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Live Fan Chat Online With Kenny Irwin, Jr. October 27, 1998 Kenny Irwin, Jr. is about to step into the Chat Auditorium. Stand by while our staff welcomes Kenny! Go ahead and fire us your questions for Kenny Irwin, Jr.!

FrequentVisitor Kenny, what sort of car do you drive in the real world? Do you have more than one? If so, what are they?
Kenny: I have a Ford Taurus and a Fat Boy Harley Davidson.

MickeyMoose What's your favorite track to race on, and which one would you really love to avoid?
Kenny: My favorite track is Richmond, Virginia and my least favorite is...probably Darlington.

ConstanceJones Kenny, how hot does it get inside that car while you're racing?
Kenny: On a hot day it's usually about fifty to sixty degrees hotter inside the car than the temperature outside.

guest2871 I went and saw my first Winston Cup Race this year. It was the best thing in the world, I will remember it always (my favorite driver Jeff Gordon won), do you remember your first race and who was and/or still is your favorite driver. Good luck on Rookie of the year.
Kenny: I don't remember what my first race was. We went to a lot of local races in Indiana. My favorite racer was probably A.J. Foyt.

email Kenny, I was just wondering what goes on during the off season for a NASCAR driver? Do you get to relax much, or are you continuously testing the cars? -- Katherine B., Arlington Heights, IL
Kenny: We don't get to test until January first. But I have a couple of vacaion days planned to go snowmobiling and snow-skiing.

hotpants Kenny, how many times have you been stopped for speeding?
Kenny: I'd say it would be how many times I lost my license. It would be too many to count, but I have my license right now.

kkw28 Kenny, what kind of music do you like?
Kenny: I listen to anything. I listen to country, rock. I listen to everything--cool selection.

Meriweather Is there any charities you donate to?
Kenny: Feed the Children USA, that's what we particpate in and do events for.

TheAsker Kenny, what do you have planned for Halloween?
Kenny: I'm just going to be at the race track on Saturday night, that's about it.

email I've seen drivers that were stars in other motorsports have a hard time adjusting to Winston Cup. What is the biggest adjustment you have had to face? -- Laurie P.
Kenny: Without a doubt, learning the race tracks on the Winston Cup circuit.

evol Kenny,Does Robert Yates have any changes for you or your crew next year?
Kenny: I don't believe so. Everything we've talked about is trying to keep everybody together and working as a team. We're chatting live with Kenny Irwin, Jr., one of NASCAR's hot superstars! Have you sent in your questions yet?

Shamu What is the strangest thing you've been asked to autograph?
Kenny: I'd say we shouldn't put it on the computer!

taz 8828 hey kenny glad to have you with yates are you happy to be with them?
Kenny: Definitely. I had some options to do some other things at the beginning of '98 and I believe that this has been the best thing for me.

jensan How do you like restrictor plate racing?
Kenny: I personally have enjoyed it this year because Robert Yates has such good cars and motors for that. I can see where some of the other guys have a problem with that.

KittyKAB28 Is it true you might race Busch next year?
Kenny: There has been quite a bit of talk about it lately with Dale Jarrett leaving Busch. He and I have talked about me running a few races in his car.

email As a driver with one heck of a sponsor, how do you feel about a team like the #91 car running without a sponsor? How important is a good sponsor in Winston Cup racing?-JReid10
Kenny: To me watching the #91 car run all year it is unbelievable how they have done without a sponsor. I don't think it would be possible for Robert to run a team without sponsors like Texaco or Ford Motor Company.

email Do you feel like the veteran competitors are becoming more "comfortable" racing with you and are giving you more respect on the racetrack now?
Kenny: Well they are giving me more but we need to earn more respect as we run every week. Did you know that Kenny's career began in 1975, when he was just six years old? He raced in a Quarter-midget event in a car built entirely by his father.

TNLady Do you frequently get recognized when you go out in public?
Kenny: No, not as much. At race weekends we do, but in a regular day not very much.

guest2898 Kenny, Have you been in contact with DJ? If so how is he doing and is he going to have surgery?
Kenny: Yes I have. They are thinking that they may do something tomorrow. Anymore than that I don't know.

kkw28 Kenny, have you thought about taking one of your fans to the Awards banquet in New York since I know you are winning Rookie of the Year?
Kenny: Send your resume and a picture.

email Kenny, do you feel any added pressure because of the car # you're in? And have you had to make a lot of sacrifices to get into WC? If so, what kind of things did you have to give up? --Karen W.
Kenny: Well, there is definitely a lot a pressure when you come in with Robert Yates racing. There are things you have to maybe do differently. Such as, going out and having drinks with the can't be quite as social as I am and probably people would see that the wrong way anyway. We'll be chatting with NASCAR's Kenny Irwin, Jr. for just a few more minutes. Don't miss your chance to ask him a question - send 'em in!

28Fan Kenny, What is your most memerable moment in your career? Good luck at the Rock and be patient..
Kenny: At the Brickyard this year.

guest2898 Kenny, Do you surf the net often? If so what pages do you like to go into? Shelley Knoxville
Kenny: I never do because it always seems like I'm too busy.

irwin28 Are any of your best friends your fellow race car drivers?
Kenny: No.

hotpants What is the fastest speed that you have acheived on a regular road?
Kenny: That goes back to me losing my license. Just this summer I bought a GSXR motorcycle. Probably this year was the fastest I've ever gone... but I'd rather not say.

email Kenny, why do all NASCAR races start with 43 drivers? Why not 42 or 44? -- Glen H.
Kenny: Being new at this I believe they always started with 42 drivers and in the last few years they added a provisional and that's how it got to 43. Kenny has time for one more question.

Kriss28 Any chance of seeing the Joker car again?
Kenny: I don't believe so. I think that was a one time thing at Charlotte with The Joker. We should.

Kenny: Thanks to everybody for being on line...Sorry I was late. Thanks to Kenny Irwin, Jr. for joining us tonight. Stay close to TNN to catch Kenny in action! Good night!