Thousands March
on School of Americas
Martin Sheen Kneeling
Claim Army School Grads Commit Violence

Actor Martin Sheen, foreground kneeling, his face spattered with mock blood, prepares to be detained* by authorities during a protest at the Army's School of the Americas Sunday, Nov. 21, 1999, at Fort Benning, Ga. (Thomas Meeks/AP Photo)
ABC expired that picture so I embedded one of
my own. It's got Martin Sheen walking instead of
kneeling, but it's still an SOA pic, eh?

By Elliott Minor
The Associated Press
F O R T  B E N N I N G, Ga., Nov. 22 — His face splattered with fake blood, actor Martin Sheen knelt beside a coffin and made the sign of the cross before he was led away during a protest to demand the closing of the Army’s School of the Americas.
Sheen joined thousands who risked arrest Sunday by marching into Fort Benning to demonstrate against the school that trains Latin American soldiers and police. Opponents blame the school for human rights abuses committed by some of its graduates.
     “The U.S. Army is given a mandate to protect the weak,” said Sheen, who plays the president of the United States in the television series The West Wing.
     “This school besmirches that mandate.”
     The Army estimated there were 8,000 protesters, with 3,100 marching into the post. Organizers said there were 12,000 protesters, with 4,800 entering the post.

White Masks and Black Robes
Police escorted most of the protesters, including Sheen, to buses that took them off the post, where they were released.
     But 65 of the most disruptive protesters were detained and taken to a processing center to be photographed and fingerprinted. They were released after being given a letter banning them from the post for three years, said post spokesman Rich McDowell.
     Twenty-three of the protesters already were barred from the post. They will be cited for trespassing, which carries a maximum penalty of six months in prison, McDowell said.
     At the head of the solemn procession were protesters wearing white death masks and black robes. As they were about to be removed from the post, they spattered themselves with red dye and fell down in the street, pretending to be dead.
     Many protesters carried coffins and some held small wooden crosses bearing the names of victims allegedly killed by soldiers and death squads in Latin America. Others waved banners demanding the school’s closing.

School Defends Itself
Col. Glenn Weidner, the school’s commandant, said he was thankful the protest was peaceful. He said students were hurt by the protesters’ accusations.
     “When you look at the curriculum of the School of Americas, we teach more human rights courses than any other school in the U.S. Army,” he said. “Lining people up and shooting them from three or four meters is not a problem of military training. It’s a lack of training.”
     The annual demonstration commemorates the Nov. 16, 1989, killings in El Salvador of six Jesuit priests, their housekeeper and her young daughter. A United Nations panel found that 19 of the 26 Salvadoran officers involved had been trained at the school.
     The Rev. Roy Bourgeois, who has spearheaded a decadelong protest against the school, said he will continue to speak out as long as there are combat courses taught at the School of the Americas.
     “It gives me such joy to see so many people here,” he said.

Copyright 1999 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
Army plans namechange from SOA to CIA


And now marco tells the rest of the story...

12,000 people from all over the world converged on Fort Benning's
Columbus, GA gate last weekend to protest School of The Americas
because the tax-supported SOA allegedly trains central
american death squads using techniques that tax-payers do not
approve of.
   Over 4,400 people risked arrest crossing onto the base
marching to the school where latin american "students" were
barricaded in lockdown by authorities hoping to inhibit their awareness.
   More than 40 people were arrested, including actor Martin Sheen who's
been following this issue actively for more than a year. When the
press tried to connect with detained prisoner Sheen, the MPs
seperated him from the others he was in solidarity with and whisked
him away in a different bus.
   Marchers withstood more than 5 hours of psychological warfare
techniques conducted in concert between army MPs and Columbus
city police officers. One peace marcher put it eloquently poetic
when he said they used "everything but the hoses, mace and dogs."
   When told the military was refusing to arrest anyone (which
was never made completely clear except through body language
and verbal innuendo) some marched angrily but peacefully off the
base, some got on the busses non-violently demanding to be arrested,
some sat down wishing to just stay there until the moon came up,
some read poetry, walked around on stilts, and some groups sang
just about every song that's ever been written over the duration
of what people like George Bush would love to call a "kinder gentler
civil rights war." Those that were not arrested were nicely bussed
off the base to a park where they were given a second annual parade
by the local townspeople so they could walk safely back to the
outside gate for closing cheers, folk music, Food Not Bombs food
and general orderly mayhem before going home to wherever each person
really lives.
   Three detractors were seen overtly protesting the protest, and
other covert detractions were implied through hints and propaganda
on the army's part. This was a shift from last year when there
was one umbrella and at least 5 known and allegedly paid agitators.
   A first detractor marched up and down both sides of the march
with an 8x10 homemade sign saying "I SUPPORT THE SOA."
   When asked if that sign isn't redundant since all taxes have
us each supporting the SOA he said, "Wharl I just don' know."
   Another had a commercially made T-Shirt with WANTED up top,
$1,000,000 REWARD on the bottom and Father Roy Bourgeois' picture
in the middle. He was generally ignored by most people as he wandered
around with his chest puffed out like a fat old drill sergent or
recruiter, because he simply looked like an angry old man.
   One more drove up a side street and wanted to drive through the
crowd demanding that the 4650 people be moved immediately so he
could get on base. After the 20th time asked politely to use one of
the other side streets by one of the yellow armbanded peacekeepers
he turned around and popped the clutch leaving the scene.
   Both sides left declaring victory in what is to be considered
a public relations war that the SOA Watch says it certainly did
not start. The army admits waging a war from their public affairs
department for at least two years. Two PAD journalists at the scene
who asked that their names not be used said yes to the question whether
they implemented the traditional US Military 2/3-3/2 rule in
disseminating a slanted truth to the press with their "official"
 figure of 3,100 line crossers and 8,000 total protesters present.
A uniformed lieutenant colonel at the scene smiled and laughingly
said "no comment," when asked if these two women were accurate.
   This guage has been used by the US military to record
death counts on each side of a war, injuries, damaged and ruined
vehicles and protests for more than 200 years.
   The numbers, no matter who counts or announces them, have been
growing exponentially since this cause began about a decade ago.
   "We will keep coming back and back," Bourgeois said over a
loudspeaker both days, "every year until this school of the assassins
is shut down."

   The Associated Press DID NOT contribute to this story, in the
author's effort to avoid propaganda and further psychological

Marco "Orwell" Frucht

Chicago Tribune on SOA demonstrations.
Marco's Stories

November 18. 12-5pm Vigil at Fort Benning's Main Gate
November 19. 9am-5pm Vigil and Nonviolent Civil Disobediance.

SOA's Top 10 Google Pages:

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    USARSA, United States Army School of the Americas,
    Whinsec, WHISC, Western Hemisphere Institute for
    Security Cooperation.

    That all sounds so official and warm and fuzzy, huh?
    Really it translates into the english language as,
    paramilitary deathsquad terrorist training camp.