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Reinhold Ebertin The Founder of Cosmobiology
by Irmgard Rauchhaus

Newt Gingrich an Astrological Profile
by Irmgard Rauchhaus

Siegfried & Roy Superstars of Magic
by Irmgard Rauchhaus

Reinhold Ebertin
The Founder of Cosmobiology

Reinhold Ebertin was born February 16, 1901 at 4:40 am. in Gorlitz, Germany.
His interest in Astrology began through his mother Elsbeth, a fa-mous astrologer of her time. He was so ex-cited and interested in that subject that he devoted more and more time on it,

Refusing to be his mother's shadow, he did extensive studies and research and published his first book, Wege zum Horoskop in 1927 and Transits, What Day is favor-able for me? in 1928. Many more followed.

He received international recognition with the publication of the widely used book, Combination of Stellar Influences. Many traditional astrologers are using midpoints and many books on this subject were published since, but Reinhold was the pio-neer - no imitation. I call the KdG (Combination of Stellar Influences) my "bible," I couldn't live without it. (I do have the first one published in card-index under the title KosmobiologIsche Kartei in my possession; only a handful of them were sold at that time.)

He married Luise Engert on December 12,1929, and she was a big influence in his life, always supporting him in every way until her death in 1983. Together and I with a very limited amount of cash, they formed the publishing house known as the Ebertin - Verlag, which is still in existence but under new ownership since 1979.

Best known were the magazines, Kosmobiology, the Kosmischer Beobachter, and later the Meridian. Reinhold made his contribution by writing many articles for the magazine and made forecasts that were notable. I personally miss them.

The birth of their only son, Dr. Baldur Ebertin, in 1933 brought great happiness to them both. Like his famous father, Baldur showed an interest in Cosmobiology and also Cosmo-Psychology. Both he and his father attended the ISAR Conference in 1969 and the AFA Conference in 1970 an-d therefore got in touch with American astrologers and students. Eleonora Kimmel, my good friend (we were booth born in Germany) introduced them here in the US and continued his lifetime work including the (then) quarterly magazine Cosmobiology International, which is published now by the Cosmobiology Research Foundation, Inc. She has lectured widely on the subject since 1969.

Famous Australian astrologer, Doris Greaves, also a very good friend of mine, met Reinhold Ebertin many times in Germany, first in 1965 and formed the ReguIus Ebertin Study Group to teach Cosmobiology. She became Ebertin's representative in Australia in 1967 and began teaching Cosmobiology all over that country that year. She continued to lecture many times at the Ebertin conferences in Germany between 1967 and 1983.

It is a pity that many well-known astrologers worldwide show very little interest in Cosmobiology and are sticking to various house Systems but do use Ebertin's method of rnidpoints, solar arc, etc.

Reinhold know the end was near He called the title of his last article, Meine Todeskonstellation, translated my death constellation. PL = MC = MA/SA = Endurance, the power of resistance, indefatigableness. The necessity to overcome a lot of difficulties in life the ability to bear the suffering of the soul (with dignity and without complaint) Mourning - one's own death!

Looking at the 45' dial for 1987, one can see the transit of Pluto to natal MC = MA/SA in the early month, Saturn to Uranus, Pluto, Mercury and the transit of Neptune and Node to natal Jupiter in the summer, triggering the beginning of a serious illness.

The rest of the year looked like a recov-ery would be made, but in Feb/Mar 1988, his illness exacerbated again. He passed away in the early morning hours on March 14, 1988.

The following transits were present; JU=ME,PL,UR,NO=MC=MA/SA . In my experience the Moon's Node is always present at the time of death and should not be overlooked Of great importance are: Solar Arc MC = MA/SA natal. The Death Axis.

The world lost a great astrologer and human being, but his work will live and he carried on. Please note that many people have the same aspect and will live a long time, but they may have to overcome some emotional pain and weakness. Reinhold suggests to look at the Cosmogram and the Life Diagram to get a better perspective.

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Newt Gingrich
An Astrological Profile

After,40 years of democratic rule, the Untied States acquired a new speaker of the House-Republican Newt Gingrich. He took the oath of office on January 4,1995 at 2:12p.m. EST in Washington, DC.

Born on June 17, 1943 at 11:45 p.m. EWT in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, he has mentioned that his father was reared in 13 different foster homes and he himself was adopted.

