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These two poems were written by my good friend Jennifer about Kenny Irwin. If anyone has one of their own, I would be more than happy to put it on this page when I have time.


Red, orange, yellow, and green
blue, indigo, and a violet hue
All the colors of the rainbow
God bestowed upon you.

A heavenly sign of faith,
peace, love, and hope
All in a valiant effort
to help us cope

With the untimely passing
of another young man
How could this happen
all over again?

No one can answer that
particular mystery--
We only know that that's
how it had to be

And now we carry you
in our thoughts and prayers
Knowing you are safe in
the harbor of God's loving care.


I keep searching
for answers to why
You left without giving
us a chance at goodbye

When from heaven above
a rainbow would appear
A sign from you there
was nothing to fear

That you were happy
putting your skills to the test
Up there in heaven
racing with the best

Doing what came naturally
and with love
In the great big wonder
of Heaven above.

It's not for us to
understand or explain...

You have reached the
Ultimate Victory Lane.

I recieved this poem from Sara Grimmer, a fan, who wrote this poem about Kenny.

Our hearts are broken,
It's so hard to believe,
That this did happen,
That you had to leave.
Why did you leave us?
Why did you go?
You were loved so much,
I'm sure you know.
We know you are looking,
down from above,
smiling that smile,
full of happiness and love.
Knowing that,
will give us the strength to go on.
You'll never be forgotten,
You'll always be deep in our hearts,
You have been forever,
From the very start.

For Kenny...we love and miss you so much.

You Are The

Person To Visit This Page Since July 26, 2000