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This is a picture of "Aaron the High Priest" and myself [Jim Kelly] at a Seminar. I also used a small overview in addition to the large 'to-scale' "furniture".

TABERNACLE OF MOSES furniture built to scale.

Another view, showing the Veil that took me 360 hours to weave! [my wife kept track]

During the teachings on each individual piece, I blew the Shofar [ram's horn] and sang the Aaronic Benediction [Numbers 6:24 The Lord Bless you..."] in Hebrew and then in English.

The most difficult piece of furniture to make was the Ark of the Covenant; it is also the one people are most interested in knowing about! Even Hollywood has gotten in on the 'act' of speculating. I am often asked, "Where is the Ark today?" And with my Irish humor and a twinkle in my eye, may say, "In my garage." Then I proceed to walk them through the scriptures!

Table of Shewbread is a very popular piece of 'furniture' to teach on, because it depicts the Christian's walk. My wife, Beverly, made the 'shewbread' when Holy Communion was served.

The ALTAR OF INCENSE is pictured here, built "to-scale" according to the Book of Exodus. When I built each piece according to the Bible dimensions, my wife often commented that they were not the size she expected! This item was larger than she thought it would be, and the Ark of the Covenant smaller than she imagined. That is why seeing the actual pieces is so enlightening, and I have had similar comments from others throughout the years.
This item is MOST interesting because of the reference to prayer, and where John, on the Isle of Patmos, saw Jesus standing in the book of Revelation. I also burn Jerusalem Incense and everyone present leaves with a gentle odor about them -- so too when we spend time in prayer, in the Presence of Jesus! You will also note the placement of the poles on the Altar of Incense -- the placement is extremely significant.

Pictured above: 1 whole, 1 cut pomegranate. We live in Wisconsin where pomegranates are imported, and only available in Sept/Oct. Because so many people have never seen nor tasted a pomegranate, and this is an important picture of the 'church' and the sacrifice Jesus paid for us on the cross, we photographed the fruit so that in the off-season times, we could at least show people what this special fruit looks like. The teaching on this is included in the blue garment of the High Priest.

How long does it take to weave a 15 foot curtain? 360 hours!!!

I saved this picture until 'last' on the Tabernacle information, because it will come as a surprise to most of you. I am pictured here, weaving the Veil. I built a frame out of PVC pipes, and hand-wove the veil that stands before the Ark of the Covenant. I also did all the cross-stitching on the Ephod of Aaron's garment seen earlier in the 'Display' above.

If you found the photos and information interesting, please be sure to look at the Bible studies available on this site also.

EVEN THOUGH I HAVE SOLD THE ITEMS, I DO HAVE the Bible Studies I used in teaching. So if you wanted to teach using PowerPoint, the people would still be able to have an idea of what the sizes of the items actually were.
I welcome hearing from you.

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