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My Smilies Page : )

Here's some of the smilies I've encountered, I hope you like 'um!
If you know any I haven't listed, please send them to me and I'll put them on, ASAP. Thanx!
You can change any smilie to a midget smilie by deleting the space between the eyes and mouth--EXAMPLE- : ) to :)--or you can add a nose--:-), :^), :v)

: ) Your basic happy smilie
; ) Winking smilie
: ( Sad smilie
( : Happy left-handed smilie
:' ( Crying
:' ) So happy it's crying
:0) or :o) Piggy
: I Content
: / Skeptical
8 )
or B ) Sunglasses
8: )
or B: ) Sunglasses on head
: [
or : E
or : F Vampires
8: ) Little Girl
O: ) Angel
+--: ) The Pope
C=: ) Chef
*<: ) Santa Clause
%-) Staring at the screen for 15 hours
:-{) Mustache
{:-) Toupee
:-)~ Drooling
:-~) Has a cold
:-@ Screaming
:-# Has braces
:-& Tongue tied
:-X "My lips are sealed."
-:-) Punk rocker
-:-( (real punk rockers don't smile)
|-I Asleep
|-O Yawning/snoring
:-P Nyahhhh!
:-D Laughing
O-) Scuba Diver Smilie
:-C Really bummed
<|-) Chinese
<|-( Chinese and doesn't like these kind of jokes
<:-I A dunce
@:-) Wearing a turban
:-: Mutant Smilie
The invisible smilie
8-) Smiley swimmer
:-q smiley trying to touch its tongue to its nose
:-e Disappointed smiley
:-p Smiley sticking its tongue out (at you!)
:-j Left smiling smilely
0-) Smiley cyclops (scuba diver?)
:-} Beard
:-X Bow tie
:-* Kissing
: D Laughing
=: O Surprised
8 :-) Wizard
:] Gleep...a friendly midget smiley who will gladly be your friend

"Annie Smilies" thanks to my friend Annie
^_^ or
^___________^ Basic Smilie
^_^v Angry, Embarassed (the "v" is a sweatdrop)
^_^; Same thing
;_; Sad, Crying