Panamania Just Cause President says, "Operation." Why? "Just 'cause." New Years '90 my horoscope says I gotta make more long distance Calls. I wonder how much THEY Owe on THEIR telephony bill? Old man on a penny farthing bicycle Rides to work in a business suit Strokes waxed handlebar mustache Before waving. Is he the one who Sold me that motor scooter? Gweeb (n) from Youth Underground, "Dweeb," Dorky, with an element of gooberishness. IE: He's a gweeb for eating Raisonettes. (TM. Proctor & Gamble) Ate whitebread for the first Time in over a year. Like a Sticky soft sugary sponge. Dextromethorophan. Medicine heaD -- DM Wild Turkey & Grapefruit: Called a WeT GanJ. White woman from France, Wild wet and full of fun- Will wish for foreplay; Wishes to will her fifty-seven Ford; Wantonly waiting for free fantasy. Winners win fresh fone #'s: Dial 1-900-WILL WORK FOR FOOD. Rhyme schemes make 'em socially acceptable, Rhythm makes 'em flow; But alliteration makes 'em work, And metaphor drives 'em home.
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