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The Legend of the Eagle:

Anishinabe (Chippewa/Ojibwa)

Long ago, when the earth was new, everything was going well according to the universal harmony that the Great Spirit set in motion.

Then, the Anishinabeg did some disrespectful things, so the Creator sent a warning that all beings on earth would be destroyed. The eagle, a close friend of Anishinabeg, heard the news and volunteered to fly to the Creator's world. This took much bravery, as the bird would have to fly close to the sun and could be destroyed by the heat.

So, on a given day, the Eagle announced his departure and flew up, up and away towards the sun. Soon the bird was just a speck in the sky.

The eagle flew around the sun, onward toward the Creator. Finally it landed in the Creator's world.

"Who is walking in my world?" boomed the Creator. "It is I, Mi-Ge-Zi," the Eagle said in a trembling voice. "What is it you wish?" the Creator asked.

"I have come because I love Anishinabeg and I ask that you consider something besides destroying them. Perhaps you could send teachers to instruct about the good life. Perhaps these teachers could teach about their old ways of respect and honor among all creatures large and small."

"You speak bravely and with great wisdom. Yes, I will send teachers. They will be called Elders. Some will be messengers; others will be teachers who have lived long, respectful, healthy lives. These will be the ones who have gained experience, the ones who love in harmony with all creatures and all earthly beings; the ones who will tell stories, the ones who remember our old ways when all creatures and beings lived and worked together like in the beginning."

"Mi-Ge-Zi, Eagle, you are a brave and courageous being. For your strong character and heroic act on behalf of Anishinabeg, from this day forth, everything that is yours will be honored and revered as sacred. Your image, your feathers, your claws will be as symbols and messages of connections and communications to my world. From now on, all those who respect and honor you will get special help from me. Those whom your symbols protect, I will protect. Those who seek refuge in your power will hear my message to all beings on Earth.

Go back then and remain with Anishinabeg. You will also be a messenger a teacher, a symbol of courage and strength, respect, sacredness and honor."

This is why people must respect and honor the eagle.

Eagles are always very special and good signs. They represent protection, wealth, wisdom, foresight, strength, and spirituality. If one or more should approach while you are praying or performing a ceremony, then you know your prayers have been answered. If you see one while traveling, it may be telling you that a spiritual encounter may happen soon. Sometimes the Great Creator sends and Eagle just to check up on us, so when we see this, we always give special thanks to the Creator and the Eagle. The Eagle carries our prayers directly to the Great Creator, and is surely a most beautiful blessing. There is nothing in this world like the spiral at sunset where eagle dances on high winds. In eagle dance all prayers are surely delivered.

To Inspirations of the Winged Bards
