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Chase and Jamie

I can't be losing sleep over this, no, I can't and I cannot stop pacing give me a few hours and I'll have this all sorted out if my mind would just stop racing I cannot stand still I cannot be this unsturdy this cannot be happening this is over my head but underneath my feet because by tomorrow morning I'll have this thing beat and everything will be back to the way it was I wish that it was just that easy I am waiting for tonight then waiting for tomorrow and I am somewhere in between what is real and just a dream would you catch me if I fall out of what I fell in don't be surprised if I collapse down at your feet again I don't want to run away from this I know that I just don't need this.


find me here speak to me I want to feel you I need to hear you you are the light that is leading me to the place where I find peace again you are the strength that keeps me walking you are the hope that keeps me trusting you are the life to my soul you are my purpose you are everything and how can I stand here with you and not be moved by you would you tell me how could it be any better than this you calm the storms you give me rest you hold me in your hands you won't let me fall you still my heart and you take my breath away would you take me in would you take me deeper now 'cause you're all I want you are all I need you are everything everything




If because i laughed instead of cried

it was to cover all the hurt i felt inside

if i smiled and did not wave

it was because my life had seen better days

If I said things that were bad

it wasnt just because i was mad

all the talks and all the hugs

were all just affections of my dying love


SaphireSunnet: I can't take this. Punk2Misfits: why SaphireSunnet: I'm falling for you. Punk2Misfits: you lying SaphireSunnet: I wasnt lying.. Punk2Misfits: yea right SaphireSunnet: Seriously, I am not lying. Punk2Misfits: yea u got to be SaphireSunnet: why is that? Punk2Misfits: cause i mean yea SaphireSunnet: ? Punk2Misfits: cause why would u like me SaphireSunnet: You are nice, i like your personality, and i like you.... Punk2Misfits: yea right u gotta be kidding me SaphireSunnet: is it wrong to like you? Punk2Misfits: no i mean its actually very good but i just cant believe it SaphireSunnet: Just believe me please. Punk2Misfits: alight SaphireSunnet: Who are you taking to snowball? Punk2Misfits: my self SaphireSunnet: do you want a date? Punk2Misfits: it depends who the person is i only select the best SaphireSunnet: auh do you....who would you like to go with? Punk2Misfits: why who do u have in mind SaphireSunnet: i dunno.. :-) Punk2Misfits: ohh really no im pretty sure u got an idea SaphireSunnet: I think i do too... Punk2Misfits: who might that be SaphireSunnet: might be me or someone else? Punk2Misfits: ohh really well if i dont know who the person is i cant say ill go with them SaphireSunnet: well, dont you have anyone in mind yourself? Punk2Misfits: yes SaphireSunnet: who? Punk2Misfits: guess ill tell u if u hit it SaphireSunnet: megan? Punk2Misfits: nope SaphireSunnet: mmm...starts with a J? Punk2Misfits: yes SaphireSunnet: Ends with an E? Punk2Misfits: yea SaphireSunnet: middle is AMI? Punk2Misfits: yes SaphireSunnet: Does her last name rhyme with single? Punk2Misfits: yes SaphireSunnet: oh i have no clue. SaphireSunnet: Do you know my last name? Punk2Misfits: yes SaphireSunnet: what is it? Punk2Misfits: its like engle or somethin like that am i right? SaphireSunnet: yes...thats close enough...just switch the l and e at the end Punk2Misfits: ohh hey good enough SaphireSunnet: yeah SaphireSunnet: so who is this person you want to go with? Punk2Misfits: i dont know i think i forgot i think ur goin to have too help me SaphireSunnet: Well, do you like this person? Punk2Misfits: no i hate them yea i think i do SaphireSunnet: Can't be me then. Punk2Misfits: what SaphireSunnet: well, the person cant be me Punk2Misfits: why SaphireSunnet: well, i dont think you like me Punk2Misfits: what?? why?? SaphireSunnet: i dont tell me Punk2Misfits: i do SaphireSunnet: how so? Punk2Misfits: what do u mean SaphireSunnet: well, why do you like me...and how? SaphireSunnet: like friend, more, less.. Punk2Misfits: like u said before i think im fallin for u i dont know ur like perfect SaphireSunnet: thats really sweet...I wish i met you earlier. Punk2Misfits: well its kinda unbelievable SaphireSunnet: What is? Punk2Misfits: all of this SaphireSunnet: its not that unbelievable. SaphireSunnet: