sticking to various house Systems but do use Ebertin’s method of rnidpoints, solar arc, etc.
Reinhold know the end was near He called the title of his last article, Meine Todeskonstellation, translated my death constellation. PL = MC = MA/SA = Endurance, the power of resistance, indefatigableness. The necessity to overcome a lot of difficulties in life the ability to bear the suffering of the soul (with dignity and without complaint) Mourning - one’s own death!
Looking at the 45' dial for 1987, one can see the transit of Pluto to natal MC = MA/SA in the early month, Saturn to Uranus, Pluto, Mercury and the transit of Neptune and Node to natal Jupiter in the summer, triggering the beginning of a serious illness.
The rest of the year looked like a recov-ery would be made, but in Feb/Mar 1988, his illness exacerbated again. He passed away in the early morning hours on March 14, 1988.
The following transits were present; JU=ME,PL,UR,NO=MC=MA/SA . In my experience the Moon's Node is always present at the time of death and should not be overlooked Of great importance are: Solar Arc MC = MA/SA natal. The Death Axis.
The world lost a great astrologer and human being, but his work will live and he carried on. Please note that many people have the same aspect and will live a long time, but they may have to overcome some emotional pain and weakness. Reinhold suggests to look at the Cosmogram and the Life Diagram to get a better perspective.