Newt's Sun is in Gemini, a mutable air sign and the sign of the twins. The restless intelligence of air is combined with the adaptability of the mutable nature. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, which emphasizes communication and versatility. Sometimes witty, Gemini also is logical, inquisitive, spontaneous, and talkative. Gemini's have open inquiring minds that probe for facts. Unfortunately, they also tend to be nervous, restless, superficial, and inconsistent.

Is it a coincidence that at the time he took the oath of office the Ascendant was at five degrees Gemini, the same rising degree and sign as the U.S. chart, and that of his natal Uranus? Mercury, Saturn, and the Sun are also in Gemini. Another famous Gemini was President John F. Kennedy, whose Sun also connected with the U.S. chart.

Newt's natal Moon is in Sagittarius, the same sign that rules the seventh house in the election chart.

A brainy and extremely articulate former history professor, Newt is married for the second time and has two children. He received a Ph.D. in 1971.

Newt Gingrich spent his childhood in various military bases around the world before his family moved to Fort Banning, Georgia. After receiving a graduate degree in European history, he taught history and geography at West Georgia College before launching his political career in 1974. He lost, coming within 2,800 votes of victory.

Two years later he had to contend with the incumbent's beefed up campaign and Georgian Jimmy Carter heading the Democratic ticket. He lost again, but still drew more than 48 percent of the vote. The incumbent retired in 1978, leaving Gingrich as the best known contender. He defeated wealthy Democratic State Senator Virginia Shapard by 7,600 votes. After winning easily in 1980, he faced some difficulty in 1982 against Jim Wood. Then Gingrich was reelected in the next two elections, taking 60 percent or more of the vote each time.

Holding the party post has required Gingrich to channel his boundless intellectual and political energy carefully, a challenge with which he constantly struggles. A typical Gemini trait! Let's take a close look at the chart erected for the time Newt Gingrich was sworn in to see what he Will face the next two years.

The first house rules the public, its health, welfare, and general attitude as a Unit, and the voters. Mercury, the ruler, is in the ninth house conjunct Uranus and Neptune, all in the conservative sign Capricorn. The ninth house rules higher education and institutions, writing, and publishing. Is it a coincidence that Gingrich was offered a book deal for more than $4 million but suddenly (Uranus) turned it down because of jealousy and deceit (Neptune, also in its fall in Capricorn) and negative publicity (Mercury).

The ninth house also rules governmental and presidential secrets. Uranus, ruler of the tenth house (government, head of state) is in the ninth house, cadent. It will be interesting to see the outcome of the Whitewater scandal (Neptune).

The sixth house rules civil service, medical organizations, labor unions, the Red Cross, and the Salvation Army. It is the most important cadent house because it rules the health and general well being of the people who constitute the backbone of the nation - the workers or so - called laboring classes. The North Node, Venus, and Pluto occupy that house in the fixed sign of Scorpio. Pluto in its own sign is very powerful and has dignity This could bring delays to health care issues. Venus, the peace loving planet, in its detriment in Scorpio, conjunct Pluto, will desire cooperation and obedience to what may be required. Both planets oppose the fixed star Alkane at 29 Taurus 14 and Pleiades at 28 Taurus 52.

The seventh house represents the people in total as Congress, recognition of claims or denial, and open enemies. Jupiter rules the Republican Party and Saturn the Democratic Party. Jupiter is square Saturn. Jupiter's keyword is expansion, while Saturn's keyword is limitation. We will see a lot of criticism and power struggle between the parties. The Republicans may be 100 optimistic (Jupiter) while the Democrats can't believe their dream (Neptune) is shattered.

The eighth house rules the stock market, public loans, interest rates, capital gains, taxes, pensions, and Social Security benefits. The Sun is in that house in the practical earth sign Capricorn. Already there has been news of budget cuts to reduce the deficit and of some reorganization.

The tenth house rules the government, the state of the union, the president, and the person in authority. With the Moon in that house in the fixed sign Aquarius square Pluto and widely conjunct Saturn, it is possible to see why Newt Gingrich is under so much public criticism. But Gemini's keyword is "I think" and Gemini's visualize making the best of any difficulty.

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Siegfried & Roy
Superstars of Magic

Two Germans in Las Vegas with Illusions and Millions! Not Frank Sinatra, Barbra Streisand, Tom Jones etc. can hold records like that. Leaders among Superstars are the two German Illusionists Siegfried & Roy with their white tigers. A 5 year contract for 57.5 Million Dollars in the pocket is reason enough to celebrate.