is it? Punk2Misfits: yes SaphireSunnet: Why? Punk2Misfits: cause i mean im me and your you SaphireSunnet: what does that have to do with anything?? Punk2Misfits: i dont know i just didnt think id ever meet u let alone all this SaphireSunnet: you didnt think youd meet me?? well, look you did...and i like you...nothing completely wrong there. Punk2Misfits: true SaphireSunnet: why are you taking this so weird? Punk2Misfits: not weird more unbelievable SaphireSunnet: Why so unbelievable though? Punk2Misfits: cause i dont know i just wouldnt think ud like me SaphireSunnet: So, honor of unbelievable things--care to go to the dance with me? Punk2Misfits: that would be great Punk2Misfits: unbelievably great SaphireSunnet: :-) SaphireSunnet: alright. SaphireSunnet: You're a trip Punk2Misfits: :-) Punk2Misfits: nope u are SaphireSunnet: Nauh, you are SaphireSunnet: I never really got a chance to talk to you today Punk2Misfits: i know that sucked SaphireSunnet: i suppose i could have talked to you in the morning. Punk2Misfits: yea i could have too u too SaphireSunnet: well, we are going to the dance together now Punk2Misfits: very true SaphireSunnet: talking in person might need to be started Punk2Misfits: yea ithink so SaphireSunnet: not very good at walking up to just anyone you know? Punk2Misfits: so what your tryin to say is u want me too come too you huh SaphireSunnet: not necessarily. I can talk to anyone that i talk to online but if like you were by a bunch of people i didnt know i wouldnt go and talk to you Punk2Misfits: what if i as by mitch and joe and those guys SaphireSunnet: id still feel kinda weird...since i told them i like you...(((they like to make me look stupid in front of people i like))) Punk2Misfits: dont worry about it they wont do anything its me SaphireSunnet: oh no, they would definately do it then Punk2Misfits: no they wouldnt dont worry SaphireSunnet: well, i wont have a chance to see you inthe morning i dont have schoool until 10 tomorrow Punk2Misfits: damnit Punk2Misfits: sorry SaphireSunnet: what? Punk2Misfits: i dont know when am i gonna talk to u then SaphireSunnet: either. SaphireSunnet: after school? SaphireSunnet: passing time? Punk2Misfits: alight whatevers good for u SaphireSunnet: Whenever...I work at 4 tomorrow. Punk2Misfits: crap i have practice tomorrow yea? SaphireSunnet: yeah...but you can spare some minutes for me cant ya? joe normally does. Punk2Misfits: yea i can of course i can Punk2Misfits: it would be my pleasure i mean if u want me too SaphireSunnet: of course i want you to. Punk2Misfits: alight SaphireSunnet: I've got to bug you with all these thing now because i work until like 10:30 tomorrow night and i wont get time to talk to you.SaphireSunnet: so whats going on? Punk2Misfits: nothin at all u SaphireSunnet: Nothing just thinking. Punk2Misfits: about wat? SaphireSunnet: guess Punk2Misfits: i dont know wat? SaphireSunnet: you Punk2Misfits: really wat about? SaphireSunnet: why you have to be going out with megan Punk2Misfits: yea i think about that too SaphireSunnet: but if you werent...where would you be? Punk2Misfits: i dont know SaphireSunnet: thats where you gotta look Punk2Misfits: i know SaphireSunnet: But i wish it were me in the picture. SaphireSunnet: :-) Punk2Misfits: u are Punk2Misfits: in a way SaphireSunnet: well..? Punk2Misfits: wat? SaphireSunnet: how? Punk2Misfits: cause like ahh i dont know Punk2Misfits: ohh no sometimes i just dont know how too explain stuff SaphireSunnet: :-( Punk2Misfits: wats wrong :-( SaphireSunnet: i wanna see you Punk2Misfits: really SaphireSunnet: yes Punk2Misfits: thats weird SaphireSunnet: y? Punk2Misfits: ive been thinking the exact same thing SaphireSunnet: really? Punk2Misfits: yes SaphireSunnet: interesting... Punk2Misfits: why SaphireSunnet: how things cant be the way i want Punk2Misfits: how do u want them SaphireSunnet: me with you Punk2Misfits: give me till saturday SaphireSunnet: ok Punk2Misfits: k SaphireSunnet: i can wait Punk2Misfits: good thank u SaphireSunnet: you're welcome Punk2Misfits: hey when can i see u tomorrow SaphireSunnet: anytime you want Punk2Misfits: alight ill have problems while testing i wont be able to think SaphireSunnet: it was like that all day with me Punk2Misfits: yea me too Punk2Misfits: but now i know ill see you at the end of the day and yea itll be even harder to concentrate SaphireSunnet: *smiles* you are too sweet Punk2Misfits: no im not

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chase 1999. I doubt he wants this here.