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    so you wonder what Autumn Magick is do you?  

Well some of you might think its a place for poetry.

    And you would be right.

                            Some of you might think its a place for expressing your love of nature.

    And you would be right.

            Some of you might think it is a place to call safe haven from a non pagan world.

    And you might say you are right on that token also, but it is more than that.

                    It is every thought, every breath of life, every emotion that I carry on whim to share with the world.

To let the natural beauty of life be the celebration in the stars as they shine each night, 

                                                the laughter of friends in a common place of harmony,

                                                                so mot it be and I welcome thee.  

                            To share, to give, to honor the soul within

let us honor this and every night with respect

                                                for yourself

                                                                                for me

                                                                                                    for my friends here

                                    and for the gods that watch over us.

For we are all unique with love that overflows.  

                                                            It should never be in short supply,

            no matter how down you are.

                    There should be someone always here to welcome you to the circle,

        There should be someone always here to tender the fire and the spark,

                                And there should be someone always coming as we part ways with another,

                As is the natural flow of the tides,

                                    Like the seasons that give change so shall each new breath offer stability,

As we come to like minds of great sacrifice and we lay down the truth.  

                        I offer nothing but this.

            I do not pretend anything,

                                    I will listen to you,

                                            Your voice,

                                                Your song,

                                                        Your words,

                        For not matter how weak it may seem within the circle,

        Or how quietly you wait and watch remember  this

                                                        That the deer must stand silent until he bounds out of the brush,

            To do otherwise would to give chase,

    And in me, 

                        I will give flight to those small inspirations,

                                                Tender my gifts and those around me,

                                                            To give flame.

                                    And I will honor them.

                                            Soul catchers do not let the stars slip through,

                                                    But give them a place in the heavens,

                            As so you are seated around this great room of free thought,

    Like a stone circle we will come to gather to give rise to the great north

 star,  And let the seasons pass under our magic spell,

                            Welcome and celebrated with inner voices aching to be heard,

        each with its own solo in the spiraling devotions to one another.

                            And so this is my song of unity,

                                                                        To hark the beating of one roaring symphony,

                                And to say to you, 

        That in one year past,  my time among you has made me grow,

                                            And I doubt little that it has had none the less effect upon you,

                By far I have seen those tides sway like the branches in an Autumn Wind,

        Leaves everywhere, but no two with the same color.

                                                            All unique in their beauty,

Giving me a place to celebrate in namesake and discovery,

                            Let this passage mark my brimming heart for the gratitude I give,

            For no key is better than any other,

                                But the skeleton will unlock any door,

                                                So which shall it be?

                    Let us make these choices together,

                                                                And continue into another year of peace,

                                                              Under the Goddess sky.

A Druid Year

A Two Year Spring Ritual Celebration As a Grove

A Place of personal devotion

Herne's Eternal Forest

Bridgit's Bright Flame