Before I continue I would like to mention, that I considered a long time ago to write an article about those two, but at that time they were not well known outside of Las Vegas. Only a longtime engagement in Japan (the Japanese have built a theater especially for them) a very successful appearance at the Radio City Music Hall in New York and TV shows brought the big breakthrough.

I got acquainted with both of them through a friend who is also a close friend of Roys mother, Johanna (called Hanna). She grew up at the same place and knows the boys since childhood. Siegfried and his sister, who is a Nun and lives in a convent in Germany, and also Johanna, have visited Santa Barbara quite often; they have some friends residing here. Every time we get visitors from Germany we take them to Las Vegas. One telephone call is enough to sit on the table reserved only for Siegfried & Roys guests. What a privilege. Being in Las Vegas and not seeing their show is a big loss. Indeed you pay the highest admission ( $ 78.00 pp) for the "most exciting Show in the world", a 20 Million Dollar Production at the "Mirage Hotel", but its worth it.

The German Superstars made their deput many years ago at the Show-Metropolitan Las Vegas. Such a length of stay, only interrupted by short, worldwide performances, has never been accomplished by anyone. Before the Mirage-Commitment the two Germans, with a Name nobody could pronounce, appeared for 6 years at the "Frontier Hotel" with the Show "Beyond Belief". More than 30 Million spectators were enchanted.

Siegfried & Roy were offered the highest paid contract in the history of showbusiness. 57.5 Millions for 5 years!
But fame didn't come easy and they had to work very hard to get where they are. Both had almost the same destiny to overcome.

SIEGFRIED was brought up in poverty. He was only 2 years old when his father was a prisoner of war, and confined in a Russian camp. After his release he became an alcoholic. The family suffered under the consequences of the war like so many millions of Germans. Already as a little boy he showed interest in "Magic", was fascinated with it and tried to develop some tricks on his own. But raised in a strict catholic family, magic was taboo. He couldn't take the quarrels any longer and left home, only 17 years old, and found a job in a Hotel in Italy where he entertained the guests with some Magic tricks. Following aspects progressed by solar arc were due: ( s-solar arc, n-natal, t-transit) VEs -opp.- NOn, NEs -square- Asc.n, URs -square- MCn, URt -opp.-MAn-square-ME,-square-SA,-conj.-PL, but he was not happy. He quit and got himself hired as steward on the Cruise Ship "MS Berlin". The ships itinerary was between Bremerhaven and New York. Finally he had the opportunity to put into operation some of his Magic tricks, his first love.

Johanna herself mentioned, that she gave birth to ROY (real name Uwe Ludwig Horn) during a bomb-attack in the evening of October 3.1944. She peddled on a bicycle to safety to her sisters house for delivery. Roys father wasn't the same either, when he came home from a POW camp. He too became an alcoholic and the parents divorced shortly after the end of the war. His mother remarried , but his step-father, who also came back home from the war with a leg injury, eased his pain with alcohol. The daily consumption increased. The days and nights turned into hell and Roy devoted all his attention to the only friend he had, his dog. From that moment on, his great love for pets and animals developed.

At the tender age of 13, he too couldn't stand the unbearable conditions and left home. (SAs -square- MAn, -conj.-NOn, SUs -conj.- MAn -square- NOn. I have to remind the readers, that at that time it was proper procedure to learn a trade after finishing elementary School. There was no other choice, unless one was born into money and could further a suitable education. But where to go at such tender age? Well, on a ship, where else? To see the world. He was hired and worked as a page boy. Unfortunately the ship was victim of a big storm, the SS United States came to rescue and towed it to New York. There both met on the same ship that belonged to the "Norddeutschen Lloyd Gesellschaft". Consequently began a career of the world most famous duo known today as "SIEGFRIED & ROY". Was it fate? Was it destiny? Solar arc progressions for the year 1957 = MC -opp.- MA, SA -square- MA, URtr -conj,- ASCn, -conj.- PLn, JUtr -conj. MEn. After leaving their job on the ship they struggled through various engagements in small European Night Clubs for few years. The pay they received was hardly enough to feed the animals and there were days, when both were starving. It was a bad time for cabaret and variety theaters. No one was interested even in a big City like New York.

