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Glad you stopped by! Besides wood-working, [as seen in the "Tabernacle"] AND AND AND don't forget to click on the "JESUS" sign on the main page! playing guitar and singing, you will find other personal things here, and a neat look at Wisconsin!

Hi, here I am, Jim Kelly of "Wisconsin" "Irish" and "Jesus" fame. [not necessarily in that order!] This is my Collie, "Lassie" -- she traveled with my wife and I most everywhere we go, including fishing on the beautiful Wisconsin, Minnesota and Michigan waters!

Since you clicked on this "personal" site, I will share a little about me. I spent 4 years in the U.S. Army, Nike missiles, 18 years with Wisconsin Bell Telephone working in such places as the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN and last but not least, Green Bay where the Packers reside. We lived just 5 blocks from the PACKER stadium.

While everyone in town was cheering the Packers to wins, I was studying for the ministry AND working for "Ma Bell".

You may ask, "how did that happen? Eighteen years with a "stable" company like the Telephone company, and you QUIT?" [I was a senior pastor for over 25 years; this is a photo of my last church before I retired, the summer of 2002, [located on Hwy 141, 75 miles North of Green Bay.] THEN after much "nudging" by the Lord, I "un-retired" and am pastoring a lovely church in northern Wisconsin on Hwy 13, Family Worship Center.

The answer to the "you QUIT???" is "yes" -- because I had a major change in my life when I gave my life to Jesus Christ. I prayed and asked Jesus to take control, repented of my sins and received what Jesus did on the cross for me. I was Born Again and filled with His Spirit. My life totally changed; now everything I 'used' before for the "world", I dedicated to Jesus. I used to love working with wood, singing and playing guitar, now all this belonged to Jesus.

I love to "worship" in spirit and truth, singing songs of healing and often, while people are simply caught up in the worship, they will have their needs met.

The Scriptures also tell us that without "love" these gifts appear to be clanging symbols, and through the great Love, Grace and Mercy of our Lord, my wife and I pray always that we will do Him honor as we "walk in the Spirit". BEECHER ASSEMBLY OF GOD

We enjoy the Packers, but our "Praise" belongs to Jesus! It was an exceptional experience to worship in the 'dome' -- just a whisper carries across the sanctuary ...... we often said 'this church doesn't have gossips ... because every whisper is heard! However, we know that the Lord is party to all conversations, whether out in a boat, in a car, in a building ...... and we mustn't forget that a 'little bird' can carry every word we say ......

Jim and Lassie waiting to go for a ride.

The bride of my youth with Lassie
on Lake Michigan shore.

For those of you who have never seen snow, I thought I would include a couple photos of "Wisconsin in Winter" for you. ENJOY:

We LOVE the snow, cold and winter. The above photo was taken in February; we usually don't have to 'dream' of a White Christmas, because generally we have snow from mid November to mid March. As we came home from church on a Sunday evening, the branches you see above, dusted the top of our car as we plowed through the 2 feet of snow that had fallen in just the 1 1/2 hours we were in church! It was beautiful! This picture was taken in the morning after the plows had gone through.

Our Lord also decorates beautifully, and pictured here is an example. Snow resting on 'mountain ash' -- a perfect picture of the blood of Christ Jesus cleansing us 'white as snow'.

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