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Spring Rains 

March 14, 2001

Where the tiniest flower grows to bloom,

And the spring lilies grow in the June,

So shall the life of a tiny water fall,

With the mercy of love and grace so small,

This life gives its self to the pouring rains,

Spreading joy with the purity that flows,

Joining the waters collected into the circle,

So gathers the basin to fill a pond with life,

And to let the water lilies bloom,

And to feed the fish that lives in the waters so blue,

Breathing the spirit into the song of spring,

Tapping on roofs and falling to shores,

Gathering and collecting for summer storms to come,

The simple joys come in the rain so light,

Just a mist in a dark night,

Drifting on the moon clouded light,

Lullaby so sweet and welcome,

Warming my heart through the chilled spring nights.

The Druid's Year

It's been one year as I watched the seasons change, giving the light and inspirations I found through a very dramatic time in my life.  I found completeness in the shores of Lake Superior, and I found myself returning to school to finish something that has been a struggle for the last four years.  Perhaps without many friendships that had held me in the past, but so many more with my club.  The simple exchange of free thoughts going from person to person in perfect love and in perfect trust; my challenges seemed not so alone, not so great to overcome.   With the birth of this club, I found myself journeying like the pilgrim bird, the Peregrine.  Many nights I would sit with my keyboard in my lap conversing with people from all over the globe on this search for Truth.  I believe we all have a mission in life, mine is not complete but it is found in sharing.  My gift has been one of knowledge, and one of understanding.  I try to give that to you in another form, through my voice which sings the prose on the tip of my tongue, like the misty rains it flows in its own time.  Like the waters of Superior the ebb and flow of the waters kept their own rhythm, my solitude was shared by now over 80 members to Autumn Magick.  People who are there because they are my friends, people who wish to learn more of their own craft, and people who just want a place to lie their head and take a little piece of the club to themselves through the verses.  It doesn't really matter how I can describe each and everyone one of you, or how you came to find this circle, but it matters that you have found it within your heart to be with us and respect the simple inspirations and way that life flows.  I have watched the wheel of Arianrhod turn one full solar season after another, until they gathered the druid's time of one year and a day, and I await that coming with the drum that will be blessed on this day.  With my own rhythm and chant for each of us to come again into the arms of the circle with the same love and trust that bound my home from the beginning.   I have seen many creations disappear in similar fashion, but I believe this place holds something special.  For as long as I want it to be, so shall it.  And for as long as the spirit of the stag, and the fire burns in our hearth we will have it to welcome each one of you and see to it that our paths cross through an endless time.   Let the voices continue to grow and show their value in this gathering of a simply bound clan of unity.  With time each of us will come to see the trees turn their shades, and the flowers come under the solar lights that have been birthed through the calendar celebrations, come into our place under the magical stones that circle our grove and give us the strength to go on.  We can charter the moons quest also and honor it in it's night.  All this and more is blessed by the wheel of time and of nature.  Here we can express that and show our honor in the practice of environmental warriors and chroniclers.  Together we can chart the birds migrations, the birth of new animals, and the death of the old ones.  We can speak to them and listen and pass on the knowledge from a cauldron of shared knowledge, going on a little bit wiser and stronger in our steps with compassion yet left for the daily world in which we struggle.  So shall this place reside in our hearts, and in our voices.  So shall I drum and ask you to pick up your dance, voice, or instrument to celebrate this time in the season of Eoster and of birth.

~Autumn Joy

Where Love Lift's Its Wings