The "break through" came when both were invited to perform in Monte Carlo in the presence of Prince Rainier and Grace Kelly and received not only big applause but also recognition. When an offer came in 1967 to appear in the "Follies Bergere Revue" in Las Vegas, they were tempted by the high salary and flew to America, to Las Vegas, to that city who became their second home. Las Vegas 30 years ago was not the City it is today! Only a handful Hotel-Casinos on the Strip in the middle of a desert. Siegfried was so disappointed that he wanted to go back home on the next plane. Not so Roy. He felt relaxed and already had a vision. It took a lot of persuasion to make Siegfried stay. Following transits were due: by Siegfried NE -opp.- SUn, JU -square- NOn, by ROY JU -conj.- PLn, -square- VEn. When my husband and I immigrated to California we drove many times to Las Vegas and had the privilege to see them. We were fascinated. Their show was seen at the Tropicana, Stardust, MGM, Frontier and now at the Mirage.

The grand opening of the giant MGM was held in 1974 with the show "Hallelujah Hollywood" and Siegfried & Roy had a 5 year contract in their pocket. The success was huge, so was the salary, but both were not very happy . (P.S. The MGM not only changed ownership but also the Hotels name. It's called now the "BALLY". It shouldn't be confused with the new MGM build only 2 years ago). 1977 was the lowest point and the most frustrating time of their career! Rising problems began, no more room to expand the Show, and to many difficulties had to overcome. Siegfried suffered under depression , insomnia and stomach ulcers. The following Solar arc directions were due: MO - conj. SA, NE -square- MA, by Roy PL -square- UR, NE -conj.- VE.

A good friend and a fatherfigure became in 1979 Mr. Irvin Feld, the biggest Showman in the world. Irvin and his son Kenneth were the Producers of the Show at the Frontier "Beyond Belief." He wasn't only a clever businessman but he also produced Television-shows and sold those to various countries. Being hindsight and aware of the big potential he hired both of them to appear in one of his productions for NBC. The public became to see them and their magic outside of Las Vegas for the first time.

He died suddenly in 1984. I was present when Johanna received the horrible news here in Santa Barbara. It brought a big void into their life but Irvin actually has never left them. His son Kenneth took his place and is Producer of all their TV- and Stage Shows, someone they can really trust.

The Illusionists, who immigrated almost 30 years ago, with no money but only hope and willing and prepared to work hard, came a long way from magic novice to reach the top. After two 120 minutes evening performances they are physically drained. My first fee was a bottle of wine says Siegfried Fischbacher (that's his last name). Roy mentioned one time to Siegfried "can you imagine what would've happened to our career if the would've called ourselves "Siegfried & Uwe?" Impossible to think about it! We would've never made it in showbusiness. Today their Show at the Mirage is sold out for weeks in advance. Forgotten are all the hurdles, rejections and hunger that they had to overcome. The crowd doesn't mind paying $78.00 for a ticket and sitting in a 1500 seat big showroom. Only once in a lifetime one becomes to see such a show and it's worth every penny. And Las Vegas has a lot to offer!

Even today, after they reached the peak, they haven't forgotten their roots and are still the same boys.
The birthtime for both of them is not rectified and if someone comes up with a different one, I'm very obliged. The midpoint axis for success: by Siegried SU/JU = PL, by ROY SU/PL = JU. I am satisfied with a Leo Asc. for Roy. He needs the limelight and the applause! On stage he is all "LEO"! In his home (Palast) he is surrounded by luxury while Siegfried prefers simplicity. Roys mother lives in the same house and takes care of the household. The animals, Tigers, Lions etc. are running around free in the house and take a swim in the Pool with both of them. Owning precious animals is a big responsibility and one needs trusting staff. In addition are constant supervision and reviews of the show; everything has to be perfect because a disaster would be horrifying. Also Interviews, inventing new tricks etc. from which they can not escape.

They achieved Superstardom through talent, hard work, self-discipline and a strong will. Since the collapse of the Berlin wall and the German unification they would like to give a performance in Berlin, in Germany, where both came from. I sincerely hope, some day they will accomplish their wish.
Glancing at the 45 degree transit graph for the next 2 years I'm concerned about their health. Siegfried has transits of Neptune and Saturn to overcome and Roy Uranus and Saturn. Their body may tell them to slow down and they have to consider to make some changes. It would be advisable, to negotiate a new contract with only one performance in the evening instead of two. In any way I wish them well.

Source: Horoscopes of the United States and Cities by Carolyn R. Dodson Solar Arc directions & mid-points "CSI by Reinhold Ebertin

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